With our ever-changing lifestyles and around-the-clock schedules, who really has time to eat right?? But less face it, food is our fuel and without the right fuel, we can run ourselves down fast..and being tired is no fun at all. You can't concentrate at work, you exercise less, and getting out of bed takes a lot of effort. It's a miserable way to trudge through life. But did you know that having more energy may be as simple as choosing the right foods?
From my research what I found is the key is to focus on low-glycemic foods (because they release energy slowly) that are high in complex carbohydrates and low in excess fats. Iron is also very important because it produces red blood cells that carry blood to exercising muscles. A first step is to eliminate "quick-fix" foods that contain simplex carbohydrate foods, like candy bars and soft drinks, which spike your energy level before it plunges quickly. Next, it's extremely important you start incorporating these 10 foods into your diet (atleast according to Health & Nutrition Magazine).
1. Whole grains. They're high in fiber (which can help slow the breakdown and absorption of sugar) and complex carbohydrates. They also contain antioxidants similar to those in fruits and vegetables. Additionally, they reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Adults should eat 6 to 11 servings of whole grains per day. Examples include whole grain breads, pastas, and rice.
2. Oatmeal. According to the American Dietetic Association, oat products are some of the best sources of soluble fiber. You can combine oatmeal with raisins, honey, and yogurt for extra flavor and energy.
3. Bananas. This fruit is packed with potassium, which helps your muscles contract. One per day prevents stiffness that comes from sitting at a desk.
4. Orange Juice This drink is ideal for the morning and is extremely high in vitamin C, which helps you get the most iron out of other foods.
5. Pasta. When athletes "carbo-load" before a game, they usually eat a big plate of spaghetti. It's extremely high in complex carbohydrates and low in calories, fat, and sodium.
6. Salmon. This fish is high in protein, and its high concentration of omega-3 fats and B vitamins can boost your cardiovascular health.
7. Beans. A small, powerful vegetable packed with protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, beans can be used in creative ways. Add them to soups, burritos, pastas, and dip spreads. In 2005 the Department of Agriculture recommended that Americans eat three cups of beans per week.
8. Dried fruit. These high-energy, low-fat snacks are easy to pack and almost never go bad. Try a medley of apricots, figs, and raisins. However, be aware that some commercially packaged dried fruits contain sulfur dioxide, which has been shown to increase your risk of asthma.
9. Almonds. Ounce-for-ounce, this is the most nutrient-dense nut. Research has shown that adding two ounces of almonds to your daily diet increases your intake of vitamin-E and magnesium.
10. Yogurt. Quick, easy, and delicious, yogurt is available in a variety flavors. One cup of low-fat yogurt contains almost 13 grams of protein and 17 grams of carbohydrates-just what you need for great energy.
This a quick and efficient way to jump start your new Day that doesn't take a lot of planning ahead!
Welcome to the Millionaire Mastermind. This blog explores ways you can work on the internet, stay home and enjoy a phenomenal lifestyle. Live a life of freedom, adventure, joy and wealth.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Declare Your Independence!
In observation of Independence Day, I wanted to acknowledge The Declaration and its Importance..
The Declaration of Independence is the most important of all American historical documents. It is essentially a partisan document, a justification of the American Revolution presented to the world; but its unique combination of general principles and an abstract theory of government with a detailed enumeration of specific grievances and injustices has given it enduring power as one of the great political documents EVER. After stating its purpose, the opening paragraphs (which I have inserted below) assert the fundamental American ideal of government, based on the theory of natural rights, which had been held by, among others, John Locke, Emerich de Vattel, and Jean Jacques Rousseau. When you read the following, it brings you back to a time, when liberty and pursuit there of was taken very seriously. . We need to go back to a time when Americans still kept a clear conception of themselves as a people composed of individuals capability…here’s what some of us may have forgotten:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
On this 4th of July, I wish the every American peace and more importantly, independence from anything or anyone that is holding you back from pursing your life’s purpose!
The Declaration of Independence is the most important of all American historical documents. It is essentially a partisan document, a justification of the American Revolution presented to the world; but its unique combination of general principles and an abstract theory of government with a detailed enumeration of specific grievances and injustices has given it enduring power as one of the great political documents EVER. After stating its purpose, the opening paragraphs (which I have inserted below) assert the fundamental American ideal of government, based on the theory of natural rights, which had been held by, among others, John Locke, Emerich de Vattel, and Jean Jacques Rousseau. When you read the following, it brings you back to a time, when liberty and pursuit there of was taken very seriously. . We need to go back to a time when Americans still kept a clear conception of themselves as a people composed of individuals capability…here’s what some of us may have forgotten:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
On this 4th of July, I wish the every American peace and more importantly, independence from anything or anyone that is holding you back from pursing your life’s purpose!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
We Have to Stop Judging Others...
Unfortunately, we all do it. We judge others. Their actions, choices, behaviors, relationships, likes and dislikes and even their personalities. We’ve all been conditioned to judge and be critical of things around us (some of us more than others) and while this can be useful to look at ways to improve things by seeing what we do not like, it more often leads us to hurtful comments, disconnected relationships and various negative feelings. No one really likes to be judged and so eliminating this from your own actions will improve your life and relationships...
When we judge, we find fault, place blame or decide who is worthy and who is not. We decide what is right or wrong, good or bad based on our emotional reactions. The process of judging is focused on problems rather than solutions. At the root of judgment is fear--fear of losing something we have, fear of not getting something we want and fear of something we can't understand. However, when we use discernment to make decisions, we open ourselves to all possibilities, to new ways of looking at problems and people. As we discern, we welcome God into our decisions. Through discernment, we seek truth, not justification for our opinions and fears.
Don’t Judge Others...This is obviously easier said than done. It is possible to stop though with some practice, attention and a desire to eliminate it. The first step in not judging others is to simply stop voicing it. This is usually the hard part and if you can learn to keep judging comments to yourself, you can quickly eliminate any hurt you are causing to others directly. The old saying, "If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything!" is timeless and should be exercized as we move forward as a even greater country!
When we judge, we find fault, place blame or decide who is worthy and who is not. We decide what is right or wrong, good or bad based on our emotional reactions. The process of judging is focused on problems rather than solutions. At the root of judgment is fear--fear of losing something we have, fear of not getting something we want and fear of something we can't understand. However, when we use discernment to make decisions, we open ourselves to all possibilities, to new ways of looking at problems and people. As we discern, we welcome God into our decisions. Through discernment, we seek truth, not justification for our opinions and fears.
Don’t Judge Others...This is obviously easier said than done. It is possible to stop though with some practice, attention and a desire to eliminate it. The first step in not judging others is to simply stop voicing it. This is usually the hard part and if you can learn to keep judging comments to yourself, you can quickly eliminate any hurt you are causing to others directly. The old saying, "If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything!" is timeless and should be exercized as we move forward as a even greater country!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I love the freedom of home business. Hanging out in Paradise Valley for a couple of days with our friend Gene Braxton. Life is Great! http://ping.fm/cljeL
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Start Enjoying EVERY Second!
I've drawn the conclusion that it is your days that define your life. In this blog, I want to challenge the common perception that it is only possible to enjoy your leisure time. In particular, I want to target people I personally know like "the professional" stuck in that 9 to 5 grind who longs for the weekend and, in the process, has given up on trying to find pleasure in the ordinary experiences we have every day. Here are some things that have helped me to start enjoy every SECOND!
1. Appreciate Beauty. Each day we come across beauty in a number of shapes and forms. It’s a shame, then, that many people have become so accustomed to this beauty that it largely goes unappreciated. I suggest looking again at the people, plants, gadgets, and buildings (to name but a few examples) around you and taking a moment to appreciate what makes them so special.
2. Connect With Nature. Nature is an amazing healer for the stresses and strains of modern life. Eating lunch in the park, attending to a vegetable garden in your backyard, or watching the sunset are just a few simple ideas for how you can enjoy the outdoors on a daily basis.
3. Laugh. E. E. Cummings once said “the most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” How very true. Never be too busy to laugh, or too serious to smile. Instead, surround yourself with fun people and don’t get caught up in your own sense of importance.
4. Have Simple Pleasures. A good cup of tea when I first wake-up. Time spent painting outside. Cooking a nice meal in the evening. These may not seem terribly exciting, but they are some of the simple pleasures I enjoy in life. If you slow down for just a moment and take the time to appreciate these ordinary events, life becomes instantly more enjoyable.
5. Connect With People. In so many ways, it is our relationships with people that give us the most happiness in life. Perhaps, then, the best way to enjoy your work more is not to get a raise or a promotion, but rather to build rewarding new relationships and enjoying the old ones to the fullest.
6. Learn. There is a strong link between learning and happiness. Given this, there is no excuse not to be stimulating your brain and learning something new each day. My favorite way to find time for learning is to make the most of the commute to and from work. Audiobooks and podcasts are great for this purpose.
7. Rethink Your Mornings and Evenings. Are the mornings a mad rush for you to get out the door? Do you switch off the TV at night and go straight to bed? I have personally experienced the profound benefits of establishing a routine in the morning and evening. For example, in the morning you may choose to wake an hour earlier and spend the time working on yourself, whether it be reading, writing or exercising. In the evening, consider spending some time just before bed reviewing your day or in meditation.
8. Celebrate Your Successes. During a normal day we are sure to have some minor successes. Perhaps you have successfully dealt with a difficult customer, made a sale, or received a nice compliment for your work. These aren’t events worth throwing a party for, but why not take a moment to celebrate your success? Share the experience with someone else, reward yourself with a nice lunch, or just give yourself a mental pat on the back. Trust me, your worth it!
1. Appreciate Beauty. Each day we come across beauty in a number of shapes and forms. It’s a shame, then, that many people have become so accustomed to this beauty that it largely goes unappreciated. I suggest looking again at the people, plants, gadgets, and buildings (to name but a few examples) around you and taking a moment to appreciate what makes them so special.
2. Connect With Nature. Nature is an amazing healer for the stresses and strains of modern life. Eating lunch in the park, attending to a vegetable garden in your backyard, or watching the sunset are just a few simple ideas for how you can enjoy the outdoors on a daily basis.
3. Laugh. E. E. Cummings once said “the most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” How very true. Never be too busy to laugh, or too serious to smile. Instead, surround yourself with fun people and don’t get caught up in your own sense of importance.
4. Have Simple Pleasures. A good cup of tea when I first wake-up. Time spent painting outside. Cooking a nice meal in the evening. These may not seem terribly exciting, but they are some of the simple pleasures I enjoy in life. If you slow down for just a moment and take the time to appreciate these ordinary events, life becomes instantly more enjoyable.
5. Connect With People. In so many ways, it is our relationships with people that give us the most happiness in life. Perhaps, then, the best way to enjoy your work more is not to get a raise or a promotion, but rather to build rewarding new relationships and enjoying the old ones to the fullest.
6. Learn. There is a strong link between learning and happiness. Given this, there is no excuse not to be stimulating your brain and learning something new each day. My favorite way to find time for learning is to make the most of the commute to and from work. Audiobooks and podcasts are great for this purpose.
7. Rethink Your Mornings and Evenings. Are the mornings a mad rush for you to get out the door? Do you switch off the TV at night and go straight to bed? I have personally experienced the profound benefits of establishing a routine in the morning and evening. For example, in the morning you may choose to wake an hour earlier and spend the time working on yourself, whether it be reading, writing or exercising. In the evening, consider spending some time just before bed reviewing your day or in meditation.
