Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Life of Excited Anticipation

You know the feeling you get on Christmas morning right before you are about to open the presents?

Or the excitement you experience as you're days away from an exciting trip?

The anticipation of something great days before your birthday?

The moment you proposed or were proposed too?

You know what I'm talking about, the jump-up-and-down, smile from ear to ear, dance around the room excited anticipation?

It dawned on me today...that's my life!

I'm heading to Australia in a few weeks...another trip of a lifetime. Last year it was Africa, Cancun, Canada, Colorado...

Now, it's Australia and New Zealand. In a few weeks I'll be soaring down a New Zealand mountain on my snowboard...when it's 110 in Tucson, I'll be boarding down a beautiful mountain on the other side of the Earth.

And I've got a smile ear to ear and have been dancing around my house like a little kid!

When I worked as a teacher, I was numb to life. I was deliberately numb because my life sucked and facing it would have just put me into a permanent state of instead I went numb. And one day I looked in the mirror and asked myself, "What the hell are you doing?"

Life is short...let's face it. The clock is ticking and every year it ticks faster and faster so it was time to make a change. A drastic, life changing, live evolving change.

And, I took a chance and jumped into the life I wanted as an entrepreneur.

That was an entirely different type of anticipation...nervous, pee your pants, sweaty palms anticipation. But I worked through it and I'm glad I did.

I love my, I live each day with excited anticipation for the adventure my life IS.

I adore my husband...he's absolutely awesome. We just celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary...we've been together 10 years. I love spending time with him. When I worked for someone else, I never got too. And when we did have time together, we only talked about being broke. We had dreams but everyday our dreams were becoming more distant.

I'm grateful my husband found this opportunity and openned my eyes to it. I'll forever be grateful. Because now I get to honor the kid inside of me...I get to live a life of excited anticipation. I get to create the adventure of my life and what a great adventure it is!

So, how does this apply to the Millionaire Mastermind. Understand, Millionaire's choose to create the income they do for one reason and one reason only: FREEDOM. Money = Opportunity. Money = Choices. That's the bottom line. Without it, you're limited, with it, your free. And it's a choice.

People always tell me I've been lucky. Yes, I have. But it's because I chose luck. You know, I was broke when I found this opportunity, It would have been EASY to say, "I'm too broke to make a change". Rather, I said, "I'm broke, I'm going to make a change"...whatever it takes.

That's right WHATEVER IT TAKES. If Don Trump came to me and said you have to travel around Tucson and pick up Dog Poop for the next 2 years and at the end of 2 years you'll have 10 million in the bank...I would do it! I wouldn't say, "oh it's something I have to feel good about or something I have to like...I can make myself like anything, I can talk myself into loving picking up dog poop and I'll tell you...I'd be the best dog poop picker upper you ever saw. The reality, "Successful people are in the habit of doing the things that Magazine articles would be written about my dog poop collection skill! Why? Because I know there is a price to pay and I'm willing to pay it. More than that, I'm eager to pay it and I love every minute of it.

Why? because the $10 million translates to adventure, freedom, fun and opportunity. The income gives me choices. And, the duty itself is an adventure! I'd rather live a life of choice and opportunity than fear and limitation anyday and I'll continue to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

The payoff: Waking up every morning with excited anticipation! You know the smile a little kid has when they've just gotten that cool new toy? That's the smile I wake up with everyday!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Day at Work

John and I often hang out in each other's offices throughout the day...there just a few steps from our bedroom and a few steps from each others.

I snapped this picture of him with Munchkie and Lucy today as they played on the couch in my 'office'...

I love working for myself...I love working from home. I'm glad I made the decision to create my life as it is today.

It's moments like this that have me reflect on what I settled for when I worked a job. My husband is so fun and amazing...I settled for never seeing him.

Now, I get to spend time with him and my dogs everyday...enjoy each moment and each experience. Relaxed, present and just having fun!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Time for Fun!

One of the things I love most about working from home is the freedom!

When I worked a job, someone told me when I had to be at work, how long I had to stay, what I had to do...I was even told when I could go to the bathroom - can you imagine??? Yep, that's what I endured.

I am sooooo happy I stepped out of my comfort zone of that "work for a paycheck" way of being and into my own business. Life today, looks nothing like what it used to do.

Today, John and I decided we wanted to play air hockey. Since we don't have one in our home...actually we don't have room for one, can you believe that? 5300 sq feet and we don't have a spot for an air hockey table! I actually suggested we get rid of the dining room set and put one there...John wasn't hot on the idea.

So, we got in the Bentley and went to lunch. We went to Montana Avenue...gosh it was fabulous. Everyone else was in shirts,ties,dresses...all the business people there. Stressed out, rushed, acting all serious abou their 'very important' business conversations...that used to be us. We'll we sat there in our summer wear, relaxed and enjoyed ever single bite of our lunch and it was yummy. Laughing and just having a great time. You know, I love the fact that I have lunch with my husband every single day!

Then we drove down the street to the arcade. You know the type of place...they have go carts, batting cages, arcade games, mini golf. We walked right in and there were busses of kids there (apparently this is a cool 8th grade graduation trip). Everyone looked at us like, "What are these THESE people doing here"? We were the ONLY adults there who weren't employees or teachers. Can you believe that...we couldn't find even one parent there just having fun with their kids.

How sad...

Needless to say we had a blast. We played 5 games of air hockey and then wandered over to the driving games...the ones with the steering wheels and crazy street racing cars. That was a blast.

And all of this in the middle of the afternoon...just because we can! That's freedom.

And, if you think the looks we got when we walked into the place were should have seen the looks when we walked out and got in our Bentley!!!

I guess it is strange to most people...adults, having fun in the afternoon, driving a $190,000 car.'s simply a choice.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Power of Masterminding

I know I've said it before...there's nothing more powerful than masterminding with people who are moving in the same direction; people who share a vision.

On Saturday, we hosted a 1 day training for our team in Atlanta. The Extreme Team Leadership Invitational had about 400 attendees and it was an incredibly powerful day.

What made it powerful? What made it incredible?

This day was the formulation of the vision of many leaders, all coming together sharing their ideas and supporting each other in the fulfillment of their individual visions. The energy was explosive, the information has already produced hundreds of thousands in income, and each person...because of their committment, belief and excitement, presented as though their natural home on this planet is a stage.

One of our guests has been to hundreds of seminars...he said this was the most impactful and moving training he had ever been too.

And none of the speakers were paid even a cent to give of their time...they did it out of service. Genuine generosity of time, spirt and knowledge for the benefit of everyone.

When we arrived in Atlanta (which by the way is a fantastic city), we were met with smiling faces, eager associates ready to learn, ready to capitalize on what we had to share with them.

Because the audience was filled with trusting, open team members, they knew we were giving them the best we had. There were no secrets being information was all laid out, all given to everyone who was eager to learn.

So powerful.

It never would have happened if not for the collaboration amongst leaders. The open and authentic communication that takes place when you connect with like-minded people who are moving together towards a common destination...success, wealth, freedom and happiness.

Thank you to everyone who had a part in contributing to my vision...and expanded it to be more than I ever even imagined possible.