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Welcome to the Millionaire Mastermind. This blog explores ways you can work on the internet, stay home and enjoy a phenomenal lifestyle. Live a life of freedom, adventure, joy and wealth.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
What's YOUR Purpose?
How do you discover your real purpose in life? I'm not talking about your job, your daily responsibilities, or even your long-term goals. I mean the real reason why you're here at all — the very reason you exist.
Perhaps you're a rather nihilistic person who doesn't believe you have a purpose and that life has no meaning. Doesn't matter. Not believing that you have a purpose won't prevent you from discovering it, just as a lack of belief in gravity won't prevent you from tripping. Most likely though if you don't believe you have a purpose, then you probably won't believe what I'm saying anyway, but even so, what's the risk of investing an hour just in case?
If you want to discover your true purpose in life, you must first empty your mind of all the false purposes you've been taught (including the idea that you may have no purpose at all).
So how to discover your purpose in life? Live consciously and courageously, to resonate with love and compassion, to awaken the great spirits within others, and to leave this world in peace.
When you find your own unique answer to the question of why you're here, you will feel it resonate with you deeply. The words will seem to have a special energy to you, and you will feel that energy whenever you read them.
Discovering your purpose is the easy part. The hard part is keeping it with you on a daily basis and working on yourself to the point where you become that PURPOSE!
Perhaps you're a rather nihilistic person who doesn't believe you have a purpose and that life has no meaning. Doesn't matter. Not believing that you have a purpose won't prevent you from discovering it, just as a lack of belief in gravity won't prevent you from tripping. Most likely though if you don't believe you have a purpose, then you probably won't believe what I'm saying anyway, but even so, what's the risk of investing an hour just in case?
If you want to discover your true purpose in life, you must first empty your mind of all the false purposes you've been taught (including the idea that you may have no purpose at all).
So how to discover your purpose in life? Live consciously and courageously, to resonate with love and compassion, to awaken the great spirits within others, and to leave this world in peace.
When you find your own unique answer to the question of why you're here, you will feel it resonate with you deeply. The words will seem to have a special energy to you, and you will feel that energy whenever you read them.
Discovering your purpose is the easy part. The hard part is keeping it with you on a daily basis and working on yourself to the point where you become that PURPOSE!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Finding True Love...
Toni Coleman wrote a great article on finding your true love and I wanted to share it..So here it is,Enjoy!
So many people these days say "I live life to the fullest" but do they really know what it means to actually do that? Most of these people seem to use it as a claim that they know what it means to push life's limits as if they have some superior way of living. What do these people do that the rest of us aren't?
It seems that most of these people are thrill-seekers. They jump out of planes, climb mountains, bungee jump off bridges, dabble in drugs on the premise that if they're willing to 'try anything once' that means they're living life to its fullest. Not everything has to be tried once and there doesn't have to be a first time for everything (as the commercial with the drunk girl puking in the toilet states).
The reason these thrill-seekers think they live life to the fullest is because while they're doing these thrilling activities, they're in the moment. They have a heightened sense of awareness. The problem with most of these thrill-seekers is that they try to convince others to live life their way as if it's the only way to truly live. It's not.
In order to truly live life to its fullest, you have to truly enjoy every minute of every moment all the time. You have to be so absorbed in wonder of what is going on around you, so connected to life that you are one with it all and appreciate what it has to offer, good and bad. Yes, that sounds very Zen but it's true.
It's great that these full life livers believe they have unlocked the secret to the fullest life and some of them, no doubt, have. Others use this as an excuse to avoid their responsibilities, claiming that it's not important or getting worried over nothing and they don't worry about the past or the future because they're too busy living life in the moment.
If you live life without fear, without excuses, face up to your responsibilities, consider others, love with all your heart and cry with all your soul, do what you love or love what you do and appreciate everyone and everything around you and then maybe you'll be close to living life to the fullest.
In this technological world where we're becoming trained to do ten things at once and can't, as a result, manage to do any one of them to the best of our abilities, it takes great concentration and a conscious decision for someone to live to the fullest. That's the primary key - decision. You can live your life or you can let life live you.
