Would you work for $15.00 an hour?
A 40 hour work week at $15.00 an hour is $600.00 a week (not taking out taxes). Times that by 52 weeks assumming the person doesn't take a vacation and it's a yearly income of $31,200.
Shocking to think I used to work for less than that.
So why bring that up? I put an ad on Craigslist the other day for a personal assistant. Someone to take my clothes to the dry cleaner, answer emails, take down phone messages, etc. And, I offered $15.00 an hour...about the going rate for these tasks. I though maybe I'd get 10 or 15 resumes.
I got over 100!
Literally I was shocked! I place an add for a business opportunity telling people they can make $250K in the next six-12 months, be totally independent and have an amazing lifestyl and I get 12 responses. I place an add offering $15.00 an hour, a cell phone, and the opportunity to work like a dog for me and I get over 100 responses. There are hundreds of people looking to work for $15.00 an hour...it seems so ludicrous to me now, understanding the power of human ability and the laws of attraction. Why would anyone settle for $15.00 an hour?
Not just that...but some of the resumes were graduates of Berkeley, had Master's Degrees in Marketing, had owned their own business and now they were applying to take my dirty laundry to the drycleaners. Unbelievable!
It reminded me of the distinct differences between people who win in life and people who struggle. Admittedly, I used to be one of the strugglers...I probably would have jumped at the chance to work for $15.00 an hour. Until I decided I was worth more; that I DESERVED more and made a COMMITTMENT to BE, DO AND HAVE more in my life.
I began to study, to learn from great masters like Napolean Hill, Dr. Joseph Murphy, Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump...I studied them and followed their direction. They all said the same thing...
1. Decide What You Want
2. Commit To Getting It Regardless of Any Circumstances or Adversities You May Face
3. Do Whatever It Takes
4. Sacrifice Immediate Pleasures for Long-term Results
5. Change Your Environment and Surround Yourself with Successful People
6. Be Coachable and Find a Mentor
Well, thank God for Network Marketing because I was able to do all of these things in 1 place. I found a successful mentor, did what I was told, surrounded myself with people winning in life and immediately cut all communication with negative friends and family, studied powerful education (not the crap I learned in college) and within 90 days my life was transformed. I went from making $26K a year to $26K a month. It was simple...apply effort, commit to succeed, take action!
So, why would anyone settle for $15.00 an hour...they've given up on possibilities and they believe that's all that is possible for them. People are constantly watching the news, listening to forcasts of financial despair, watching people struggle and they buy into the crap. So, while everyone else is griping about gas prices and the economy, I made over $100K in the last 6 weeks. How? By staying focused on my goals. I am determined to buy a new house here in Los Feliz in LA. I am determined to get a new Lexus GX470, I am determined to have 3 new investment properties in LA by December 31st. I am determined to go snowboarding in NZ in September. That's all I focus on all day long. I don't watch the news, I don't listen to people's negativity, I simply focus on my goals, smile, talk to energetic people who inspire me and live a life on purpose.
So, now, sorting through all the applications will be a treat. I've already deleted half of them for not following instructions.