8. Celebrate Your Successes. During a normal day we are sure to have some minor successes. Perhaps you have successfully dealt with a difficult customer, made a sale, or received a nice compliment for your work. These aren’t events worth throwing a party for, but why not take a moment to celebrate your success? Share the experience with someone else, reward yourself with a nice lunch, or just give yourself a mental pat on the back. Trust me, your worth it!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Importance of Communication...
Sometimes we take the most important things in life for granted and do not realize its importance until it is too late. Many of us take our relationships for granted and move on until one fine day we wake up to realize, we don't have the connection any more.
This can often times lead to breakups or simply just uncomfortable relationships. Suddenly we realize something is wrong in the way things are going. A friend of mines just went through a very sad breakup and has not been the same person any more. This sad experience lead me to realize the most important thing in life is your relationships.
Maintaining a good relationship is part of living healthy. Your communication skills are important to maintaining those relationships that help you be healthy. How do you communicate? How often do you communicate? Do you initiate conversation?
The people we interact with on a regular basis see you at your best and at your worst. You probably want a healthy overflow of those best moments. Communicating wisely and effectively can help you.
No one likes to be offended and no one likes to be insulted. These are common sense statements, but it is amazing how often this is ignored. The usage of profanities in any conversation can be taken as insults at anytime. One of the best ways to avoid this mistake is to make a conscious choice to not use profanity.
Insults can come in two forms, words and/or gestures. You can avoid a lot of problems by thinking before you speak. Choosing your words before sharing them may be all you need to bring a smile to someone’s face rather than a frown.
Think about how you communicate. Sometimes the way you say something can mean the exact opposite of what you intended. Think about the message your body communicates to others.
Crossing your arms can send the message that you don’t care or you can’t be bothered with the message being communicated to you.
And when was the last time you initiated contact with your friends and family? Do you call and share your thoughts and concerns? Sometimes it's up to us to make the contact and this is a healthy way of communicating to others that you care about them. Take the initiative to say that you care. Trust me, it will take you a very long way!
This can often times lead to breakups or simply just uncomfortable relationships. Suddenly we realize something is wrong in the way things are going. A friend of mines just went through a very sad breakup and has not been the same person any more. This sad experience lead me to realize the most important thing in life is your relationships.
Maintaining a good relationship is part of living healthy. Your communication skills are important to maintaining those relationships that help you be healthy. How do you communicate? How often do you communicate? Do you initiate conversation?
The people we interact with on a regular basis see you at your best and at your worst. You probably want a healthy overflow of those best moments. Communicating wisely and effectively can help you.
No one likes to be offended and no one likes to be insulted. These are common sense statements, but it is amazing how often this is ignored. The usage of profanities in any conversation can be taken as insults at anytime. One of the best ways to avoid this mistake is to make a conscious choice to not use profanity.
Insults can come in two forms, words and/or gestures. You can avoid a lot of problems by thinking before you speak. Choosing your words before sharing them may be all you need to bring a smile to someone’s face rather than a frown.
Think about how you communicate. Sometimes the way you say something can mean the exact opposite of what you intended. Think about the message your body communicates to others.
Crossing your arms can send the message that you don’t care or you can’t be bothered with the message being communicated to you.
And when was the last time you initiated contact with your friends and family? Do you call and share your thoughts and concerns? Sometimes it's up to us to make the contact and this is a healthy way of communicating to others that you care about them. Take the initiative to say that you care. Trust me, it will take you a very long way!
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Your "Sixth" Sense
Many believe that we all have the “Sixth Sense” capability. “Second Sight” as some call it, does tend to come more naturally to some than others. We often don’t want to recognize the messages and feelings that we have as our “Sixth Sense”. Perhaps it is a case of trusting the messages you receive, trusting your Inner Guide. Your Inner Guide is a part of that “Sixth Sense”. It is your intuition. We all want to find peace in our lives. Part of that finding of peace with in ourselves comes from trusting our Inner Guide, and the higher power that you believe in to lead you down the right path.
Often our Ego fights that Inner Guide. The Heart, Soul and intuition lead you in one direction, and your Ego leads you in another. Your Ego tells you that you’re not good enough. “I am not worthy of this relationship”, “ I am not worthy of this job”, “I will fail”, “I am unlovable”, “I don’t know how to love”. Those are all messages that your ego sends. Those are not the messages to heed. Your ego would have you fail, misery loves company.
I come from the frame of mind that there is nothing that I can’t do. And while I know that it is not always easy to keep the faith, when you set yourself on the course to achieving all you set out to do it takes dedication, strength and will power to carry you through. Look at any successful person and see that they are driven by that same force that tells them that they can do what ever they set up out do.
It can be easy sometimes, to follow the Ego down the Wrong Road. That is not to say, we have followed the wrong path or voice, because we are entitled to change our minds and our paths, and recognize when the reasoning for that change is correct. But one thing I have come to realize is that the first message you receive is usually the right message to heed. If first message you receive is positive, follow it. But, trust also if that first message you receive is negative, that you need to back off, stay away. When you hear that something is not good for you, pay attention. Your Inner Guide is there, not only to lead down the right paths, but also to warn you off the wrong paths and the pitfalls they may be hiding.
Nothing comes easy, peace of mind, especially. But, the longer you strive for it, the more common place it becomes. Being at peace, being happy - Is Your Choice. You may choose to be miserable, or you may choose to be happy. But I will tell you first hand - -It is amazing the transformation that comes when you choose Happy!
Often our Ego fights that Inner Guide. The Heart, Soul and intuition lead you in one direction, and your Ego leads you in another. Your Ego tells you that you’re not good enough. “I am not worthy of this relationship”, “ I am not worthy of this job”, “I will fail”, “I am unlovable”, “I don’t know how to love”. Those are all messages that your ego sends. Those are not the messages to heed. Your ego would have you fail, misery loves company.
I come from the frame of mind that there is nothing that I can’t do. And while I know that it is not always easy to keep the faith, when you set yourself on the course to achieving all you set out to do it takes dedication, strength and will power to carry you through. Look at any successful person and see that they are driven by that same force that tells them that they can do what ever they set up out do.
It can be easy sometimes, to follow the Ego down the Wrong Road. That is not to say, we have followed the wrong path or voice, because we are entitled to change our minds and our paths, and recognize when the reasoning for that change is correct. But one thing I have come to realize is that the first message you receive is usually the right message to heed. If first message you receive is positive, follow it. But, trust also if that first message you receive is negative, that you need to back off, stay away. When you hear that something is not good for you, pay attention. Your Inner Guide is there, not only to lead down the right paths, but also to warn you off the wrong paths and the pitfalls they may be hiding.
Nothing comes easy, peace of mind, especially. But, the longer you strive for it, the more common place it becomes. Being at peace, being happy - Is Your Choice. You may choose to be miserable, or you may choose to be happy. But I will tell you first hand - -It is amazing the transformation that comes when you choose Happy!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Do You know YOU?
Before we can have a truly successful relationship, we must first learn to feel love for ourselves. Loving Yourself is Relationship 101. It is a required course.
We all know this. But knowing it and actualizing it are two different things.
To live with and accept yourself, you need to open your heart and listen to what it is telling you inside. Your heart will never lie to you because it only tells the truth. You must have the courage to ask your heart why you refuse to love yourself the way you are. Usually when we are unhappy with ourselves, it is because we are embarrassed about whatever we are trying to hide. You need to help yourself by accepting yourself and loving yourself for who you are. This is the first step in order to heal yourself and feel good about you.
You must realize that in order to change and strengthen yourself, you must accept yourself and learn how to live with ourselves in a productive manner. You need to look at life in a positive way. You need to say to yourself, “OK, I’m not happy with the person, I have become. I need to change and this is what I am going to do about it.” This is the first step to healing and strengthening our souls and self-esteem. Be proud in who you are. Be thankful each morning that you are You!
We all know this. But knowing it and actualizing it are two different things.
To live with and accept yourself, you need to open your heart and listen to what it is telling you inside. Your heart will never lie to you because it only tells the truth. You must have the courage to ask your heart why you refuse to love yourself the way you are. Usually when we are unhappy with ourselves, it is because we are embarrassed about whatever we are trying to hide. You need to help yourself by accepting yourself and loving yourself for who you are. This is the first step in order to heal yourself and feel good about you.
You must realize that in order to change and strengthen yourself, you must accept yourself and learn how to live with ourselves in a productive manner. You need to look at life in a positive way. You need to say to yourself, “OK, I’m not happy with the person, I have become. I need to change and this is what I am going to do about it.” This is the first step to healing and strengthening our souls and self-esteem. Be proud in who you are. Be thankful each morning that you are You!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
It's Time to REALLY start enjoying Life!
Now that summer is close at hand, the time for enjoying some fun in the sun will be a welcome relief for so many! And even though it doesn't really matter what the weather's like or what the calendar tells us, the art of enjoying life is a conscious choice that calls for particular actions in order to truly be happy and in the present moment. So if you've been in a lousy rut for too long, can't remember the last time you kicked back and relaxed or even had a good laugh, here's some tips I've found that can lead you in the right direction:
1. Assess your stress level and respond to it appropriately. Some people become so stressed out by one major event in their life that the little things seem to evoke the same level of stress. When you allow yourself to be ruled by your emotions on a continual basis, this can often lead to mental as well as physical exhaustion. Ask yourself if the level of attention you're giving a certain matter is, in the scheme of things, actually warranted. Next year will you still be stewing over this matter or will you likely have forgotten about it? Although it's hard to look at a current stressor in this fashion, you need to in order to gauge the time and energy you're putting into the matter. Can you use this time for more productive matters? Oftentimes, the answer is yes.
2. Take a 'mental vacation.' You don't have to vacation in the Caribbean in order to feel relaxed. Relaxation is a state of mind and can come at any time and in any situation. The first part of this vacation is making a vow to yourself that you'll limit the negative statements that you think about yourself as well as others. Thinking in a negative way simply leads to feeling negative. Instead, counter negative thoughts and start each day with a positive statement. The second part of this vacation means surrounding yourself with as many positive people as possible. If family members or friends are adding to your stress, take a break from them. Allow yourself to regroup, reassess, and build a foundation that will allow you to enter more cautiously into these situations as well as think about how you really want to react in them.
So remember, no amount of of money will help you to enjoy life if you are miserable on the inside. And no relationship will define or complete you when a relationship - by definition - involves two or more people. Enjoying your life is simply a matter of the way that YOU feel! So get out there and start living your best life...
1. Assess your stress level and respond to it appropriately. Some people become so stressed out by one major event in their life that the little things seem to evoke the same level of stress. When you allow yourself to be ruled by your emotions on a continual basis, this can often lead to mental as well as physical exhaustion. Ask yourself if the level of attention you're giving a certain matter is, in the scheme of things, actually warranted. Next year will you still be stewing over this matter or will you likely have forgotten about it? Although it's hard to look at a current stressor in this fashion, you need to in order to gauge the time and energy you're putting into the matter. Can you use this time for more productive matters? Oftentimes, the answer is yes.
2. Take a 'mental vacation.' You don't have to vacation in the Caribbean in order to feel relaxed. Relaxation is a state of mind and can come at any time and in any situation. The first part of this vacation is making a vow to yourself that you'll limit the negative statements that you think about yourself as well as others. Thinking in a negative way simply leads to feeling negative. Instead, counter negative thoughts and start each day with a positive statement. The second part of this vacation means surrounding yourself with as many positive people as possible. If family members or friends are adding to your stress, take a break from them. Allow yourself to regroup, reassess, and build a foundation that will allow you to enter more cautiously into these situations as well as think about how you really want to react in them.