So many people these days say "I live life to the fullest" but do they really know what it means to actually do that? Most of these people seem to use it as a claim that they know what it means to push life's limits as if they have some superior way of living. What do these people do that the rest of us aren't?
It seems that most of these people are thrill-seekers. They jump out of planes, climb mountains, bungee jump off bridges, dabble in drugs on the premise that if they're willing to 'try anything once' that means they're living life to its fullest. Not everything has to be tried once and there doesn't have to be a first time for everything (as the commercial with the drunk girl puking in the toilet states).
The reason these thrill-seekers think they live life to the fullest is because while they're doing these thrilling activities, they're in the moment. They have a heightened sense of awareness. The problem with most of these thrill-seekers is that they try to convince others to live life their way as if it's the only way to truly live. It's not.
In order to truly live life to its fullest, you have to truly enjoy every minute of every moment all the time. You have to be so absorbed in wonder of what is going on around you, so connected to life that you are one with it all and appreciate what it has to offer, good and bad. Yes, that sounds very Zen but it's true.
It's great that these full life livers believe they have unlocked the secret to the fullest life and some of them, no doubt, have. Others use this as an excuse to avoid their responsibilities, claiming that it's not important or getting worried over nothing and they don't worry about the past or the future because they're too busy living life in the moment.
If you live life without fear, without excuses, face up to your responsibilities, consider others, love with all your heart and cry with all your soul, do what you love or love what you do and appreciate everyone and everything around you and then maybe you'll be close to living life to the fullest.
In this technological world where we're becoming trained to do ten things at once and can't, as a result, manage to do any one of them to the best of our abilities, it takes great concentration and a conscious decision for someone to live to the fullest. That's the primary key - decision. You can live your life or you can let life live you.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Is It What You Say....
Or How You Say It?
I think we all realize the power of body language and tone of voice.
Saying "Have a great day" with a smile vs. "Have a great day" with your teeth clenched and your brow tensed, are two totally different experiences.
In business, who you are being and how you are saying it is the difference between making the sale and not making the sale.
The study done by Albert Mehrabian explains it best. Read the article here:
I think we all realize the power of body language and tone of voice.
Saying "Have a great day" with a smile vs. "Have a great day" with your teeth clenched and your brow tensed, are two totally different experiences.
In business, who you are being and how you are saying it is the difference between making the sale and not making the sale.
The study done by Albert Mehrabian explains it best. Read the article here:
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Toooooooo Funny
Usually, I hate forwarded "joke" emails but this one is just too funny. Thank you Brian...I appreciate your sense of humor! If you decide to read this, be prepared to laugh!
Pocket Taser Stun Gun, a great gift for the wife. A guy who
purchased his lovely wife a pocket Taser for their anniversary submitted
Last weekend I saw something at Larry's Pistol & Pawn Shop
that sparked my interest.. The occasion was our 15th anniversary and I
was looking for a little something extra for my wife Julie.
What I came across was a 100,000-volt, pocket/purse-sized taser.
The effects of the taser were supposed to be short lived, with no
long-term adverse affect on your assailant, allowing her adequate time
to retreat to safety....??
Long story short, I bought the device and brought it home.
I loaded two AAA batteries in the darn thing and pushed the button.
Nothing! I was disappointed.
I learned, however, that if I pushed the button AND
pressed it against a metal surface at the same time; I'd get the blue
arc of electricity darting back and forth between the prongs.
Unfortunately, I have yet to explain to Julie what that
burn spot is on the face of her microwave.
Okay, so I was home alone with this new toy, thinking to
myself that it couldn't be all that bad with only two triple-A
batteries, right?
There I sat in my recliner, my cat Gracie looking on
intently (trusting little soul) while I was reading the directions and
thinking that I really needed to try this thing out on a flesh & blood
moving target.
I must admit I thought about zapping Gracie (for a
fraction of a second) and thought better of it. She is such a sweet cat.
But, if I was going to give this thing to my wife to
protect herself against a mugger, I did want some assurance that it
would work as advertised.
Am I wrong?
