Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Do You know YOU?

Before we can have a truly successful relationship, we must first learn to feel love for ourselves. Loving Yourself is Relationship 101. It is a required course.

We all know this. But knowing it and actualizing it are two different things.

To live with and accept yourself, you need to open your heart and listen to what it is telling you inside. Your heart will never lie to you because it only tells the truth. You must have the courage to ask your heart why you refuse to love yourself the way you are. Usually when we are unhappy with ourselves, it is because we are embarrassed about whatever we are trying to hide. You need to help yourself by accepting yourself and loving yourself for who you are. This is the first step in order to heal yourself and feel good about you.
You must realize that in order to change and strengthen yourself, you must accept yourself and learn how to live with ourselves in a productive manner. You need to look at life in a positive way. You need to say to yourself, “OK, I’m not happy with the person, I have become. I need to change and this is what I am going to do about it.” This is the first step to healing and strengthening our souls and self-esteem. Be proud in who you are. Be thankful each morning that you are You!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's Time to REALLY start enjoying Life!

Now that summer is close at hand, the time for enjoying some fun in the sun will be a welcome relief for so many! And even though it doesn't really matter what the weather's like or what the calendar tells us, the art of enjoying life is a conscious choice that calls for particular actions in order to truly be happy and in the present moment. So if you've been in a lousy rut for too long, can't remember the last time you kicked back and relaxed or even had a good laugh, here's some tips I've found that can lead you in the right direction:

1. Assess your stress level and respond to it appropriately. Some people become so stressed out by one major event in their life that the little things seem to evoke the same level of stress. When you allow yourself to be ruled by your emotions on a continual basis, this can often lead to mental as well as physical exhaustion. Ask yourself if the level of attention you're giving a certain matter is, in the scheme of things, actually warranted. Next year will you still be stewing over this matter or will you likely have forgotten about it? Although it's hard to look at a current stressor in this fashion, you need to in order to gauge the time and energy you're putting into the matter. Can you use this time for more productive matters? Oftentimes, the answer is yes.

2. Take a 'mental vacation.' You don't have to vacation in the Caribbean in order to feel relaxed. Relaxation is a state of mind and can come at any time and in any situation. The first part of this vacation is making a vow to yourself that you'll limit the negative statements that you think about yourself as well as others. Thinking in a negative way simply leads to feeling negative. Instead, counter negative thoughts and start each day with a positive statement. The second part of this vacation means surrounding yourself with as many positive people as possible. If family members or friends are adding to your stress, take a break from them. Allow yourself to regroup, reassess, and build a foundation that will allow you to enter more cautiously into these situations as well as think about how you really want to react in them.

So remember, no amount of of money will help you to enjoy life if you are miserable on the inside. And no relationship will define or complete you when a relationship - by definition - involves two or more people. Enjoying your life is simply a matter of the way that YOU feel! So get out there and start living your best life...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hey, do you know about Ping.fm? You can update your blog, twitter, facebook, myspace and more all from one place. It rocks!

The Wonders of Walking!

It is important to realize that walking is a great way to improve your overall health and one of best exercises available. If you want to improve your general health and keep fit, or if you want to reduce your weight, walking is a good place to start and has a multitude of health benefits for.

And so that you do not become bored, it always worth finding different locations to walk or varying the routes and if at all possible ask someone to join you as the time will pass faster and it will be more enjoyable. In fact there is a growing popularity for machines that can be used to mimic ordinary physical activities like walking, running, cycling and even skiing.

Of all the fitness equipment available, the treadmill is still the most commonly purchased piece of home keep fit apparatus. Because the belt is motorized and not regulated by your own walking pace it allows for a huge degree of versatility whereby the speed and difficulty can be adjusted and the use of pre-set programs can increase your fat burning or improve your cardiovascular health.

Ultimately it is the convenience of a treadmill that is hard to beat because if even if you only have ten minutes to spare you can use it so it means you can walk at any time you feel like it.

Walking is a wonderful way to start your exercise routine as it is low impact, you need no special equipment, and it costs nothing. You don't even have to start with the thirty minutes straight away but build up to it gradually so that within a few weeks you will be up to the 30 minutes a day...and the rewards are AMAZING!!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Wow! John's Bridging the Gap Workshop is almost sold out and we're still two weeks away. Get the details: www.JohnLaveniaLive.com
I've learned so much at the Social Networking site. Can't wait to share it all:)

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Go Yoga!

I absolutely love Yoga and when I learned of all the great benefits from this wonderful technique, I had to share!

Did you know that YOGA is extremely effective in:

* Increasing Flexibility – yoga has positions that act upon the various joints of the body including those joints that are never really on the ‘radar screen’ let alone exercised.

*Increasing lubrication of the joints, ligaments and tendons – likewise, the well-researched yoga positions exercise the different tendons and ligaments of the body.
Surprisingly it has been found that the body which may have been quite rigid starts experiencing a remarkable flexibility in even those parts which have not been consciously work upon. Why? It is here that the remarkable research behind yoga positions proves its mettle. Seemingly unrelated “non strenuous” yoga positions act upon certain parts of the body in an interrelated manner. When done together, they work in harmony to create a situation where flexibility is attained relatively easily.

*Massaging of ALL Organs of the Body – Yoga is perhaps the only form of activity which massages all the internal glands and organs of the body in a thorough manner, including those – such as the prostate - that hardly get externally stimulated during our entire lifetime. Yoga acts in a wholesome manner on the various body parts. This stimulation and massage of the organs in turn benefits us by keeping away disease and providing a forewarning at the first possible instance of a likely onset of disease or disorder.

*Complete Detoxification – By gently stretching muscles and joints as well as massaging the various organs, yoga ensures the optimum blood supply to various parts of the body. This helps in the flushing out of toxins from every nook and cranny as well as providing nourishment up to the last point. This leads to benefits such as delayed ageing, energy and a remarkable zest for life.

*Excellent toning of the muscles – Muscles that have become flaccid, weak or slothy are stimulated repeatedly to shed excess flab and flaccidity.

Wow, with all of these amazing benefits aren’t you ready to harness the power of yoga and gain the 3-fold Advantage of Fitness + Freedom from Stress + Happiness!