So remember, no amount of of money will help you to enjoy life if you are miserable on the inside. And no relationship will define or complete you when a relationship - by definition - involves two or more people. Enjoying your life is simply a matter of the way that YOU feel! So get out there and start living your best life...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Wonders of Walking!
It is important to realize that walking is a great way to improve your overall health and one of best exercises available. If you want to improve your general health and keep fit, or if you want to reduce your weight, walking is a good place to start and has a multitude of health benefits for.
And so that you do not become bored, it always worth finding different locations to walk or varying the routes and if at all possible ask someone to join you as the time will pass faster and it will be more enjoyable. In fact there is a growing popularity for machines that can be used to mimic ordinary physical activities like walking, running, cycling and even skiing.
Of all the fitness equipment available, the treadmill is still the most commonly purchased piece of home keep fit apparatus. Because the belt is motorized and not regulated by your own walking pace it allows for a huge degree of versatility whereby the speed and difficulty can be adjusted and the use of pre-set programs can increase your fat burning or improve your cardiovascular health.
Ultimately it is the convenience of a treadmill that is hard to beat because if even if you only have ten minutes to spare you can use it so it means you can walk at any time you feel like it.
Walking is a wonderful way to start your exercise routine as it is low impact, you need no special equipment, and it costs nothing. You don't even have to start with the thirty minutes straight away but build up to it gradually so that within a few weeks you will be up to the 30 minutes a day...and the rewards are AMAZING!!
And so that you do not become bored, it always worth finding different locations to walk or varying the routes and if at all possible ask someone to join you as the time will pass faster and it will be more enjoyable. In fact there is a growing popularity for machines that can be used to mimic ordinary physical activities like walking, running, cycling and even skiing.
Of all the fitness equipment available, the treadmill is still the most commonly purchased piece of home keep fit apparatus. Because the belt is motorized and not regulated by your own walking pace it allows for a huge degree of versatility whereby the speed and difficulty can be adjusted and the use of pre-set programs can increase your fat burning or improve your cardiovascular health.
Ultimately it is the convenience of a treadmill that is hard to beat because if even if you only have ten minutes to spare you can use it so it means you can walk at any time you feel like it.
Walking is a wonderful way to start your exercise routine as it is low impact, you need no special equipment, and it costs nothing. You don't even have to start with the thirty minutes straight away but build up to it gradually so that within a few weeks you will be up to the 30 minutes a day...and the rewards are AMAZING!!
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Go Yoga!
I absolutely love Yoga and when I learned of all the great benefits from this wonderful technique, I had to share!
Did you know that YOGA is extremely effective in:
* Increasing Flexibility – yoga has positions that act upon the various joints of the body including those joints that are never really on the ‘radar screen’ let alone exercised.
*Increasing lubrication of the joints, ligaments and tendons – likewise, the well-researched yoga positions exercise the different tendons and ligaments of the body.
Surprisingly it has been found that the body which may have been quite rigid starts experiencing a remarkable flexibility in even those parts which have not been consciously work upon. Why? It is here that the remarkable research behind yoga positions proves its mettle. Seemingly unrelated “non strenuous” yoga positions act upon certain parts of the body in an interrelated manner. When done together, they work in harmony to create a situation where flexibility is attained relatively easily.
*Massaging of ALL Organs of the Body – Yoga is perhaps the only form of activity which massages all the internal glands and organs of the body in a thorough manner, including those – such as the prostate - that hardly get externally stimulated during our entire lifetime. Yoga acts in a wholesome manner on the various body parts. This stimulation and massage of the organs in turn benefits us by keeping away disease and providing a forewarning at the first possible instance of a likely onset of disease or disorder.
*Complete Detoxification – By gently stretching muscles and joints as well as massaging the various organs, yoga ensures the optimum blood supply to various parts of the body. This helps in the flushing out of toxins from every nook and cranny as well as providing nourishment up to the last point. This leads to benefits such as delayed ageing, energy and a remarkable zest for life.
*Excellent toning of the muscles – Muscles that have become flaccid, weak or slothy are stimulated repeatedly to shed excess flab and flaccidity.
Wow, with all of these amazing benefits aren’t you ready to harness the power of yoga and gain the 3-fold Advantage of Fitness + Freedom from Stress + Happiness!
Did you know that YOGA is extremely effective in:
* Increasing Flexibility – yoga has positions that act upon the various joints of the body including those joints that are never really on the ‘radar screen’ let alone exercised.
*Increasing lubrication of the joints, ligaments and tendons – likewise, the well-researched yoga positions exercise the different tendons and ligaments of the body.
Surprisingly it has been found that the body which may have been quite rigid starts experiencing a remarkable flexibility in even those parts which have not been consciously work upon. Why? It is here that the remarkable research behind yoga positions proves its mettle. Seemingly unrelated “non strenuous” yoga positions act upon certain parts of the body in an interrelated manner. When done together, they work in harmony to create a situation where flexibility is attained relatively easily.
*Massaging of ALL Organs of the Body – Yoga is perhaps the only form of activity which massages all the internal glands and organs of the body in a thorough manner, including those – such as the prostate - that hardly get externally stimulated during our entire lifetime. Yoga acts in a wholesome manner on the various body parts. This stimulation and massage of the organs in turn benefits us by keeping away disease and providing a forewarning at the first possible instance of a likely onset of disease or disorder.
*Complete Detoxification – By gently stretching muscles and joints as well as massaging the various organs, yoga ensures the optimum blood supply to various parts of the body. This helps in the flushing out of toxins from every nook and cranny as well as providing nourishment up to the last point. This leads to benefits such as delayed ageing, energy and a remarkable zest for life.
*Excellent toning of the muscles – Muscles that have become flaccid, weak or slothy are stimulated repeatedly to shed excess flab and flaccidity.
Wow, with all of these amazing benefits aren’t you ready to harness the power of yoga and gain the 3-fold Advantage of Fitness + Freedom from Stress + Happiness!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Friends are our TRUEST Treasures..
How many times have they: Made us laugh when we felt like crying over a bad mistake? Made us feel loved when our boyfriends (or girlfriends) broke up with us? Gave us the courage to go back to school or to change careers? Like armor, good friends make us almost invincible, capable of warding off the blows life occasionally deals us. Because of their steadfastness, we see setbacks for what they are: temporary.
Because friends accept us for who we are, we gain the confidence to dream great dreams—and to make them real. Friends liven up our days with their twisted humor, their honest answers, and their ability to bear our gloating when we beat them at cards or tennis. We can even trust them with our most embarrassing secrets! What a relief it is for us to reveal our true selves to someone else!
It’s no wonder, then, that medical researchers have found that those who have friends tend to be happier, healthier, and live longer than those who do not. According to research studies, our brains are programmed to receive unexpected rewards and pleasures. Friendship is the foundation of many of these unexpected pleasures, such as a spontaneous game of racquetball, a spur-of-the moment decision to see a movie, and an outpouring of praise for something we did well. In fact, friendship has numerous physical and spiritual benefits.
Research confirms that having compassionate friends is beneficial for our psychological and spiritual well-being—and for physical health. So one can firmly conclude that a healthy lifestyle includes not only eating well, exercising, and avoiding tobacco but also having a circle of friends...FRIENDS make our world go round!
Because friends accept us for who we are, we gain the confidence to dream great dreams—and to make them real. Friends liven up our days with their twisted humor, their honest answers, and their ability to bear our gloating when we beat them at cards or tennis. We can even trust them with our most embarrassing secrets! What a relief it is for us to reveal our true selves to someone else!
It’s no wonder, then, that medical researchers have found that those who have friends tend to be happier, healthier, and live longer than those who do not. According to research studies, our brains are programmed to receive unexpected rewards and pleasures. Friendship is the foundation of many of these unexpected pleasures, such as a spontaneous game of racquetball, a spur-of-the moment decision to see a movie, and an outpouring of praise for something we did well. In fact, friendship has numerous physical and spiritual benefits.
Research confirms that having compassionate friends is beneficial for our psychological and spiritual well-being—and for physical health. So one can firmly conclude that a healthy lifestyle includes not only eating well, exercising, and avoiding tobacco but also having a circle of friends...FRIENDS make our world go round!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Who's the Guru?

I remember when I first met my husband John. It was online...Yahoo Personals to be exact and the first thing he sent me was his driver's license picture. Nothing flashy, just totally real. That's John, as real as it gets. He hides nothing, lives life to the fullest and gives everything he has to help people.
I struck gold when he answered my ad. It was during our first phone conversation that I fell totally in love and it's been that way ever since...11 years together and on April 28th, we celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary.
What I love most about John is his inner conviction and strength. He reminds me often of mine...letting me know that I am powerful, confident and knowing. He's supported me in everything I've ever wanted to do, and I've returned the support.
So, when he said he was going to write a book. A book that would impact lives. A book that would lay to rest all the "mysticism" regarding success. A book that people could follow as a road map to success (the same road map he's laid out to thousands of people who have had stellar results before he ever wrote the book. A book that would help people to regain their natural ability to get everything they want...an ability we're all born with but forget we have. I was all for it.
I new it would be good, but...
After so many years together, I sometimes forget just how amazing he is. When he handed me the manuscript to his book, Integrity is Everything, I was floored. He had kept it secret and wouldn't let me read a work until it was finished. He even went so far as to hole-up in a cabin in Cornville, Arizona.
I grabbed my coffee, sat on a couch, read it cover to cover and what I felt words can not even begin to describe. It's like I was filled with awe, joy, love, amazement all at once.
I've read alot of personal development books over the years...hundreds. Some were purely junk. Some were motivational but the motivation fizzled. Some were impactful. And some were just filled with ideas and then invalidations, attempting to manipulate me into thinking I need the next book or product or my life would forever have some void.
John's book was by far the most practical, real and impactful. It is the exact road map that both he and I have followed to go from poverty, abuse, disadvantage to wealth, freedom and abundance. Explained so simply, it is a book anyone can use, follow and get results with.
My favorite chapters (it's really hard to choose) are Meet the Guru and It's Not OK. What most authors would never present, John just lays out right before you.
Who's the guru? Well...you'll have to read it to find out.
What's Not OK? It's not what you think...but once you read it your life will never be the same. Promise.
I'm excited for you to read it too and to share with me the results you experience with it.
Thank you, John, for once again inspiring me. And, thank you Yahoo for connecting us ;)
To your success, with love.
PS: Integrity is Everything is available on Amazon or on JohnLavenia.com.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
What's Holding You Back?
How well do you know your INNER CRITIC? Our Inner Critic ("IC") is negative self talk we sometimes succomb to when in doubt of ourselves. The Inner Critisc are the keepers of the status quo. They love to keep you locked in your comfort zone and they are experts at blocking you from reaching (and sometimes even seeing) your greatest potential.
I have known people who worked really hard with on uncovering and naming their worst Inner Critic. The secret is that once you can give them a name, maybe even a face, you can begin to realize that they don't have to be part of the Best You! Say, for instance, you have a IC named "I'm just not good enough to . . ." What does he/she look like? Sound like? The more you can get to know your Inner Critics, and realize they don't have to be part of you, the more you can separate them from yourself, and then make better conscious decisions.