So, there I sat in a pair of shorts and a tank top with my
reading glasses perched delicately on the bridge of my nose, directions
in one hand, and taser in another.
The directions said that a one-second burst would shock and
disorient your assailant; a two-second burst was supposed to cause
muscle spasms and a major loss of bodily control; a three-second burst
would purportedly make your assailant flop on the ground like a fish out
of water. Any burst longer than three seconds would be wasting the
All the while I'm looking at this little device measuring
about 5' long, less than 3/4 inch in circumference; pretty cute really
and (loaded with two itsy, bitsy triple-A batteries) thinking to myself,
'no possible way!'
What happened next is almost beyond description, but I'll
do my best...?
I'm sitting there alone, Gracie looking on with her head
cocked to one side as to say, 'don't do it dipshit,' reasoning that a
one second burst from such a tiny little ole thing couldn't hurt all
that bad.
I decided to give myself a one second burst just for heck
of it. I touched the prongs to my naked thigh, pushed the button, and .
I'm pretty sure Jessie Ventura ran in through the side
door, picked me up in the recliner, then body slammed us both on the
carpet, over and over and over again.
I vaguely recall waking up on my side in the fetal
position, with tears in my eyes, body soaking wet, both nipples on fire,
testicles nowhere to be found, with my left arm tucked under my body in
the oddest position, and tingling in my legs?
The cat was making meowing sounds I had never heard
before, clinging to a picture frame hanging above the fireplace,
obviously in an attempt to avoid getting slammed by my body flopping all
over the living room.
Note: If you ever feel compelled to 'mug' yourself with a
taser, one note of caution: there is no such thing as a one second burst
when you zap yourself!
You will not let go of that thing until it is dislodged
from your hand by a violent thrashing about on the floor. A three second
burst would be considered conservative?
A minute or so later (I can't be sure, as time was a
relative thing at that point), I collected my wits (what little I had
left), sat up and surveyed the landscape.
&n bsp; My bent reading glasses were on the mantel of the
fireplace. The recliner was upside down and about 8 feet or so from
where it originally was. My triceps, right thigh and both nipples were
still twitching.
My face felt like it had been shot up with Novocain, and
my bottom lip weighed 88 lbs. I had no control over the drooling.
Apparently I shit myself, but was too numb to know for
sure and my sense of smell was gone. I saw a faint smoke cloud above my
head which I believe came from my hair.
I'm still looking for my nuts and I'm offering a
significant reward for their safe return!!
P. S. My wife loved the gift, and now regularly threatens
me with it!
'If you think Education is difficult, try being stupid.'
Pocket Taser Stun Gun, a great gift for the wife. A guy who
purchased his lovely wife a pocket Taser for their anniversary submitted
Last weekend I saw something at Larry's Pistol & Pawn Shop
that sparked my interest.. The occasion was our 15th anniversary and I
was looking for a little something extra for my wife Julie.
What I came across was a 100,000-volt, pocket/purse-sized taser.
The effects of the taser were supposed to be short lived, with no
long-term adverse affect on your assailant, allowing her adequate time
to retreat to safety....??
Long story short, I bought the device and brought it home.
I loaded two AAA batteries in the darn thing and pushed the button.
Nothing! I was disappointed.
I learned, however, that if I pushed the button AND
pressed it against a metal surface at the same time; I'd get the blue
arc of electricity darting back and forth between the prongs.
Unfortunately, I have yet to explain to Julie what that
burn spot is on the face of her microwave.
Okay, so I was home alone with this new toy, thinking to
myself that it couldn't be all that bad with only two triple-A
batteries, right?
There I sat in my recliner, my cat Gracie looking on
intently (trusting little soul) while I was reading the directions and
thinking that I really needed to try this thing out on a flesh & blood
moving target.
I must admit I thought about zapping Gracie (for a
fraction of a second) and thought better of it. She is such a sweet cat.
But, if I was going to give this thing to my wife to
protect herself against a mugger, I did want some assurance that it
would work as advertised.
Am I wrong?
