Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Bringing out the best YOU!

"Remember that the most difficult tasks are consummated, not by a single explosive burst of energy or effort, but by the constant daily application of the best you have within you." - Og Mandino.

Money can't buy happiness we are told from the time we are young, but most of us laugh, and reply, "but I'd surely like to try and find out!" Almost every person admits to trying to find the secret to happiness. Sometimes, it may seem as if others have everything going for them, and that they lead a charmed life. It may appear that they achieve success every time they try something new. Then, we may compare their situation to our own lives, and realize that we have more than our fair share of struggles.

The person who seems to have an easier time of negotiating life's bumpy roads knows that life is so very short, and they cannot dwell on what they don't have, but instead, must focus on what they do have. They learn to appreciate their own accomplishments and those of their friends and family members. They can make decisions about goals for who they want to become, and set out to achieve those goals.

So I say to you, don't let life's adversities keep you down for long, instead use the hard times to really see the beauty in your own life and learn from it!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Love the quote Shannon and all the great info here. I had no idea you had a blog. I'll be back often.

    See you at the barbeque in about a week!
