Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Power of Masterminding

I know I've said it before...there's nothing more powerful than masterminding with people who are moving in the same direction; people who share a vision.

On Saturday, we hosted a 1 day training for our team in Atlanta. The Extreme Team Leadership Invitational had about 400 attendees and it was an incredibly powerful day.

What made it powerful? What made it incredible?

This day was the formulation of the vision of many leaders, all coming together sharing their ideas and supporting each other in the fulfillment of their individual visions. The energy was explosive, the information has already produced hundreds of thousands in income, and each person...because of their committment, belief and excitement, presented as though their natural home on this planet is a stage.

One of our guests has been to hundreds of seminars...he said this was the most impactful and moving training he had ever been too.

And none of the speakers were paid even a cent to give of their time...they did it out of service. Genuine generosity of time, spirt and knowledge for the benefit of everyone.

When we arrived in Atlanta (which by the way is a fantastic city), we were met with smiling faces, eager associates ready to learn, ready to capitalize on what we had to share with them.

Because the audience was filled with trusting, open team members, they knew we were giving them the best we had. There were no secrets being information was all laid out, all given to everyone who was eager to learn.

So powerful.

It never would have happened if not for the collaboration amongst leaders. The open and authentic communication that takes place when you connect with like-minded people who are moving together towards a common destination...success, wealth, freedom and happiness.

Thank you to everyone who had a part in contributing to my vision...and expanded it to be more than I ever even imagined possible.

1 comment:

  1. It was a great event Shannon. Thank you for providing us with solid information and powerful support for our businesses.

    You rock!