So, there I sat in a pair of shorts and a tank top with my
reading glasses perched delicately on the bridge of my nose, directions
in one hand, and taser in another.
The directions said that a one-second burst would shock and
disorient your assailant; a two-second burst was supposed to cause
muscle spasms and a major loss of bodily control; a three-second burst
would purportedly make your assailant flop on the ground like a fish out
of water. Any burst longer than three seconds would be wasting the
All the while I'm looking at this little device measuring
about 5' long, less than 3/4 inch in circumference; pretty cute really
and (loaded with two itsy, bitsy triple-A batteries) thinking to myself,
'no possible way!'
What happened next is almost beyond description, but I'll
do my best...?
I'm sitting there alone, Gracie looking on with her head
cocked to one side as to say, 'don't do it dipshit,' reasoning that a
one second burst from such a tiny little ole thing couldn't hurt all
that bad.
I decided to give myself a one second burst just for heck
of it. I touched the prongs to my naked thigh, pushed the button, and .
I'm pretty sure Jessie Ventura ran in through the side
door, picked me up in the recliner, then body slammed us both on the
carpet, over and over and over again.
I vaguely recall waking up on my side in the fetal
position, with tears in my eyes, body soaking wet, both nipples on fire,
testicles nowhere to be found, with my left arm tucked under my body in
the oddest position, and tingling in my legs?
The cat was making meowing sounds I had never heard
before, clinging to a picture frame hanging above the fireplace,
obviously in an attempt to avoid getting slammed by my body flopping all
over the living room.
Note: If you ever feel compelled to 'mug' yourself with a
taser, one note of caution: there is no such thing as a one second burst
when you zap yourself!
You will not let go of that thing until it is dislodged
from your hand by a violent thrashing about on the floor. A three second
burst would be considered conservative?
A minute or so later (I can't be sure, as time was a
relative thing at that point), I collected my wits (what little I had
left), sat up and surveyed the landscape.
&n bsp; My bent reading glasses were on the mantel of the
fireplace. The recliner was upside down and about 8 feet or so from
where it originally was. My triceps, right thigh and both nipples were
still twitching.
My face felt like it had been shot up with Novocain, and
my bottom lip weighed 88 lbs. I had no control over the drooling.
Apparently I shit myself, but was too numb to know for
sure and my sense of smell was gone. I saw a faint smoke cloud above my
head which I believe came from my hair.
I'm still looking for my nuts and I'm offering a
significant reward for their safe return!!
P. S. My wife loved the gift, and now regularly threatens
me with it!
'If you think Education is difficult, try being stupid.'
Monday, December 01, 2008
Yes YOU Can!
So many people these days say "I live life to the fullest" but do they really know what it means to actually do that? Most of these people seem to use it as a claim that they know what it means to push life's limits as if they have some superior way of living. What do these people do that the rest of us aren't?
It seems that most of these people are thrill-seekers. They jump out of planes, climb mountains, bungee jump off bridges, dabble in drugs on the premise that if they're willing to 'try anything once' that means they're living life to its fullest. Not everything has to be tried once and there doesn't have to be a first time for everything (as the commercial with the drunk girl puking in the toilet states).
The reason these thrill-seekers think they live life to the fullest is because while they're doing these thrilling activities, they're in the moment. They have a heightened sense of awareness. The problem with most of these thrill-seekers is that they try to convince others to live life their way as if it's the only way to truly live. It's not.
In order to truly live life to its fullest, you have to truly enjoy every minute of every moment all the time. You have to be so absorbed in wonder of what is going on around you, so connected to life that you are one with it all and appreciate what it has to offer, good and bad. Yes, that sounds very Zen but it's true.
It's great that these full life livers believe they have unlocked the secret to the fullest life and some of them, no doubt, have. Others use this as an excuse to avoid their responsibilities, claiming that it's not important or getting worried over nothing and they don't worry about the past or the future because they're too busy living life in the moment.
If you live life without fear, without excuses, face up to your responsibilities, consider others, love with all your heart and cry with all your soul, do what you love or love what you do and appreciate everyone and everything around you and then maybe you'll be close to living life to the fullest.
