Saturday, October 14, 2006

Realizing YOUR True Potential

I just returned from an incredible conference in Hawaii. I had the priveledge of meeting Dick and Rick Hoyt, a father-son team with an amazing story. Their message is simple: CAN. Dick's love for his son, and his willingness to be open to the amazing potential of his son and himself, has led him to achieve extraordinary greatness, and serve as an inspiration to millions. Born with Cerebal Palsy, Rick has been in a wheelchair his whole life. He has no control of most of his body. Yet, he has touched millions with his courage, determination and winning spirt. Dick, refusing to abandon his son to an institution, moved beyond his own limitations to give his son a life free of disability and limitation. These two men share a bond that gives them extraordinary strength - it's a bond of love, inspiration and determination. Although I have accomplished incredible things in my life...more than most given the circumstances that shaped my life, their story moved me to realize there is so much more possibility in my life, so much more potential I haven't even tapped into.

Dining with Dick and Rick, I realized how ordinary they were. Ordinary in the sense that if you met them on a street, you wouldn't know them to be anything other than a father and a son. You might look at Rick with pity because of his disability and with respect for Dick in caring for his son. In their "ordinary-ness", I realized how everyone, seemingly ordinary or not, has so much untapped potential. Also, how we judge people and have our own ideas of what they are capable of.

The reality is, anyone CAN do anything when they are inspired and take action. Had Dick closed himself off to the experience of his son, who knows what would have become of his life. Sometimes, when life seems its going in the wrong direction, it's those times when the true path of our greatness is emerging. When a person makes the decision to do what is beyond the scope of what they believe is achieve the impossible, it is then that their true potential begins to be realized. It all begins with a willingness to be open to the experience of life and to take the first step.

I'm sharing Dick and Rick's story with you...may you find inspiration in their incredible journey.
View their story by clicking here:

You Can: Click Here to Watch this Video:

Learn More about Team Hoyt:

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