Sunday, October 29, 2006

Gratitude for Opportunity

I am what some people would refer to as a "Dog Fanatic". I love my dogs, refer to them as my children and sometimes (to their dismay) even dress them in fashionable attire. I love being self-employed because of the income it produces, but most of all, because I get to hang with my dogs all day. We go for walks, play outside and just hang out. We have quite a crew: Munchkie - a pug-chihuahua rescued from Pima Animal Care, Pharaoh - a retired greyhound from AZ Greyhound Rescue, and Jay - a dingo mix rescued from the East Orange Animal Shelter. My love for my dogs has moved to be do substantial work in animal rescue.

Jay was our first dog. I rescued him from a shelter he had been at for over 8 months. He was scared and fearful and had been abused at the shelter suffering a broken leg and internal injuries, but I could see the love in him. I brought him home and he took it upon himself to become my personal guarddog...lunging at my then-boyfriend whenever he tried to come near me. John was so patient, working with the trainer and giving him love. His gentleness and patience with Jay was actually what had me fall head over heals in love with him. Jay was overjoyed when John and I tied the knot.

Jay's been with us for 7 years. He was with us when we were so broke we rolled coins for food, living in tiny apartments. He was with us when we journeyed cross country to Arizona, captaining the U-Haul like a professional road dog. And, he's been with us on the journey to wealth, now living in a massive 5300 sq home and riding around in a new Range Rover like he's a pedigreed pup.

On Monday, Jay was diangosed with cancer. We had just returned from a weekend trip to Sedona with our three pups and something just wasn't right. They had started doing tests before we left and upon our return did an ultrasound and found a mass growing in bladder and prostate. The poor guy couldn't even pee. They did some procedures to relieve his bladder and sent us home for the night. The bill...$1300.00 on top of the $1000.00 we spent the previous week for all the tests. The thought of losing Jay was devestating. I'm just not ready to see him go. He's a constant joy in my life. When I'm home (most of the day) he's by my feet. When I go out and come home he greets me like I'm a queen. He's a constant guardian, alerting us whenever anyone is approaching our home. He a part of our life and life as we know it just wouldn't be the same without him.

We spent most of the week meeting with veterinarians, specialists, canine oncologists and doing tests. Jay was such a trooper. During this all, his energy has been great! He had a catheter put in which we drain and he's running around like a puppy. He's started his chemotherapy and is getting better by the minute. He's well on his way to recovery and already the tumor has shrunk enough to take the tumor out.

Throughout this experience, we've been able to be with him because of the flexibility of our schedule. When they presented the bill to us for $12,000 on top of the already $3700 we paid, we didn't flinch because we can easily pay for it. And...we know how to use the power of our own thought to assist in his healing, helping him get better. A few years ago it wasn't so. We were working jobs (I was working 2 sometimes) and we were broke. Finding an opportunity with Liberty League International has allowed us to not only create incredible wealth in our lives, but have the time to give to what matters most to us. It's also put us on the path of incredible personal development so we are free from the drama; proactive instead of reactive. The Beyond Freedom Program, a 90-day personal development self-study course, taught us how to identify our personally empossed limitations, move beyond them and achieve a life of prosperity, freedom and wealth!

I was wondering when they gave us the bill for all of the treatments, how many people would have to say no. How many people, although they have so much love for their pets and dread the day they leave, would have to say "no" to the treatment because they can't get off work, or they don't have the money. I'm so grateful that I've chosen this life so I never have to say "no". I'm able to live a life of fulfillment without regret because I have chosen the freedom to do so.

In closing, thank you to LLI for providing the opportunity that allowed me to grow and achieve such amazing results so quickly. I will forever be grateful and, every time I look at Jay, I know that it was because of our choice to be a part of the incredible community, that we are able to provide him with the best care possible.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:17 PM

    There's a reason why you are so blessed with the money that allows those fantastic members of your family to have an adopted mom like you...they are inheritors of your generous, unselfish love.
    What goes around comes around.