In this technological world where we're becoming trained to do ten things at once and can't, as a result, manage to do any one of them to the best of our abilities, it takes great concentration and a conscious decision for someone to live to the fullest. That's the primary key - decision. You can live your life or you can let life live you!
It seems that most of these people are thrill-seekers. They jump out of planes, climb mountains, bungee jump off bridges, dabble in drugs on the premise that if they're willing to 'try anything once' that means they're living life to its fullest. Not everything has to be tried once and there doesn't have to be a first time for everything (as the commercial with the drunk girl puking in the toilet states).
The reason these thrill-seekers think they live life to the fullest is because while they're doing these thrilling activities, they're in the moment. They have a heightened sense of awareness. The problem with most of these thrill-seekers is that they try to convince others to live life their way as if it's the only way to truly live. It's not.
In order to truly live life to its fullest, you have to truly enjoy every minute of every moment all the time. You have to be so absorbed in wonder of what is going on around you, so connected to life that you are one with it all and appreciate what it has to offer, good and bad. Yes, that sounds very Zen but it's true.
It's great that these full life livers believe they have unlocked the secret to the fullest life and some of them, no doubt, have. Others use this as an excuse to avoid their responsibilities, claiming that it's not important or getting worried over nothing and they don't worry about the past or the future because they're too busy living life in the moment.
If you live life without fear, without excuses, face up to your responsibilities, consider others, love with all your heart and cry with all your soul, do what you love or love what you do and appreciate everyone and everything around you and then maybe you'll be close to living life to the fullest.
In this technological world where we're becoming trained to do ten things at once and can't, as a result, manage to do any one of them to the best of our abilities, it takes great concentration and a conscious decision for someone to live to the fullest. That's the primary key - decision. You can live your life or you can let life live you!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
The KEY to Endless Success!
We all want success in life. We want success in our home life, business life, and in our relationships with others. The most important single factor that guarantees our success in every aspect of our lives is having a positive attitude. Without a positive attitude success is not possible. Earl Nightingale called attitude "the magic word."
You will never attract positive things into your life if all of your thoughts are negative. Just as a magnet attracts anything metal our minds attract the things we think about most. Your mind will always seek to turn the things you think about most into physical reality. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "A man becomes what he thinks about, most of the time."
Everyone of us has two different minds, the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind is our thinking, which uses logic, deduction, reason, and sound judgment to make its decisions.
Your choices in life are made by the conscious mind.
The subconscious mind lies outside your conscious mind. It has access to data, information, and ideas outside your own experience. Your subconscious mind works 24 hours a day and it is the source of all examples of pure creativity, problem solving, and goal achievement. It is a magical part of your mind. The part of your mind where GENIUS lies.
Our subconscious mind is not able to distinguish between positive and negative thoughts. So, if you tell yourself something often enough your subconscious will eventually come to believe it. If you repeat something often enough whether it be positive or negative it will become your reality. This is because your subconscious mind constantly strives to attract the material equivalent of your most frequent and prominent thoughts.
It's all a matter of conditioning. You can train your mind to think positive thoughts the same way you can learn anything else. The way to do this, is to remove any negative thoughts one at a time until there are none left. And for each negative thought that you remove, you then plant a new and positive thought in its place. You then nurture those positive thoughts until there is no room for any negative thoughts to grow.
Positive thoughts will lead you to financial success and it will help you find the true riches of life for yourself and your family. So whatever it is in life that you want, you must begin today to become a "Positive Thinker." Once you do this your future success will be UNLIMITED!
You will never attract positive things into your life if all of your thoughts are negative. Just as a magnet attracts anything metal our minds attract the things we think about most. Your mind will always seek to turn the things you think about most into physical reality. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "A man becomes what he thinks about, most of the time."
Everyone of us has two different minds, the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind is our thinking, which uses logic, deduction, reason, and sound judgment to make its decisions.
Your choices in life are made by the conscious mind.
