Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The REAL sources of pollution

Let's face it folks, it isn't just the cars we drive or the plastic water bottles. Factory farms produce an obscene amount of pollution.

Yes, let's find alternative fuels, but let's also take a look at the absurb amount of animals that are breed and slaughtered to feed American's overconsumption of meat.

Does a person really need a 24oz Porterhouse when 6-8oz is the healthy portion? And, what about all the waste! A huge portion of the meat grown and butchered actually is never rots because it's never sold or eaten.

It's about responsibility in all areas...I'm not saying everyone should be vegan. That's a personal choice, but be conscious of what you eat, where it comes from the the true sources of pollution in the world.

Here's some shocking reports:

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