Your challenge first is to begin to listen for what your IC's are saying to you that holds you back. Simply begin by just noticing, not arguing or struggling with them. Once you can begin to notice them, then you can start to make sense of your fears and the choices that have blocked you from achieving your true success!
I have known people who worked really hard with on uncovering and naming their worst Inner Critic. The secret is that once you can give them a name, maybe even a face, you can begin to realize that they don't have to be part of the Best You! Say, for instance, you have a IC named "I'm just not good enough to . . ." What does he/she look like? Sound like? The more you can get to know your Inner Critics, and realize they don't have to be part of you, the more you can separate them from yourself, and then make better conscious decisions.
Your challenge first is to begin to listen for what your IC's are saying to you that holds you back. Simply begin by just noticing, not arguing or struggling with them. Once you can begin to notice them, then you can start to make sense of your fears and the choices that have blocked you from achieving your true success!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Value of Real Education
When I was a high school teacher, the most frustrating part about my job was that most of the students didn't learn and what I was teaching them wasn't relevent. There was an antiquated curriculum that poured forth facts upon facts so the kids could "score" on a "standardized" test, yet none of the the information was relevent to being successful, thriving in our modern day world or the evolution of global commerce.
I remember being chastized by the administration because I gave the kids "open-book" tests. The test was comprised of 4 - 6 questions and would require the kids to apply the information they learned, think out problems and identify solutions. I was told to do "multiple choice" because it would prepare the kids better for the exams.
What about preparing them for life? I don't know about you, but I graduated high school without knowing how to purchase a home, open a checking account, manage my finances, plan for retirement, start a business, write a good resume, communicate effectively, set goals or achieve goals. The only thing I was told in high school was to go to college.
Then, in college, it was more of the same. My education was already out-dated by time I graduated and I was then told to go on to get a masters. Still not knowing how to buy a home, start a business, set a goal, achieve a goal, manage my finances, plan for the future, etc.
So, when I recently came across a college that provides actual relevent, applicable education to students, I was in awe. More than that, each step of the way, kids are given internships to apply the information to real world businesses to see an actual results. The students are only moved on when they have achieved 100% proficiency in application and feel confident in their own knowingness and success.
That college is Hubbard College of Administration. I never thought I'd be going back to school, but as a business owner (and very successful entrepreneur) I immediately recognized the value of their education to massive expansion of my own business. Imagine...a real technology that works. I visited several companies applying their business technology and their success was all I needed to witness. More than their success...their employees were thriving and happy, everyone knew their role, they all tracked their own statistics and performance and developed individual strategies for improvement. They were well-oiled machines expanding rapidly each and every year!
Check out this article by one of the their students. It's impressive:
April 14, 2009
A Hubbard College Interview: A Personal Look At Career Education
This blog starts the beginning of a series of blogs I’ll be doing which will offer any blog follower a better insight into different Hubbard College of Administration (HCA) students and their career education paths. In my first blog post I gave a little bit of information about myself– now you can learn about some others and see the veritable melting pot we have here.
Today I sat down in Interview Room #300 with Franco Chaves, a 21-year-old student attending the Hubbard College and talked a bit about his life goals and experience at the HCA so far.
Me: First off, where are you originally from?
Franco: Lima, Peru.
Me: And how did you hear about the Hubbard College?
Franco: I heard about the Hubbard College through a high school tutor who used the study technology that is used here at the college. One day she brought me here on a tour and then bang, I was interested. When I finished school and started considering college, my first choice was here.
Me: What program are you on currently?
Franco: Well, I first started on an Administrative Management Program. When I finished it I decided to do the degree program. So now I’m on the degree program getting my Associates.
Me: Did you attend the Sales Workshop here April 4th and what did you think about it?
Franco: Yes, I’ve gone to four of them now! I like that there’s practice of the techniques of how to sell! I also like that I could talk to the seminar speaker and he helped me with the application of the techniques.
Me: What in particular has made your Hubbard College career education stand out from the rest of the career colleges and business schools out there?
Franco: Because of the apprenticeships here- I can practice what I learn and I meet different business people at the same time.
Me: Have You Planned out how you’re going to find a job after finishing your program?
Franco: I will be working with the job placement service here at HCA. I’m not worried. Also I’ve made many friends here from different places: Los Angeles, Lebanon, Japan, Russia, Columbia, Cuba, and many other countries. I’m sure I will keep in touch with them throughout my career. You never know…
Me: Is there something that stands out in your experience here so far that you would like to mention?
Franco: Yeah, being sent to different apprenticeships gave me a real good understanding of how companies work and how the structure works. This helps because it gives me ideas of how I can use the structures and plans they use in my own company.
Me: What are your immediate plans after you get your Associate Degree here?
Franco: My plans are to become an American Citizen, work, save up more money and eventually go back to Peru and open a business consultant company.
I remember being chastized by the administration because I gave the kids "open-book" tests. The test was comprised of 4 - 6 questions and would require the kids to apply the information they learned, think out problems and identify solutions. I was told to do "multiple choice" because it would prepare the kids better for the exams.
What about preparing them for life? I don't know about you, but I graduated high school without knowing how to purchase a home, open a checking account, manage my finances, plan for retirement, start a business, write a good resume, communicate effectively, set goals or achieve goals. The only thing I was told in high school was to go to college.
Then, in college, it was more of the same. My education was already out-dated by time I graduated and I was then told to go on to get a masters. Still not knowing how to buy a home, start a business, set a goal, achieve a goal, manage my finances, plan for the future, etc.
So, when I recently came across a college that provides actual relevent, applicable education to students, I was in awe. More than that, each step of the way, kids are given internships to apply the information to real world businesses to see an actual results. The students are only moved on when they have achieved 100% proficiency in application and feel confident in their own knowingness and success.
That college is Hubbard College of Administration. I never thought I'd be going back to school, but as a business owner (and very successful entrepreneur) I immediately recognized the value of their education to massive expansion of my own business. Imagine...a real technology that works. I visited several companies applying their business technology and their success was all I needed to witness. More than their success...their employees were thriving and happy, everyone knew their role, they all tracked their own statistics and performance and developed individual strategies for improvement. They were well-oiled machines expanding rapidly each and every year!
Check out this article by one of the their students. It's impressive:
April 14, 2009
A Hubbard College Interview: A Personal Look At Career Education
This blog starts the beginning of a series of blogs I’ll be doing which will offer any blog follower a better insight into different Hubbard College of Administration (HCA) students and their career education paths. In my first blog post I gave a little bit of information about myself– now you can learn about some others and see the veritable melting pot we have here.
Today I sat down in Interview Room #300 with Franco Chaves, a 21-year-old student attending the Hubbard College and talked a bit about his life goals and experience at the HCA so far.
Me: First off, where are you originally from?
Franco: Lima, Peru.
Me: And how did you hear about the Hubbard College?
Franco: I heard about the Hubbard College through a high school tutor who used the study technology that is used here at the college. One day she brought me here on a tour and then bang, I was interested. When I finished school and started considering college, my first choice was here.
Me: What program are you on currently?
Franco: Well, I first started on an Administrative Management Program. When I finished it I decided to do the degree program. So now I’m on the degree program getting my Associates.
Me: Did you attend the Sales Workshop here April 4th and what did you think about it?
Franco: Yes, I’ve gone to four of them now! I like that there’s practice of the techniques of how to sell! I also like that I could talk to the seminar speaker and he helped me with the application of the techniques.
Me: What in particular has made your Hubbard College career education stand out from the rest of the career colleges and business schools out there?
Franco: Because of the apprenticeships here- I can practice what I learn and I meet different business people at the same time.
Me: Have You Planned out how you’re going to find a job after finishing your program?
Franco: I will be working with the job placement service here at HCA. I’m not worried. Also I’ve made many friends here from different places: Los Angeles, Lebanon, Japan, Russia, Columbia, Cuba, and many other countries. I’m sure I will keep in touch with them throughout my career. You never know…
Me: Is there something that stands out in your experience here so far that you would like to mention?
Franco: Yeah, being sent to different apprenticeships gave me a real good understanding of how companies work and how the structure works. This helps because it gives me ideas of how I can use the structures and plans they use in my own company.
Me: What are your immediate plans after you get your Associate Degree here?
Franco: My plans are to become an American Citizen, work, save up more money and eventually go back to Peru and open a business consultant company.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Goal Setting - 3 Simple Rules to Challenging Yourself!
Creating a challenge is easy when you stretch yourself to achieve more, allow yourself to not have all the answers, the know-how, the skills or a solid plan, and when you commit your resources.
I once heard Phil Knight founder of NIKE say "Play by the rules, but be ferocious." From then on, I started to develop my own strategies to improve and better myself! Here's what I've come up with:
Rule #1: Stretch Yourself.
This is not a nice thing to do, THIS IS A CHALLENGE! Consider what you know you can accomplish and add to that, stretch yourself to accomplish at least an additional 20%. I don't care how you come to that 20%, just be honest with yourself and what you think is 20%. This is important for 2 reasons: (1) you have benchmarked what you can do, you have admitted to yourself and the universe you can achieve at least this level. (2) It opens a new horizon for you. You are now considering, visualizing, and telling the universe that you want and plan to do more.
Rule #2: Allow Yourself to NOT have all the answers, the know-how, the skills, or a solid plan.
If you are stretching yourself to achieve or become more than you currently are, you are not going to have all the answers today. Open yourself to learning and growing beyond what you know today. This will open you to discovering and embracing the opportunities that you attract.
Rule #3: Commit Your Resources.
Commit your time, energy and money to get your life moving forward faster. If there's something you want, make a concentrated effort through your time and resources to make it happen today!
Three simple rules, that's it! So what are you Waiting on....A New and Improved YOU awaits the CHALLENGE!
I once heard Phil Knight founder of NIKE say "Play by the rules, but be ferocious." From then on, I started to develop my own strategies to improve and better myself! Here's what I've come up with:
Rule #1: Stretch Yourself.
This is not a nice thing to do, THIS IS A CHALLENGE! Consider what you know you can accomplish and add to that, stretch yourself to accomplish at least an additional 20%. I don't care how you come to that 20%, just be honest with yourself and what you think is 20%. This is important for 2 reasons: (1) you have benchmarked what you can do, you have admitted to yourself and the universe you can achieve at least this level. (2) It opens a new horizon for you. You are now considering, visualizing, and telling the universe that you want and plan to do more.
Rule #2: Allow Yourself to NOT have all the answers, the know-how, the skills, or a solid plan.
If you are stretching yourself to achieve or become more than you currently are, you are not going to have all the answers today. Open yourself to learning and growing beyond what you know today. This will open you to discovering and embracing the opportunities that you attract.
Rule #3: Commit Your Resources.
Commit your time, energy and money to get your life moving forward faster. If there's something you want, make a concentrated effort through your time and resources to make it happen today!
Three simple rules, that's it! So what are you Waiting on....A New and Improved YOU awaits the CHALLENGE!
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Billionaire Clusters
by Duncan Greenberg
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
provided by
Want to become a billionaire? Up your chances by dropping out of college, working at Goldman Sachs or joining Skull & Bones.
Are billionaires born or made? What are the common attributes among the uber-wealthy? Are there any true secrets of the self-made?