The subconscious mind lies outside your conscious mind. It has access to data, information, and ideas outside your own experience. Your subconscious mind works 24 hours a day and it is the source of all examples of pure creativity, problem solving, and goal achievement. It is a magical part of your mind. The part of your mind where GENIUS lies.
Our subconscious mind is not able to distinguish between positive and negative thoughts. So, if you tell yourself something often enough your subconscious will eventually come to believe it. If you repeat something often enough whether it be positive or negative it will become your reality. This is because your subconscious mind constantly strives to attract the material equivalent of your most frequent and prominent thoughts.
It's all a matter of conditioning. You can train your mind to think positive thoughts the same way you can learn anything else. The way to do this, is to remove any negative thoughts one at a time until there are none left. And for each negative thought that you remove, you then plant a new and positive thought in its place. You then nurture those positive thoughts until there is no room for any negative thoughts to grow.
Positive thoughts will lead you to financial success and it will help you find the true riches of life for yourself and your family. So whatever it is in life that you want, you must begin today to become a "Positive Thinker." Once you do this your future success will be UNLIMITED!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Dealing With Fear Is Simpler Than You Think!
We fear things that may, or will, happen to us (such as dying, looking old, being alone, etc..) and we fear many things we have to do (such as making a public speech, learning to drive, passing exams, making decisions, sticking up for ourselves.
These fears may all appear to be very different. But they aren't. The common theme which links these separate fears is a fear of rejection, disapproval, failure and, rather more commonly than you might think, a fear of success. And the underlying fear behind all these emotions is the simple fear of not being able to deal with things - of not being able to cope with rejection, with disapproval, with failure or with success. It is that - the fear of not being able to cope - which is the fundamental fear which affects us all. We worry about things which may (or may not) happen because we worry that we will not be able to cope with the consequences.
Two Ways that I've found to conquer fear is to first build up your inner strength so that you are better able to cope - and so that you know that you will be better able to cope with any fear you have to confront.
The second is to identify, isolate and study your fears. Our greatest fears involve the unknown. Know your fears and you will move a long way towards emasculating them. Everyone is afraid when confronting something new. Fear leads to helplessness and paralysis. To defeat that, and to take back the power over your life, you must take action.
Fear will never go away. It will always be there. The only way to defeat the fear is to go out and do it (whatever it is that you are afraid of). When you do it you will feel better and more capable. Going through the fear - and realizing that you can come out safely on the other side - is, in the long-term, far less frightening than staying fearful and helpless. Living with the fear of being helpless is far worse than doing or confronting whatever it is that you are afraid of. When you know that you can handle whatever comes your way, you can take risks and you can get far more out of life. Decide what you want and go for it. List your choices and make one. Then live with it!
These fears may all appear to be very different. But they aren't. The common theme which links these separate fears is a fear of rejection, disapproval, failure and, rather more commonly than you might think, a fear of success. And the underlying fear behind all these emotions is the simple fear of not being able to deal with things - of not being able to cope with rejection, with disapproval, with failure or with success. It is that - the fear of not being able to cope - which is the fundamental fear which affects us all. We worry about things which may (or may not) happen because we worry that we will not be able to cope with the consequences.
Two Ways that I've found to conquer fear is to first build up your inner strength so that you are better able to cope - and so that you know that you will be better able to cope with any fear you have to confront.
The second is to identify, isolate and study your fears. Our greatest fears involve the unknown. Know your fears and you will move a long way towards emasculating them. Everyone is afraid when confronting something new. Fear leads to helplessness and paralysis. To defeat that, and to take back the power over your life, you must take action.
