Monday, February 12, 2007

The World is Evolving

The world is evolving and it's a great thing to be a part of. I would say the world has had enough of the negativity, the wars, the economic throws of globalization, the corporate "who cares about you" mentality, the "take this pill" and it will all be better solution, and the medias sensationizing of everything bizarre, cruel and haneous. Just turn on the news...where's the positive stories of people assisting people, of the successes in life, of the accomplishments? Instead we get death counts, misrepresented information, crime statistics, warnings...even the weather is rarely correct. We are inundated with information from every direction: TV, radio, e-mail, RSS, newspapers, magazines, etc. You can stream it to you in millions of ways so you never have to face the silence of yourself. ever source is telling a different story with a different angle intended to attract you into the black hole of information overload. People aren't even comfortable sitting in silence anymore.

John and I were at a restaurant the other day (a daily experience for us) and there were numerous families present. The story was the same from table to table...drones disconnected from each other barely even conscious of each other's presence. The kids mesmorized by portable electronic games, parents sucked in the paper or sales circulars. I'm sure their convinced of the urgency to "know what's going on the world". How about what's going on in THEIR world?

People are sucked into the commercialization of everything. They NEED this and NEED that, racking up tons of debt, working harder, enjoying less and constantly stressed out about the inevitable dooms day of job cutbacks, layoffs or downsizing. The clock is ticking. Just drive in rush hour on any given day. You can feel the frustration, disappointment and stress. It's a killer. But don't worry, there's a pill (or 10) you can take for it. How about just eating healthy, exercising more and relaxing. Most people don't even "have time" for a vacation anymore.

I think the world is waking up. They've had enough. People are getting back to the basics of connecting. Just look at all the reality shows that have popped up. People want to connect to "real people". They want to see success...they want to see SOMEONE win, even if it isn't them personally. It gives them hope there's more out there. The world is changing. People are seeking answers to break free, to realize their potential. They've known there's more, they've dreamed of and now they are seeking it. I remember being in this grey haze, of going to work, surviving until the next day. Believing there was more and then I found it, grabbed it and ran with it.

The personal development marketplace is thriving. People are seeking to grow, to achieve, to live. The stories of constant death and destruction are making their own personal mortality even more apparent. Last year people spent more than $8.9 Billion on personal development and growth products (and that's not including the diet market). Tony Robbins' business is exploding. New personal development gurus are popping up left and right. What the Bleep? has become a household name. Bob Proctor's The Secret is taking the world by storm...he's been on Larry King, Ellen and even Oprah. People are tuning in to empower themselves, their tired of choosing to be disempowered for so long. They are turning off the TV and opening up books filled with worlds of wisdom, enlightenment and success strategies.

The more people who join this movement the more change we'll have - every person contributes the change in the energy of this planet. People are learning how to move from a lack, struggle, victim way of being to a prosperity, creative, empowered way of being. It's a natural happiness that is passing on to children. The school systems have been restricting kids for so long, it's time for them to empower children but we have to be the leaders first. We're on a mission. This evolution is building serious momentum and I'm excited to be a cause for the transformation of the world. Leadership is the most precious commodity. Time is the greatest gift we have. Using our time to provide people with leadership and an example of powerful living is the greatest contribution you can make in the world.

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