More from Forbes.com:
• In Depth: Billionaire Clusters
• The 2009 Billionaire List
• The Next Billionaire Boom
We get these questions a lot, and decided it was time to go beyond the broad answers of smarts, ambition and luck by sorting through our database of wealthy individuals in search of bona fide trends. We analyzed everything from the billionaires' parents' professions to where they went to school, their track records in the early stages of their careers and other experiences that may have put them on the path to extreme wealth.
Our admittedly unscientific study of the 657 self-made billionaires we counted in February for our list of the World's Billionaires yielded some interesting results.
First, a significant percentage of billionaires had parents with a high aptitude for math. The ability to crunch numbers is crucial to becoming a billionaire, and mathematical prowess is hereditary. Some of the most common professions among the parents of American billionaires (for whom we could find the information) were engineer, accountant and small-business owner.
Consistent with the rest of the population, more American billionaires were born in the fall than in any other season. However, relatively few billionaires were born in December, traditionally the month with the eighth highest birth rate. This anomaly holds true among billionaires in the U.S. and abroad.
More than 20% of the 292 of the self-made American billionaires on the most recent list of the World's Billionaires have either never started or never completed college. This is especially true of those destined for careers as technology entrepreneurs: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison, and Theodore Waitt.
Billionaires who derive their fortunes from finance make up one of the most highly educated sub-groups: More than 55% of them have graduate degrees. Nearly 90% of those with M.B.A.s obtained their master's degree from one of three Ivy League schools: Harvard, Columbia or U. Penn's Wharton School of Business.
Goldman Sachs has attracted a large share of hungry minds that went on to garner 10-figure fortunes. At least 11 current and recent billionaire financiers worked at Goldman early in their careers, including Edward Lampert, Daniel Och, Tom Steyer and Richard Perry.
Several billionaires suffered a bitter professional setback early in their careers that heightened their fear of failure. Pharmaceutical tycoon R.J. Kirk's first venture was a flop--an experience he regrets but appreciates. "Failure early on is a necessary condition for success, though not a sufficient one," he told Forbes in 2007.
According to a statement read by Phil Falcone during a congressional hearing in November, his botched buyout of a company in Newark in the early 1990s taught him "several valuable lessons that have had a profound impact upon my success as a hedge fund manager."
Several current and former billionaires rounded out their Yale careers as members of Skull and Bones, the secret society portrayed with enigmatic relish by Hollywood in movies like The Skulls and W. Among those who were inducted: investor Edward Lampert, Blackstone co-founder Steven Schwarzman, and FedEx founder Frederick Smith.
Parents Had Math-Related Careers
The ability to crunch numbers is normally a key to becoming a billionaire. Often, mathematical prowess is hereditary. Some of the most common professions among the parents of American billionaires for whom we could find that information were engineer, accountant and small-business owner.
September Birthdays
Of the 380 self-made American tycoons who have appeared on the Forbes list of the World's Billionaires in the past three years, 42 were born in September--more than in any other month. Maybe that's because September is the month the Forbes list of the 400 richest Americans is published.
Tech Titans Who Dropped Out of College
Forget everything your guidance counselor told you: You don't have to go to college to be successful. More than 20% of the self-made American moguls on the most recent list of the World's Billionaires never finished college. Many of them made their fortunes in tech. Among them: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison, (Oracle) and Theodore Waitt (Gateway).
Skull and Bones
Several current and former billionaires rounded out their Yale careers as members of Skull and Bones, the secret society portrayed with enigmatic relish by Hollywood in movies like The Skulls and W. Among those who were inducted: investor Edward Lampert, Blackstone co-founder Steven Schwarzman and FedEx founder Frederick Smith.
Goldman Sachs
A stint at investment bank Goldman Sachs is a prime credential for becoming a finance billionaire. Of the 68 self-made American billionaires that derive their fortunes from finance, at least eight cut their teeth in Goldman's investment banking, trading, or asset management divisions. The company's crown jewel: its "risk arbitrage" unit, which launched the careers of billionaires Edward Lampert and Daniel Och, as well as former billionaires Tom Steyer and Richard Perry.
Copyrighted, Forbes.com. All rights reserved.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
provided by
Want to become a billionaire? Up your chances by dropping out of college, working at Goldman Sachs or joining Skull & Bones.
Are billionaires born or made? What are the common attributes among the uber-wealthy? Are there any true secrets of the self-made?
More from Forbes.com:
• In Depth: Billionaire Clusters
• The 2009 Billionaire List
• The Next Billionaire Boom
We get these questions a lot, and decided it was time to go beyond the broad answers of smarts, ambition and luck by sorting through our database of wealthy individuals in search of bona fide trends. We analyzed everything from the billionaires' parents' professions to where they went to school, their track records in the early stages of their careers and other experiences that may have put them on the path to extreme wealth.
Our admittedly unscientific study of the 657 self-made billionaires we counted in February for our list of the World's Billionaires yielded some interesting results.
First, a significant percentage of billionaires had parents with a high aptitude for math. The ability to crunch numbers is crucial to becoming a billionaire, and mathematical prowess is hereditary. Some of the most common professions among the parents of American billionaires (for whom we could find the information) were engineer, accountant and small-business owner.
Consistent with the rest of the population, more American billionaires were born in the fall than in any other season. However, relatively few billionaires were born in December, traditionally the month with the eighth highest birth rate. This anomaly holds true among billionaires in the U.S. and abroad.
More than 20% of the 292 of the self-made American billionaires on the most recent list of the World's Billionaires have either never started or never completed college. This is especially true of those destined for careers as technology entrepreneurs: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison, and Theodore Waitt.
Billionaires who derive their fortunes from finance make up one of the most highly educated sub-groups: More than 55% of them have graduate degrees. Nearly 90% of those with M.B.A.s obtained their master's degree from one of three Ivy League schools: Harvard, Columbia or U. Penn's Wharton School of Business.
Goldman Sachs has attracted a large share of hungry minds that went on to garner 10-figure fortunes. At least 11 current and recent billionaire financiers worked at Goldman early in their careers, including Edward Lampert, Daniel Och, Tom Steyer and Richard Perry.
Several billionaires suffered a bitter professional setback early in their careers that heightened their fear of failure. Pharmaceutical tycoon R.J. Kirk's first venture was a flop--an experience he regrets but appreciates. "Failure early on is a necessary condition for success, though not a sufficient one," he told Forbes in 2007.
According to a statement read by Phil Falcone during a congressional hearing in November, his botched buyout of a company in Newark in the early 1990s taught him "several valuable lessons that have had a profound impact upon my success as a hedge fund manager."
Several current and former billionaires rounded out their Yale careers as members of Skull and Bones, the secret society portrayed with enigmatic relish by Hollywood in movies like The Skulls and W. Among those who were inducted: investor Edward Lampert, Blackstone co-founder Steven Schwarzman, and FedEx founder Frederick Smith.
Parents Had Math-Related Careers
The ability to crunch numbers is normally a key to becoming a billionaire. Often, mathematical prowess is hereditary. Some of the most common professions among the parents of American billionaires for whom we could find that information were engineer, accountant and small-business owner.
September Birthdays
Of the 380 self-made American tycoons who have appeared on the Forbes list of the World's Billionaires in the past three years, 42 were born in September--more than in any other month. Maybe that's because September is the month the Forbes list of the 400 richest Americans is published.
Tech Titans Who Dropped Out of College
Forget everything your guidance counselor told you: You don't have to go to college to be successful. More than 20% of the self-made American moguls on the most recent list of the World's Billionaires never finished college. Many of them made their fortunes in tech. Among them: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison, (Oracle) and Theodore Waitt (Gateway).
Skull and Bones
Several current and former billionaires rounded out their Yale careers as members of Skull and Bones, the secret society portrayed with enigmatic relish by Hollywood in movies like The Skulls and W. Among those who were inducted: investor Edward Lampert, Blackstone co-founder Steven Schwarzman and FedEx founder Frederick Smith.
Goldman Sachs
A stint at investment bank Goldman Sachs is a prime credential for becoming a finance billionaire. Of the 68 self-made American billionaires that derive their fortunes from finance, at least eight cut their teeth in Goldman's investment banking, trading, or asset management divisions. The company's crown jewel: its "risk arbitrage" unit, which launched the careers of billionaires Edward Lampert and Daniel Och, as well as former billionaires Tom Steyer and Richard Perry.
Copyrighted, Forbes.com. All rights reserved.
Are YOU Ready Take Control of Your Finances!
The New Year is a time for goals and resolutions. But about half way through the year you may feel that instead of taking control of your money, it's keeping control of you! I decided to give myself my own crash course in financial basics to help move me closer to my goal and Here’s a summary of everything I’ve learned about personal finance:
Track Every Penny You Spend -
The authors of "Your Money or Your Life" admonish readers to 'keep track of every cent that comes into or goes out of your life.'
[This is] the best way to become conscious of how money actually comes and goes in your life as opposed to how you think it comes and goes…This is the step that somehow makes the biggest impact.
It doesn’t matter how you track your spending — the most important thing is to do it. You can use a cash notebook, you can use an on- line tool like Wesabe, or you can use a piece of software like Quicken or Microsoft Money.
Whichever method you choose, stick with it. Make it a habit. Don’t fudge the numbers. Record your transactions as soon as possible. Most of all, don’t judge yourself. Tracking your spending is an exercise in data collection; it’s not the appropriate time to change your habits.
Develop a Budget -
After you’ve tracked your spending for a few weeks (or months), use the data you’ve collected to develop a budget. According to "The Millionaire Next Door", budgeting is one thing that sets the wealthy apart from the general population — 55% of millionaires keep a budget.
Start an Emergency Fund -
For years I lived paycheck-to-paycheck. I spent everything I earned. This worked well until something went wrong. And something always went wrong. Suddenly I’d find myself without money to pay for a car repair, or facing an expensive doctor’s bill. I financed emergencies with credit cards. After years of carrying debt, I finally paid off all these out-of-the-blue debts! It definitely helped that I found a way to make a lot more money with home-based business. But even making more money, it's important to follow all this great advice because it is very easy to spend more than you make, no matter how much money you make.
In "The Total Money Makeover", Dave Ramsey explains why he believes an emergency fund should come before anything else.
Get out of Debt -
Are you struggling under a heavy debt load from credit cards or student loans? Make it a priority to unload some of this this burden in 2009 and 10. When you're inundated with debt, you're basically working to pay the banks. So, make it a goal to only spend what you make. If you want more, make more. It's impossible to expand your current living situation if you're income doesn't expand. By paying down you're debt, you'll have all that money accessible to you.
If you have the mental discipline, you’ll save money by paying down your high-interest debt first. But if you’ve tried that method before and failed, consider using a debt snowball. Pay your debts starting with the smallest balance first. Here’s how:
Order your debts from lowest balance to highest balance.
With everything going on in the industry now, you can negotiate better interest rates. Call the banks and ask them for a lower interest rate or a payment plan.
Designate a certain amount of money to pay toward debts each month.
Pay the minimum payment on all debts except the one with the lowest balance.
Throw every other penny at the debt with the lowest balance.
When that debt is gone, do not alter the monthly amount used to pay debts, but throw all you can at the debt with the next-lowest balance.
The debt snowball can give you awesome psychological payoffs, keeping you motivated to stay in the game. It’s not mathematically ideal, but it worked for me (and for many others!).
Open a Retirement Account -
If you’re young, you probably don’t think you need to start a retirement account. You’re wrong. No matter how old you are, now is the time to begin saving for retirement!
