I must admit I was petrified at the idea...I had an entire story running in my mind. A mental film, of which I was the star. In this mental movie, I stepped onto the hot coals with hundreds of people looking on and the smell of burning flesh began to permeate the air. I ran screaming across the coals and looked down at my crispy feet...swollen, blistered and in pain. I then spent the next few days on crutches as my wounded feet healed. Worse, because I had the experience, hundreds of others bailed on the opportunity to walk through the coals.
Thank God it was only a mental movie!!! Isn't it amazing how we create these grand dramas to prevent us from moving forward in life. I know of hundreds of people who have created movies like this in their head about starting a business...except they allowed the movie to stop them from moving forward.
Walking across the coals was simply, liberating and extremely exciting! It was awesome to erase the movie and create a new movie...one of achievement and excellence. That's how simple it is...we all get to choose the movie we create. It can be one of fear and drama, or it can be an Oscar winning movie of achievement and outrageous success. Yes, the heroine or hero will inevitably have some great adversities and obstacles to overcome, but it is out of this that great accomplishments are born.
Then I got to watch John go...he was a pro!
Great job! :))
Hi John & Shannon, you two help to inspire me and help me stay enthused. Thank you. I want to share with you my mind movie I created last weekend (gary mentioned this on aa call tonight).