I decided I'd make dinner at home today. It's been quite a few weeks since I've cooked and for some unknown reason I got the urge (I'm not particularly domestic, hence the 3 meals a day at our local restaurants).
So, I cooked (and it was quite good). John and I dined together on the patio along with our two dogs Lucy and Munckie. Lucy & Munckie sat and stared at us during our entire dinner...they didn't tire, they gave 100% to their begging efforts, intent on a scrap of delectable dinner. The intensity of their begging had me thinking...
Wouldn't it be awesome if every single person put forth such intensity and effort into their chose profession? Think about it...Lucy and Munckie show up without fail everytime John and I sit down at home to eat. They glare and lick their chops, the wiggle their tails, they give 100%. They continue at it until the plates are in the dishwasher...their level of intention is unmarkable. They follow me into the kitchen, never giving up until at last they can no longer see the plate and I've sat down to another activity.
Sometimes they win, sometimes they don't, but they always show up and expect to get it.
I know in my business, the key to winning is focus. As in any game of sales, sometimes you make the sale, sometimes you don't. If you allow the times you don't to affect you, you'll miss the potential sales. If Lucy and Munckie gave up on their begging efforts because they didn't get a tidbit last time, it would be guaranteed they wouldn't get a tidbit this time.
Sometimes their begging is so intense, I'll actually go make a little extra something for them as a reward. If they didn't give 100% they wouldn't have gotten it. Show up, give 100% and there is guaranteed success.
What a simple lesson but a powerful reminder from my two babies!
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