Spend LESS than you earn-
This is the fundamental money skill. It’s common sense, yet many people never learn do it. Only by spending less than you earn can you hope to build wealth. This is easier to do if you track your spending or develop a budget, but those steps aren’t completely necessary. Even if you do nothing else in this list, spending less than you earn can put you ahead of your peers.
Automate Your Finances-
My current project is to move toward a system of paperless personal finance. Along the way, I’m learning the value of automating routine transactions. When you make things automatic, you remove the human element, making it more difficult for you to mess things up.
The classic example is overdraft protection. By tying your checking account to your savings account, you have a safety net if you bounce a check. But there are other ways this can work for you. For example, I’ve set up automatic payments with the gas company, the cable company, and my auto insurance company. I also make automatic investments to my retirement account.
Educate Yourself-
Knowledge is power. Personal finance doesn’t have to be a mystery. Read personal finance books and self-development manuals to empower yourself.
Take CONTROL of Your Finances Today!
Track Every Penny You Spend -
The authors of "Your Money or Your Life" admonish readers to 'keep track of every cent that comes into or goes out of your life.'
[This is] the best way to become conscious of how money actually comes and goes in your life as opposed to how you think it comes and goes…This is the step that somehow makes the biggest impact.
It doesn’t matter how you track your spending — the most important thing is to do it. You can use a cash notebook, you can use an on- line tool like Wesabe, or you can use a piece of software like Quicken or Microsoft Money.
Whichever method you choose, stick with it. Make it a habit. Don’t fudge the numbers. Record your transactions as soon as possible. Most of all, don’t judge yourself. Tracking your spending is an exercise in data collection; it’s not the appropriate time to change your habits.
Develop a Budget -
After you’ve tracked your spending for a few weeks (or months), use the data you’ve collected to develop a budget. According to "The Millionaire Next Door", budgeting is one thing that sets the wealthy apart from the general population — 55% of millionaires keep a budget.
Start an Emergency Fund -
For years I lived paycheck-to-paycheck. I spent everything I earned. This worked well until something went wrong. And something always went wrong. Suddenly I’d find myself without money to pay for a car repair, or facing an expensive doctor’s bill. I financed emergencies with credit cards. After years of carrying debt, I finally paid off all these out-of-the-blue debts! It definitely helped that I found a way to make a lot more money with home-based business. But even making more money, it's important to follow all this great advice because it is very easy to spend more than you make, no matter how much money you make.
In "The Total Money Makeover", Dave Ramsey explains why he believes an emergency fund should come before anything else.
Get out of Debt -
Are you struggling under a heavy debt load from credit cards or student loans? Make it a priority to unload some of this this burden in 2009 and 10. When you're inundated with debt, you're basically working to pay the banks. So, make it a goal to only spend what you make. If you want more, make more. It's impossible to expand your current living situation if you're income doesn't expand. By paying down you're debt, you'll have all that money accessible to you.
If you have the mental discipline, you’ll save money by paying down your high-interest debt first. But if you’ve tried that method before and failed, consider using a debt snowball. Pay your debts starting with the smallest balance first. Here’s how:
Order your debts from lowest balance to highest balance.
With everything going on in the industry now, you can negotiate better interest rates. Call the banks and ask them for a lower interest rate or a payment plan.
Designate a certain amount of money to pay toward debts each month.
Pay the minimum payment on all debts except the one with the lowest balance.
Throw every other penny at the debt with the lowest balance.
When that debt is gone, do not alter the monthly amount used to pay debts, but throw all you can at the debt with the next-lowest balance.
The debt snowball can give you awesome psychological payoffs, keeping you motivated to stay in the game. It’s not mathematically ideal, but it worked for me (and for many others!).
Open a Retirement Account -
If you’re young, you probably don’t think you need to start a retirement account. You’re wrong. No matter how old you are, now is the time to begin saving for retirement!
Spend LESS than you earn-
This is the fundamental money skill. It’s common sense, yet many people never learn do it. Only by spending less than you earn can you hope to build wealth. This is easier to do if you track your spending or develop a budget, but those steps aren’t completely necessary. Even if you do nothing else in this list, spending less than you earn can put you ahead of your peers.
Automate Your Finances-
My current project is to move toward a system of paperless personal finance. Along the way, I’m learning the value of automating routine transactions. When you make things automatic, you remove the human element, making it more difficult for you to mess things up.
The classic example is overdraft protection. By tying your checking account to your savings account, you have a safety net if you bounce a check. But there are other ways this can work for you. For example, I’ve set up automatic payments with the gas company, the cable company, and my auto insurance company. I also make automatic investments to my retirement account.
Educate Yourself-
Knowledge is power. Personal finance doesn’t have to be a mystery. Read personal finance books and self-development manuals to empower yourself.
Take CONTROL of Your Finances Today!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Controlling Stress….You are in CONTROL!
It may seem that there’s nothing you can do about your stress level. The bills aren’t going to stop coming, there will never be more hours in the day for all your errands, and your career or family responsibilities will always be demanding. But you have a lot more control than you might think. In fact, the simple realization that you’re in control of your life is the foundation of stress management.
Managing stress is all about taking charge: taking charge of your thoughts, your emotions, your schedule, your environment, and the way you deal with problems. The ultimate goal is a balanced life, with time for work, relationships, relaxation, and fun – plus the resilience to hold up under pressure and meet challenges head on.
Stress management starts with identifying the sources of stress in your life. This isn’t as easy as it sounds. Your true sources of stress aren’t always obvious, and it’s all too easy to overlook your own stress-inducing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Sure, you may know that you’re constantly worried about work deadlines. But maybe it’s your procrastination, rather than the actual job demands, that leads to deadline stress.
To identify your true sources of stress, look closely at your habits, attitude, and excuses:
•Do you explain away stress as temporary (“I just have a million things going on right now”) even though you can’t remember the last time you took a breather?
•Do you define stress as an integral part of your work or home life (“Things are always crazy around here”) or as a part of your personality (“I have a lot of nervous energy, that’s all”).
•Do you blame your stress on other people or outside events, or view it as entirely normal and unexceptional?
These are things that I found myself doing and I’ve realized that until one accepts responsibility for the role they play in creating or maintaining it, your stress level will remain outside your control and lets face it, that the one thing we all must have in control if we plan on living our very BEST life!
Managing stress is all about taking charge: taking charge of your thoughts, your emotions, your schedule, your environment, and the way you deal with problems. The ultimate goal is a balanced life, with time for work, relationships, relaxation, and fun – plus the resilience to hold up under pressure and meet challenges head on.
Stress management starts with identifying the sources of stress in your life. This isn’t as easy as it sounds. Your true sources of stress aren’t always obvious, and it’s all too easy to overlook your own stress-inducing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Sure, you may know that you’re constantly worried about work deadlines. But maybe it’s your procrastination, rather than the actual job demands, that leads to deadline stress.
To identify your true sources of stress, look closely at your habits, attitude, and excuses:
•Do you explain away stress as temporary (“I just have a million things going on right now”) even though you can’t remember the last time you took a breather?
•Do you define stress as an integral part of your work or home life (“Things are always crazy around here”) or as a part of your personality (“I have a lot of nervous energy, that’s all”).
•Do you blame your stress on other people or outside events, or view it as entirely normal and unexceptional?
These are things that I found myself doing and I’ve realized that until one accepts responsibility for the role they play in creating or maintaining it, your stress level will remain outside your control and lets face it, that the one thing we all must have in control if we plan on living our very BEST life!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Building Lasting Friendships!
It's been said that no man (or woman, for that matter) is an island. And it's true: good relationships are essential to our happiness and emotional health. Our relationships can affect our physical health as well.
Indeed, one thing researchers know for sure is that our ability to feel love and intimacy is what keeps us well. Study after study has shown that loneliness is a risk factor for disease, and that relationships have a positive effect on everything from heart health to age-related health issues.
And I recently realized how it's not always easy to keep friendships and family connections strong when you're busy with work and other demands on your time. I found that these two tips can really help us keep (and develop) solid relationships healthy even in tough times:
1.Visit with friends and family. Simple, but important. Take time to make a phone call, send an email, or write a quick note.
2.Make new friends. Establishing new contacts with people who have similar lifestyles can help you feel that someone understands your daily challenges.
If you feel too exhausted to talk to or relate with the people important to you, tell them. Explain your feelings to them.
Communication is great in helping you to both feel better and do better..So go out and start your day today and make new Friends! Your soul will feel better for it.
Indeed, one thing researchers know for sure is that our ability to feel love and intimacy is what keeps us well. Study after study has shown that loneliness is a risk factor for disease, and that relationships have a positive effect on everything from heart health to age-related health issues.
And I recently realized how it's not always easy to keep friendships and family connections strong when you're busy with work and other demands on your time. I found that these two tips can really help us keep (and develop) solid relationships healthy even in tough times:
1.Visit with friends and family. Simple, but important. Take time to make a phone call, send an email, or write a quick note.
2.Make new friends. Establishing new contacts with people who have similar lifestyles can help you feel that someone understands your daily challenges.
If you feel too exhausted to talk to or relate with the people important to you, tell them. Explain your feelings to them.
Communication is great in helping you to both feel better and do better..So go out and start your day today and make new Friends! Your soul will feel better for it.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Ride on!

"Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
There is nothing like learning something new...starting out from scratch and then moving confidently through to mastery.
There's the fear, anxiety, confusion and then it all just seems to start making sense until the moment when you realize "I got it"!
I love to learn new things. Snowboarding, internet marketing, writing, speaking, skydiving and now motorcycle riding.
I had so much fun taking the Rider's Edge course at the Glendale Harley-Davidson dealership. John and I first walked into the dealership a few weeks ago to "check it out" and I instantly fell in love. All the leather, chrome, clothing, earrings, boots and POWER!
We signed up for the course on the spot and even signed up a friend. For weeks we waiting in eager anticipating, visiting the dealership every couple of days to hone in on the bikes we want to get. We've made friends with many experienced riders and are so excited about this new adventure in life.
The course was awesome! I learned the basics of safety and then went out on the bike. We learned on little Beull Blasts. Fun bikes with a little bit of umph. Mastering the clutch, brake, throttle combination was the most challenging for me since I've never driving a stick shift vehicle.
After half-a-day of perpetual stalling, I finally mastered it and was sooooooo proud of my new ability to gooooooooo with out sputtering to a stop. Once I got it up to 25 mph and did my turns, I was totally on fire! It's is an exhillerating experience.
Watching John master the bike was equally rewarding. He had the biggest smile on his face. As a couple, we got to experience a whole new adventure together...supporting each other, laughing with each other and amusing the class with our fun-loving antics.
Many times in life, we can have a tendency to be very introverted...festering on what someone has said, or what we haven't done or have to do or all the other things we can get fixated on. Snowboarding and motorcycles have been the two activities I have found to be very meditative and extroverting. It's just me and the experience, totally focusing on the road ahead, with not a care in the world. The brain stops putting around with useless worries and just gives it's attention to the road and the plan of action. Reaction speed is optimal, energy is high and it's total peace and enthusiasm.
It's the most rewarding experience. So, whatever you might have an interest in...go do it. Yes...you will make an ass of yourself at some point. But once you're through that point and gave a little giggle about it, you'll feel amazingly accomplished with your new skills and abilities and the new conversations you get to have with people.
I've had so many friends all around me who are Harley riders and I didn't even know it! I know have a whole new bonding experience and a new community of common experience and interest that is expanding my horizons!
