What is "DESTINY"? In simple terms, destiny is
God's purpose for your life. It is your appointed or
ordained future. Destiny is what God has predetermined you to be and to become, in His divine will.
Do you know that there is something that you are uniquely designed to do?Maybe you are already doing that. Maybe you are not. Let me run some questions past you just to make sure:
Do you spring out of bed every morning with boundless energy, eagerly wanting to throw yourself into the day ahead?
Does your work fulfill you to the point where you would do it for much less than what you are already being paid for it?
Do you have endless ideas running through your mind that inspire you to do more and be more?
Do you feel as though you are a valuable member of society and that you are being well rewarded for the value that you give?
Do you feel respected and admired by others for what you do, the value you give and the person that you are becoming?
And lastly, are you really & truly content and happy with your role in society and does that feeling manifest itself in your daily dealings with other people?
If you cannot answer yes to the questions above then you are not being fulfilled. You are not working towards your ULTIMATE destiny. You see, there is something that you are uniquely designed to do and if you ever want to be truly HAPPY you must find out what that thing is! So I say to you, look deep inside yourslef, find your passion then start the process needed to Fulfill your destiny. Turn your life into a work of art because YOU deserve it!
Just wanted to drop a hello and thank you for the wonderful examples you and John have been to David and I. Your last black belt call was incredibly inspirational and right on, as is this post. You know as I've begun this new year, I am empowered by my decisions, and have seriously had days, where when I lay down at night, I think, "I really did everything I wanted to do today." And that feels so good to be in that place of feeling complete. Thanks again for being the valuable member of my life that you are. We'll see you in March.