Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's Time to REALLY start enjoying Life!

Now that summer is close at hand, the time for enjoying some fun in the sun will be a welcome relief for so many! And even though it doesn't really matter what the weather's like or what the calendar tells us, the art of enjoying life is a conscious choice that calls for particular actions in order to truly be happy and in the present moment. So if you've been in a lousy rut for too long, can't remember the last time you kicked back and relaxed or even had a good laugh, here's some tips I've found that can lead you in the right direction:

1. Assess your stress level and respond to it appropriately. Some people become so stressed out by one major event in their life that the little things seem to evoke the same level of stress. When you allow yourself to be ruled by your emotions on a continual basis, this can often lead to mental as well as physical exhaustion. Ask yourself if the level of attention you're giving a certain matter is, in the scheme of things, actually warranted. Next year will you still be stewing over this matter or will you likely have forgotten about it? Although it's hard to look at a current stressor in this fashion, you need to in order to gauge the time and energy you're putting into the matter. Can you use this time for more productive matters? Oftentimes, the answer is yes.

2. Take a 'mental vacation.' You don't have to vacation in the Caribbean in order to feel relaxed. Relaxation is a state of mind and can come at any time and in any situation. The first part of this vacation is making a vow to yourself that you'll limit the negative statements that you think about yourself as well as others. Thinking in a negative way simply leads to feeling negative. Instead, counter negative thoughts and start each day with a positive statement. The second part of this vacation means surrounding yourself with as many positive people as possible. If family members or friends are adding to your stress, take a break from them. Allow yourself to regroup, reassess, and build a foundation that will allow you to enter more cautiously into these situations as well as think about how you really want to react in them.

So remember, no amount of of money will help you to enjoy life if you are miserable on the inside. And no relationship will define or complete you when a relationship - by definition - involves two or more people. Enjoying your life is simply a matter of the way that YOU feel! So get out there and start living your best life...

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