Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Power of Leverage

I have to say I love being a part of a business where $50,000 weeks are commonplace!

When I used to work a J.O.B, I was constantly trading my time for money...work an hour, make money for an hour. That's what most people do!

In fact, John and I were having a great conversation to day about "discount cards". You know...the cards you get from just about every store that you bring in to get special discounts or coupons.

Well, John went to Hallmark to get me a card (he's such a sweetheart) and the cashier was pressuring him to get the Hallmark discount card. She was so annoying about it, he finally gave in. And, then, as he was about to leave, she was telling him about all the coupons.

All this to get 10 cents off a $3.00 card. When John shared the story with me, I thought, she probably was so intent because that $3.00 seems expensive to someone making $7.00/hour. Think about it...she has to work almost 1 hour (after taxes) to make enough to buy the card.

And, if she wants to make more, she'll have to work more hours, maybe work some overtime, etc.

She doesn't understand the concept of leverage...benefitting from the efforts of others so the discount cards suddenly become absolutely meaningless in life!

The only way to true wealth is leverage.

So, how does someone achieve $50K in a week? It certainly isn't from trading time for money, it's from using leveraged systems...systems that employ duplication and allow you to leverage your time with others efforts and experience.

To learn more about leverage, go to http://www.realwealthrightnow.com/entrepreneurs.htm

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


I spent the last few days at Anthony Robbins Live Event Unleash the Power Within.

There are no words I could possibly use to describe it. Anthony Robbins is an amazing man...tireless energy, incredible passion, laser focus, total intention. The event was 4 days and I never wanted to leave the room. The power of the experience was sooooo impactful, the only thing I can say is if your SERIOUS about stepping your life up to the next level, ITS TIME FOR YOU TO SEE ANTHONY ROBBINS LIVE...or at least get a book or CD serious of his to start.

Now, I could sit here spewing about the ENERGY, the PHENOMENAL NETWORKING, the AMAZING PEOPLE, the POWERFUL EDUCATION....all of it. But what it all boils down to is RESULTS. And, ALREADY I'M SEEING THEM. I have the most powerful conversations in my business, people are calling me from everywhere looking to get started, and...I feel amazing!

I just read in an article that 1% of our society (about 3 million people) currently has as much money as the 100 million people who make up the 99%. Do you get that? 3 million people are worth as much in net worth as the other 100 million people. Why is that? Did they have more opportunity? Better education? More time? NO NO NO. A few of them may have had certain priviledges, but the reality is the MADE A DECISION TO BE IN THE TOP 1%. I did! I was raised in the lowest of the 100 million and DECIDED enough was enough...I was going to make it happen, be focused and move forward confidently!

It's simply a CHOICE!

"One Decision Can Change Your Life Forever!" - Anthony Robbins - Click Here To See Event Schedule!