And, for all those who tell you to "be careful", "that's too dangerous", "I would never do that!"...just remember, you are in control. When I first started telling people I was going to ride motorcycles, you wouldn't believe the number of "death and drudgery" stories people were telling me. And...this was coming from all people who weren't bike riders. They are fearful and want to slap their fear all over me! Empty warnings coming from fearful people.
So, remember: The only thing that makes a motorcycle dangerous is the person on it. The only thing that makes a snowboard dangerous is the person on it. The bike or snowboard can't hurt you. You have the innate ability to learn anything and to master it given time and effort.
Here's a great statement from Albert Einstein...copy it and remember it.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Do you know what Yoga can do for your physical, mental and emotional health?
If you watch someone practicing yoga, you will notice that they are not straining or breathing heavily and that their face is placid and calm. Perhaps you may even notice that they seem very focused and they are not distracted by what is going on around them.
Yoga classes in the U.S. often focus strictly on the physical aspects of yoga (the asana postures), and there is no doubt that you can benefit from these stretches and postures. They will help to tone and stretch your muscles and keep your body flexible, and they bring live-giving blood and oxygen to every part of your body.
But most don't realize that the ancient yogic techniques, incorporate breathing and meditation so that your mind and emotions become calm and stress relief happens on more than a physical level.
Yoga meditation and breathing techniques can relieve many of the physical symptoms of stress (palpitations, shortness of breath, insomnia, nervousness and more).
How can Yoga accomplish this? Essentially, the total yoga workout (physical, breath and meditation) works on the central nervous system and through that conduit, it lowers blood pressure and evens breathing to take the strain off your body and mind.
Those who suffer from long-term stress are more at risk for heart attack and stroke, and are more likely to have migraine headaches and ulcers, as well.
So if you practice yoga regularly you will find that your digestion and gastro-intestinal function will improve, that you will feel calmer, and you are less likely to get every bug or flu that comes along.
Sounds like a lot to accomplish just by some deep breathing, stretching and meditation, doesn't it? But, it is true!
Yoga requires you to enter and remain in an altered state of mind and focus. When you focus your attention on your breathing, you allow problems and other thoughts to pass through your mind and continue on their way, and you remain connected to your body in the here and now. You don't become distracted by other thoughts or stressors. This takes some practice, but it is something that ANYONE can do!
When you relax your breathing and take longer, deeper breaths, you feed your body and help your mind and emotions relax and focus as well. Instead of the short, shallow breath you take when you are under stress or worried, your breathing becomes even and slow and you breath into your abdomen instead of up in your chest.
If you learn and practice the ancient techniques of Yoga, you will gradually enter a state of balanced health..After all, isn't that what we all strive for anyway!
If you watch someone practicing yoga, you will notice that they are not straining or breathing heavily and that their face is placid and calm. Perhaps you may even notice that they seem very focused and they are not distracted by what is going on around them.
Yoga classes in the U.S. often focus strictly on the physical aspects of yoga (the asana postures), and there is no doubt that you can benefit from these stretches and postures. They will help to tone and stretch your muscles and keep your body flexible, and they bring live-giving blood and oxygen to every part of your body.
But most don't realize that the ancient yogic techniques, incorporate breathing and meditation so that your mind and emotions become calm and stress relief happens on more than a physical level.
Yoga meditation and breathing techniques can relieve many of the physical symptoms of stress (palpitations, shortness of breath, insomnia, nervousness and more).
How can Yoga accomplish this? Essentially, the total yoga workout (physical, breath and meditation) works on the central nervous system and through that conduit, it lowers blood pressure and evens breathing to take the strain off your body and mind.
Those who suffer from long-term stress are more at risk for heart attack and stroke, and are more likely to have migraine headaches and ulcers, as well.
So if you practice yoga regularly you will find that your digestion and gastro-intestinal function will improve, that you will feel calmer, and you are less likely to get every bug or flu that comes along.
Sounds like a lot to accomplish just by some deep breathing, stretching and meditation, doesn't it? But, it is true!
Yoga requires you to enter and remain in an altered state of mind and focus. When you focus your attention on your breathing, you allow problems and other thoughts to pass through your mind and continue on their way, and you remain connected to your body in the here and now. You don't become distracted by other thoughts or stressors. This takes some practice, but it is something that ANYONE can do!
When you relax your breathing and take longer, deeper breaths, you feed your body and help your mind and emotions relax and focus as well. Instead of the short, shallow breath you take when you are under stress or worried, your breathing becomes even and slow and you breath into your abdomen instead of up in your chest.
If you learn and practice the ancient techniques of Yoga, you will gradually enter a state of balanced health..After all, isn't that what we all strive for anyway!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Bringing out the best YOU!
"Remember that the most difficult tasks are consummated, not by a single explosive burst of energy or effort, but by the constant daily application of the best you have within you." - Og Mandino.
Money can't buy happiness we are told from the time we are young, but most of us laugh, and reply, "but I'd surely like to try and find out!" Almost every person admits to trying to find the secret to happiness. Sometimes, it may seem as if others have everything going for them, and that they lead a charmed life. It may appear that they achieve success every time they try something new. Then, we may compare their situation to our own lives, and realize that we have more than our fair share of struggles.
The person who seems to have an easier time of negotiating life's bumpy roads knows that life is so very short, and they cannot dwell on what they don't have, but instead, must focus on what they do have. They learn to appreciate their own accomplishments and those of their friends and family members. They can make decisions about goals for who they want to become, and set out to achieve those goals.
So I say to you, don't let life's adversities keep you down for long, instead use the hard times to really see the beauty in your own life and learn from it!
Money can't buy happiness we are told from the time we are young, but most of us laugh, and reply, "but I'd surely like to try and find out!" Almost every person admits to trying to find the secret to happiness. Sometimes, it may seem as if others have everything going for them, and that they lead a charmed life. It may appear that they achieve success every time they try something new. Then, we may compare their situation to our own lives, and realize that we have more than our fair share of struggles.
The person who seems to have an easier time of negotiating life's bumpy roads knows that life is so very short, and they cannot dwell on what they don't have, but instead, must focus on what they do have. They learn to appreciate their own accomplishments and those of their friends and family members. They can make decisions about goals for who they want to become, and set out to achieve those goals.
So I say to you, don't let life's adversities keep you down for long, instead use the hard times to really see the beauty in your own life and learn from it!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
5 Ways to Stretch Your Money in 2009!
I read this article on CNN.com/Money and wante dto share...Enjoy!
NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - You don't need to be a penny pincher, but why pay more than you need to? Especially when paying less doesn't require much effort.
Paying less doesn't necessarily mean shopping every sale, buying everything used or always opting for package deals. In fact, in doing so you might actually end up spending more or at best not saving much at all, said Jonni McCoy, author of Frugal Families: Making the Most of Your Hard-Earned Money.
Take furniture and clothing. Full-price, both are typically marked up 50 percent by retailers, so a 30-percent-off "blowout" sale is not necessarily that great a deal, she says.
With that in mind, here are five ways to get more bang for your buck.
1. Buying groceries
It's hard to save money if you don't know what things cost. When it comes to things you buy regularly, such as groceries or toiletries, "you need to know your prices," McCoy said. She recommends you keep a "price book" -- a log of prices you see advertised in different stores for products you typically use. That way, when the stores you usually shop in have a sale, you'll know if it's really a good deal. If it is (and the product is not perishable), buy four to six weeks' worth, since grocery product sales tend to come in four-to-six week cycles, she said.
2. Buying major appliances
If you're in the market for a washer-and-dryer or a refrigerator, you usually can get a significant discount if you select last year's model or a new model that has slight cosmetic imperfections, such as a ding or dent in the back of the machine. These models may be squirreled away in the storeroom or at the back of the store, so ask a salesperson, McCoy said.
If you're tempted to buy used appliances for added savings, beware. If you buy from a refurbisher, you may not be paying much less than the original price, you won't get a warranty, you'll have to pay delivery charges, and, if you're buying a product that's more than two or three years old, it won't be as energy-efficient (and hence as low-cost to own) as the newer models, she said.
When buying full retail, you still might be able to negotiate a lower price. "If they're not having a sale, ask if they're having a sale in the near future," said Larry Roth, owner of Living Cheap Press. If they sense you're eager to buy right away, retailers may be inclined to give you a price break. They know you don't buy durable goods everyday and if they lose you now there's a good chance you won't return for years, Roth explained.
3. Buying a home
You're likely to get more for your money if you put down roots in an up-and-coming neighborhood -- one where renovations of some homes have begun on the street where your home would be -- and/or you purchase a property that has "curable" defects -- i.e., things you can fix, such as the lack of a half bath on the first floor, said Roth, a realtor in Kansas City, Mo. You may pay $10,000 to put in that extra bathroom, but that could translate into an additional $40,000 or more on your selling price. Whatever you do, Roth said, "stay away from incurable defects" such as a busy street. You may get a discount to move there but when you turn around to sell you're going to have to offer buyers a discount, too, he explained.
4. Paying off a mortgage
It might be a good idea to set up a biweekly payment plan, which typically can save you up to 29 percent in interest over the life of your loan and shave years off your mortgage, but don't pay for the privilege. Such a plan is attractive if you can afford to make what is in effect one extra payment on your mortgage a year, your loan doesn't apply prepayment penalties and you don't sacrifice much in the way of tax deductions that regular mortgage interest payments offer.
Your bank may try to talk you into paying a $200 fee to set such a plan up. But you can do it yourself for free simply by sending in the extra money and informing the bank in writing that the excess should be applied to your principal, not your interest, said certified financial planner Judi Martindale. (For more on how biweekly payment plans work, click here.)
5. Going on vacation
Who says procrastinators pay more? Last-minute deals abound this year, said certified travel agent Renee Coon of North Coast Travel in Eerie, Pa. You can find rock-bottom airfares when tour and charter companies scramble to fill seats on flights that are only half full. For those planning a driving vacation in the United States this summer, a lot of good hotels are offering bargains as low as $40 a night and package deals that may be worth your while, Coon said. For instance, if you're headed to the Grand Canyon, $119 per person will buy you a night's stay at the Fray Marcos Hotel, dinner, breakfast and a roundtrip train ticket to the Grand Canyon on a historic steam engine.
Some travel websites, like Travelocity, feature last-minute travel deals. If you're not comfortable buying online, you can use the Web to research your trip and then call a reputable travel agent to match or beat the offers you've found. For some of the latest travel bargains, check out our weekly "Best Travel Deals." And for vacations that offer good value for the money, check out MONEY magazine's Best Places to Vacation.
One of the best money-saving tips for all travelers is to think carefully about what you hope to get out of your vacation before slapping down hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. "Think about why you're going," McCoy said. If true R&R is on the agenda, a five-star resort is likely to charge you far more than a friends' cabin by the lake. And if you're averse to Beautiful People and trendy spots, the cheaper alternative may in fact be the preferred one.
NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - You don't need to be a penny pincher, but why pay more than you need to? Especially when paying less doesn't require much effort.
Paying less doesn't necessarily mean shopping every sale, buying everything used or always opting for package deals. In fact, in doing so you might actually end up spending more or at best not saving much at all, said Jonni McCoy, author of Frugal Families: Making the Most of Your Hard-Earned Money.
Take furniture and clothing. Full-price, both are typically marked up 50 percent by retailers, so a 30-percent-off "blowout" sale is not necessarily that great a deal, she says.
