Today is a day to be grateful for all the freedoms we enjoy in the United States.
I am very fortunate to have travelled to many countries, including Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is a beautiful country, filled with gracious, loving and generous people who are subjected to the rule of an incompetent and selfish dictator - Mugabe. It was during my visit to Zimbabwe that I truly realized how fortunate I am to be an American. The people there live in fear to vote, go without food, are limited in their industry and many fathers work more than 50 miles from their families and during their one week off a year, will walk home to visit.
So, yes, I hate the IRS just like everyone else. Yes, I think Bush is a bafoon. Yes, I think there's so much we could improve, but I still wake up every morning to opportunity. There's no police carrying machine guns on my corner. I do not live in fear of my government. I live in freedom, enjoying a life of ease and fun.
Today on July 4th, take time to realize the freedoms you have. Take a moment to read the Declaration of Independence that 56 Brave Men risked their liberties and lives to sign the Declaration of Indepence. Be responsible with these rights...responsible to know them, to honor them and to protect them. They are your rights and noone can deny you these rights.
The powerful preamble of our Declaration of Independence...born to create a government for the people by the people:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
How often have you thought about the freedoms you enjoy...really thought about it? In our country we have the right to vote, the right to express ourselves, the right to protect ourselves, the right to industry and prosperity, the right to happiness and liberty. It is my opinion, based on my experience, that many people simply take these liberties for granted without even realizing what an honor they are to have. Take the right to vote for instance...did you know that less than 50% of Americans turned out to vote in the last presidential election (but almost 100% of them are willing to complain about the government, president, etc.). Why don't people vote? Because they don't!!!! There's no good reason...yes, some people say they are too busy (but they won't miss American Idol), or they don't think their vote matters (but they'll sure give you their opinion on the state of things!).
Gratitude for our freedoms means making the most of them. We live in an industrious country without limitation on prosperity...make the most of it. We live in a country where every vote counts...make the most of it (register to vote today). We live in a country where we have the right to protect ourselves...make the most of it. We live in a country where we have the right to communicate and express ourselves...make the most of it! Enjoy these freedoms as others are fighting throughout the world, right now for the same priveledges. People are giving their lives right now for the same rights.
Here in Los Angeles, there is an incredible organization that is working diligently to procure the rights of every human being on earth...the Youth for Human Rights Organization. If you haven't seen their videos that are throughout the web and playing on many TV stations, check them out here: They are incredibly moving.
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