It was very revealing as to the state of our society...a society that is comprised of people who don't believe in their own potential, lack desire to success and are without the fortitude of the great men and women who have been awesome examples of persistence, belief and passion!
People have so much unrealized's time to tap into it!
I wanted to share an excerpt from the email and my response...
Dear Shannon
Please remove me from this list. I tried out the system last fall, untill my brother Leigh pointed out to me that 80% of those who start don't earn any money, while 20 % earn loads. That whole 80 % lose or stand still. The so called "winners," are standing on the shoulders of the losses and gullibility, or desperation of others. I can't live with that, can you? ...
My response:
Dear M,
It's unfortunate you allowed your brother to convince you that you would be part of the 80%. Look around, most people are broke, fat and lazy.
It's their choice.
When I got started with this system, I was broke, fat and lazy.
I plugged into system, followed the leadershp and DECIDED I wouldn't settle anymore. I became part of the 20% because I was determined to win...just like Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Howard Hughes and all the other people born into poverty who DECIDE to make a life for themselves and be the living example of success and accomplishment, REGARDLESS of all the poeple who "warn" them out of so-called "good intentions".
The awesome news. In our society only 3% of people ever make it to an income of over $100K. With our system, it's over 20%...try that on for size!!! That's the power of our system!
Sorry you worry about people failing...I don't. It's their choice. The system works. Works for me, works for lots of people on my team.
It would be a sad day when I don't show people an opportunity that can give them freedom and allow them to unleash their incredible potential, that works and has worked for thousands...because I don't believe in them or their potential! I BELIEVE in people and I know, without doubt, anyone can have success here if they truly want it.
Do people fail? Absolutely! I show them how they can actually win is up to them. However...80% of people quit b/c someone convinced them they couldn't win. That's how weak our society is.
Your brother must being living an awesome, successful life for you to believe in him so much you let him steal your opportunity of being part of the 20% who wins in life. gave up your opportunity to make a difference; to be the example of success and leadership.
Next time you use a computer, remember...Bill Gates decided he wouldn't be a loser and so our society now has all this great technology.
Thank you Bill Gates. I'm sure Bill's friends, brother, neighbor, the guy in the supermarket...they probably all told him how many people fail when they start a many people probably told him he didn't have a chance without a college many people, I'm sure, tried to convince him he'd never get rich with those "computer thingies...".
What about all the people who dream of making it to the Olympics...they spend hundreds of thousands on travel, training, tools, education, etc...a very small percentage of them ever make it. The coaches and trainers charge thousands for coaching and they know only a very small percentage have a chance. Should they not offer the coaching because they believe the kids are going to fail??? So, should we start telling kids..."no way little Johnny, don't even dream about it. Don't think you could ever do it because 99.99% of people who try won't ever make it. Save your money, your energy and your time because, according to the statistics...YOU DON'T HAVE A CHANCE!".
What a hopeless world that would be!
My next goal in be a talk show host. Yes, less than .003 percent of people ever make it on TV but I'm going for it. Thank you Oprah for being the example and for not believing in all the feeble minded people who tried to convince you that you weren't as powerful as you are! Thank you to LLI and all the leaders here for showing me I didn't have to stay broke, fat and miserable, for believing in MY potential even though others chose to fail. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I'll let you know when my show is on.
Make it a great day,
PS: I have happily removed you from my list.
It's this kind of victim"ness" that has created our society to be one of defeat, blame and litigation...people want to blame others. Our society lacks true leadership....people are looking around at other people failing and they are saying, "oh...I'll settle for failure too" so I can fit in and be "normal".
That's a bunch of BUNK....Living a life of wealth, freedom and empowerment is simply a decision and I'm glad I made it.
If people only knew that I spent the first 18 years of my life mentally, sexually, physically single mother was murdered, yes MURDERED with her boyfriend when I was 7, I was homeless, abandoned, neglected, left to sleep alone in cars, broke and beaten...and this is the PG version of my life!
ReplyDeleteYou are so true. The cool thing is you can still be lazy and fat (like me) and still make a killing with this business.
I recieved a similar email from a gal who chose not to change her life. In the email she stated that she couldn't do this as she feared it would take away from her "family time". I was like..."What??"
She works over 40 hours week, and she is going to pass on an opportunity where she could be with her kids all day long, and make money?? Not to mention take a stand and prove to them that once you make a decision and take action you can have anything you want in their lives.
When I found this business 6 weeks ago I jumped in, hell I borrowed the money to get started from my in laws (who have seen my "try" other "deals" over the last 6 years, and gave me such crap It literally made me cry. In one week I got qualified, quit my job, and put 2k in my pocket, and I haven't looked back since.
The only difference between the 20% and the 80% is one thing.....a Decision.
Chose to be the is that easy.
Don't believe me??
Well continue to not make powerful decisions and you will be in the 80% by default.
Or you could join Us...
Either way its your decision.
God Bless
ReplyDeleteGreat job letting off steam! I know, it's frustrating!!
I've been trying to get into LLI for a year and a half. I keep running into walls but, I will not give up!! There isn't a day goes by that I'm not researching this new way of thinking.(I do mean, old way)
I can not believe that people still can't think for themselves!
My uncle said once "Isn't it amazing that we (humans) are the intelligent species on this planet! When you look at the wild kindom, their very first second in this world and they have to learn to breath, eat and RUN for thier life to survive!" Yes, as humans, it takes us years and years to learn (infact we never stop learning all our lives). if the tables were turned tomorrow most of us would parish for sure! We have to start acting from instinct and not what "He said or she said!" I truly believe that our heart and our mind tell us what to do, we just have to start trusting to listen to them!
I'm sorry, got carried away, oops!
In my researcher, I stumbled in to this Investment Forum
Now, I'm sorry but, when I hear working from a computer and cold calling somebody that might be interested in your product is HARD WORK! I go into a rage!
Let me tell you something people! Cleaning caked on crap from a toilet or puke from a urinal and cleaning up after the general public and drunks! That's hard work! Yes, you guessed it I own my own commercial cleaning company but, I too, do all the work, I work everynight (except Christmas day), I haven't had a holiday in ten years (ever since I opened for business)And no, I am not looking for a shoulder to cry on! Furthermore, I know that there are more people that have it far worse off than that. But, everybody has their own choice to "Sink or Swim!" Quit trying to get a free ride by letting everybody else do your work for you!
It is just like you have been saying all along. Follow those who show results not ones who just talk about how it could be.
My last rant:
It is time to put the words: Do as I say, not as I do. To rest!
And start teaching: Do as I do, not as I say.
P.S. Shannon I wanted to ask your permission to conversate via e-mail but, I realize you probably have a billion e-mails to sift through already. You can reply at or not.
Again, sorry for the winded comment but, your blog struck a chord hard enough for me to take time out of my busy schedule to write this. Now, I guess I'm late for work so, I gotta' run. Thanks for your blogs. You keep my mind and my thoughts well fed!
Thanks Again,
Jim Reid aka:Crazy Canuck!
All I can say is goose bumps.