With that in mind, here are five ways to get more bang for your buck.
1. Buying groceries
It's hard to save money if you don't know what things cost. When it comes to things you buy regularly, such as groceries or toiletries, "you need to know your prices," McCoy said. She recommends you keep a "price book" -- a log of prices you see advertised in different stores for products you typically use. That way, when the stores you usually shop in have a sale, you'll know if it's really a good deal. If it is (and the product is not perishable), buy four to six weeks' worth, since grocery product sales tend to come in four-to-six week cycles, she said.
2. Buying major appliances
If you're in the market for a washer-and-dryer or a refrigerator, you usually can get a significant discount if you select last year's model or a new model that has slight cosmetic imperfections, such as a ding or dent in the back of the machine. These models may be squirreled away in the storeroom or at the back of the store, so ask a salesperson, McCoy said.
If you're tempted to buy used appliances for added savings, beware. If you buy from a refurbisher, you may not be paying much less than the original price, you won't get a warranty, you'll have to pay delivery charges, and, if you're buying a product that's more than two or three years old, it won't be as energy-efficient (and hence as low-cost to own) as the newer models, she said.
When buying full retail, you still might be able to negotiate a lower price. "If they're not having a sale, ask if they're having a sale in the near future," said Larry Roth, owner of Living Cheap Press. If they sense you're eager to buy right away, retailers may be inclined to give you a price break. They know you don't buy durable goods everyday and if they lose you now there's a good chance you won't return for years, Roth explained.
3. Buying a home
You're likely to get more for your money if you put down roots in an up-and-coming neighborhood -- one where renovations of some homes have begun on the street where your home would be -- and/or you purchase a property that has "curable" defects -- i.e., things you can fix, such as the lack of a half bath on the first floor, said Roth, a realtor in Kansas City, Mo. You may pay $10,000 to put in that extra bathroom, but that could translate into an additional $40,000 or more on your selling price. Whatever you do, Roth said, "stay away from incurable defects" such as a busy street. You may get a discount to move there but when you turn around to sell you're going to have to offer buyers a discount, too, he explained.
4. Paying off a mortgage
It might be a good idea to set up a biweekly payment plan, which typically can save you up to 29 percent in interest over the life of your loan and shave years off your mortgage, but don't pay for the privilege. Such a plan is attractive if you can afford to make what is in effect one extra payment on your mortgage a year, your loan doesn't apply prepayment penalties and you don't sacrifice much in the way of tax deductions that regular mortgage interest payments offer.
Your bank may try to talk you into paying a $200 fee to set such a plan up. But you can do it yourself for free simply by sending in the extra money and informing the bank in writing that the excess should be applied to your principal, not your interest, said certified financial planner Judi Martindale. (For more on how biweekly payment plans work, click here.)
5. Going on vacation
Who says procrastinators pay more? Last-minute deals abound this year, said certified travel agent Renee Coon of North Coast Travel in Eerie, Pa. You can find rock-bottom airfares when tour and charter companies scramble to fill seats on flights that are only half full. For those planning a driving vacation in the United States this summer, a lot of good hotels are offering bargains as low as $40 a night and package deals that may be worth your while, Coon said. For instance, if you're headed to the Grand Canyon, $119 per person will buy you a night's stay at the Fray Marcos Hotel, dinner, breakfast and a roundtrip train ticket to the Grand Canyon on a historic steam engine.
Some travel websites, like Travelocity, feature last-minute travel deals. If you're not comfortable buying online, you can use the Web to research your trip and then call a reputable travel agent to match or beat the offers you've found. For some of the latest travel bargains, check out our weekly "Best Travel Deals." And for vacations that offer good value for the money, check out MONEY magazine's Best Places to Vacation.
One of the best money-saving tips for all travelers is to think carefully about what you hope to get out of your vacation before slapping down hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. "Think about why you're going," McCoy said. If true R&R is on the agenda, a five-star resort is likely to charge you far more than a friends' cabin by the lake. And if you're averse to Beautiful People and trendy spots, the cheaper alternative may in fact be the preferred one.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A smile goes a long way
We all know how frustrating airports can be. Lines, angry TSA workers, panicking tourists rushing to make their flights. It can be a crazy place! Especially LAX.
John and I headed to Auckland yesterday day for our Bridging the Gap Workshop. We've been travelling so much lately...and having a blast!
In the next week weeks we're heading to Acapulco, The Caribbean, Florida, And back around..all by the end of March!
So, to make a long story short, I love travelling so the trip to the airport and through the airport is all part of the adventure. I kept my energy up and my smile bright and wouldn't you know it, the gate manager gave us the most spectacular seats we could get.
When we got to the gate to get our seating assignments, I greeted the obviously stressed out gate manager with a smile, a kind tone of voice and lots of patience. She reciprocated by giving us the best seats there were!
We enjoyed a very comfortable flight with plenty of room to relax and enjoy the flight.
As the plane pushed back from the jetway, I saw the gate manager operating the jetway. I gave her a smile, a thumbs up and so-long wave. She smiled back and waved back and it was obvious she was in a much better space than when I first met her at the counter.
So you see, a smile goes a long way. Not only did I make a difference in my own experience by getting great seats, but I also helped a very weary and frustrated airline employee feel good about her day.
Keep smiling!
John and I headed to Auckland yesterday day for our Bridging the Gap Workshop. We've been travelling so much lately...and having a blast!
In the next week weeks we're heading to Acapulco, The Caribbean, Florida, And back around..all by the end of March!
So, to make a long story short, I love travelling so the trip to the airport and through the airport is all part of the adventure. I kept my energy up and my smile bright and wouldn't you know it, the gate manager gave us the most spectacular seats we could get.
When we got to the gate to get our seating assignments, I greeted the obviously stressed out gate manager with a smile, a kind tone of voice and lots of patience. She reciprocated by giving us the best seats there were!
We enjoyed a very comfortable flight with plenty of room to relax and enjoy the flight.
As the plane pushed back from the jetway, I saw the gate manager operating the jetway. I gave her a smile, a thumbs up and so-long wave. She smiled back and waved back and it was obvious she was in a much better space than when I first met her at the counter.
So you see, a smile goes a long way. Not only did I make a difference in my own experience by getting great seats, but I also helped a very weary and frustrated airline employee feel good about her day.
Keep smiling!
Monday, February 09, 2009
Fulfilling YOUR Destiny!
What is "DESTINY"? In simple terms, destiny is
God's purpose for your life. It is your appointed or
ordained future. Destiny is what God has predetermined you to be and to become, in His divine will.
Do you know that there is something that you are uniquely designed to do?Maybe you are already doing that. Maybe you are not. Let me run some questions past you just to make sure:
Do you spring out of bed every morning with boundless energy, eagerly wanting to throw yourself into the day ahead?
Does your work fulfill you to the point where you would do it for much less than what you are already being paid for it?
Do you have endless ideas running through your mind that inspire you to do more and be more?
Do you feel as though you are a valuable member of society and that you are being well rewarded for the value that you give?
Do you feel respected and admired by others for what you do, the value you give and the person that you are becoming?
And lastly, are you really & truly content and happy with your role in society and does that feeling manifest itself in your daily dealings with other people?
If you cannot answer yes to the questions above then you are not being fulfilled. You are not working towards your ULTIMATE destiny. You see, there is something that you are uniquely designed to do and if you ever want to be truly HAPPY you must find out what that thing is! So I say to you, look deep inside yourslef, find your passion then start the process needed to Fulfill your destiny. Turn your life into a work of art because YOU deserve it!
God's purpose for your life. It is your appointed or
ordained future. Destiny is what God has predetermined you to be and to become, in His divine will.
Do you know that there is something that you are uniquely designed to do?Maybe you are already doing that. Maybe you are not. Let me run some questions past you just to make sure:
Do you spring out of bed every morning with boundless energy, eagerly wanting to throw yourself into the day ahead?
Does your work fulfill you to the point where you would do it for much less than what you are already being paid for it?
Do you have endless ideas running through your mind that inspire you to do more and be more?
Do you feel as though you are a valuable member of society and that you are being well rewarded for the value that you give?
Do you feel respected and admired by others for what you do, the value you give and the person that you are becoming?
And lastly, are you really & truly content and happy with your role in society and does that feeling manifest itself in your daily dealings with other people?
If you cannot answer yes to the questions above then you are not being fulfilled. You are not working towards your ULTIMATE destiny. You see, there is something that you are uniquely designed to do and if you ever want to be truly HAPPY you must find out what that thing is! So I say to you, look deep inside yourslef, find your passion then start the process needed to Fulfill your destiny. Turn your life into a work of art because YOU deserve it!
Monday, January 26, 2009
In Giving to Others, You Don't Have to Be a Millionaire! Every day we are confronted with choices: what we wear, what we eat, how and with whom we spend our leisure time. These choices reveal something about us: Our Priorities and Our Personal Values.
The same is true for our charitable giving. How much (if anything), where, and to whom we give is a reflection of who we are. We can support a community foundation, a donor designated fund, a nonprofit organization, a community service program, a religious institution, an entertainment benefit, or even a race for a specific cause. We can give $5 or $1million, depending on our budget and our good will. Remember it's not about how much you give, it's truly the thought and act of giving that takes us a long way..so even when the seasons change, our hearts remain the same and the genuine generosity never ends!
- Shannon Lavenia
The same is true for our charitable giving. How much (if anything), where, and to whom we give is a reflection of who we are. We can support a community foundation, a donor designated fund, a nonprofit organization, a community service program, a religious institution, an entertainment benefit, or even a race for a specific cause. We can give $5 or $1million, depending on our budget and our good will. Remember it's not about how much you give, it's truly the thought and act of giving that takes us a long way..so even when the seasons change, our hearts remain the same and the genuine generosity never ends!
- Shannon Lavenia
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
2009 Here I Come!
I have been looking at my goals this week, thinking about how I can work toward making 2009 my BEST Year ever. And here are four tips I've come up with to help you make 2009 your best year ever too!
1. Get your body moving. Walk, run, jog, dance, or workout…doesn’t matter what you do, just get that body moving!
2. Eat more whole foods. Foods spiked with synthetic vitamins have shown to cause health problems in multiple studies. Eat more whole fruits and vegetables and if you would like to get multiple servings in a simple to drink whole food liquid, try Eiro.
3. Connect with people you care about. Facebook is a great way to connect with people that you may have missed in your life. Life is too short to forget about the people that are most important to you.
4. And last but not but DEFINITELY not least, Improve Yourself. Work to become a better you. Read more, listen to more positive audio, study more successful people and find yourself a mentor.
Remember: When you are Working, Work harder than anyone else. When you are Resting, truly REST because you have earned it!
1. Get your body moving. Walk, run, jog, dance, or workout…doesn’t matter what you do, just get that body moving!
2. Eat more whole foods. Foods spiked with synthetic vitamins have shown to cause health problems in multiple studies. Eat more whole fruits and vegetables and if you would like to get multiple servings in a simple to drink whole food liquid, try Eiro.
3. Connect with people you care about. Facebook is a great way to connect with people that you may have missed in your life. Life is too short to forget about the people that are most important to you.
4. And last but not but DEFINITELY not least, Improve Yourself. Work to become a better you. Read more, listen to more positive audio, study more successful people and find yourself a mentor.
Remember: When you are Working, Work harder than anyone else. When you are Resting, truly REST because you have earned it!
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