Fear will never go away. It will always be there. The only way to defeat the fear is to go out and do it (whatever it is that you are afraid of). When you do it you will feel better and more capable. Going through the fear - and realizing that you can come out safely on the other side - is, in the long-term, far less frightening than staying fearful and helpless. Living with the fear of being helpless is far worse than doing or confronting whatever it is that you are afraid of. When you know that you can handle whatever comes your way, you can take risks and you can get far more out of life. Decide what you want and go for it. List your choices and make one. Then live with it!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
You As a Brand
Check out my new article: http://www.submityourarticle.com/articles/Shannon-Lavenia-689/shannon-lavenia-18273.php
Monday, November 10, 2008
It is hardly a secret that the key to successfully accomplishing one goal after another is staying motivated. There are, of course, tasks which you may not like at all, yet you find motivation to complete even them because you recognize how each particular task serves a greater goal. How exactly do some of us manage to stay motivated most of the time? Here are just a few ideas you can try: 1) Find the Good Reasons: Anything you do, no matter how simple, has a number of good reasons behind it. Not all the tasks have the good reasons to do them seen at first sight, but if you take just a few moments to analyze them, you will easily spot something good. We also have many tasks which don’t need any reasoning at all - we’ve been doing them for so long that they feel natural. But if you’re ever stuck with some task you hate and there seems to be no motivation to complete it whatsoever, here’s what you need to do: find your good reasons. They may not be obvious, but stay at it until you see some, as this will bring your motivation back and will help you finish the task. 2) Make it Fun: When it comes to motivation, attitude is everything. Different people may have completely opposite feelings towards the same task: some will hate it, others will love it. Why do you think this happens? It’s simple: some of us find ways to make any task interesting and fun to do! Depending on how you look at it, you can have fun doing just about anything! Just look for ways of having fun, and you’ll find them! 3) Take different approach: When something doesn’t feel right, it’s always a good time to take a moment and look at the whole task looking for a different approach. You may be doing everything correctly and most efficiently, but such an approach isn’t necessarily the most motivating one. Quite often you can find a number of obvious tweaks to your current approach which will both change your experience and open up new possibilities. That’s why saying “one way or another” is so common: if you really want to accomplish your goal, there is always a way. And most likely, there’s more than one way. If a certain approach doesn’t work for you, find another one, and keep trying until you find the one which will both keep you motivated and get you the desired results! 4) Recognize Your Progress: Everything you may be working on can be easily split into smaller parts and stages. For most goals, it is quite natural to split the process of accomplishing them into smaller tasks and milestones. There are a few reasons behind doing this, and one of them is tracking your progress. We track our progress automatically with most activities. But to stay motivated, you need to recognize your progress, not merely track it. Somehow, it is in a human nature to always want things to happen at once. Even though we split complex tasks into simpler actions, we don’t quite feel the satisfaction until all is done and the task is fully complete. For many scenarios though, the task is so vast that such an approach will drain all the motivation out of you long before you have a chance to reach your goal. That’s why it is important to always take small steps and recognize the positive different and progress made. 5) Reward Yourself: This is a trick everyone likes: rewarding yourself is always pleasant. I’m happy to confirm that this is also one of the easiest and at the same time most powerful ways to stay motivated! Feeling down about doing something? Dread the idea of working on some task? You’re not alone in that, I’m telling you! Right from the beginning, agree on some deliverables which will justify yourself getting rewarded. As soon as you get one of the agreed results, take time to reward yourself in some way.Your progress may not seem to others like anything worth celebrating - but take time and do it anyway! It is your task and your reward, so any ways to stay motivated are good. The more you reward yourself for the honestly made progress, the more motivated you will feel about reaching new milestones thus finally accomplishing your goal!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Expect Success! Prior planning leads to higher levels of compliance. Greater levels of compliance lead to better results and the cycle continues. Short term goals are great, but what type of lifestyle are you hoping to create for yourself? These are some of the thoughts you should have swirling around in your mind as you are dedicating yourself to your goals of shaping up.
Today’s living gives us so many options that we may or may not need. Too many of us succumb to the yo-yo dieting effect and leave ourselves open to repeating mistakes of the past.
Sometimes people do this either because of a lack of education, poor information, or the fact that they only want to go half-way with their plan to lose weight. In order to get the most out of your weight loss program, you should incorporate both a healthy diet plan, as well as a well balanced exercise program.
You have to really want this change and you definitely need to be thinking of this in terms of a long-term solution. Never stop investing in your education and continually update your knowledge by reading reputable health and fitness sources. Use your high levels of motivation now to set up better nutrition, exercise, and healthy lifestyle journal that not only outlines the steps you will take but also to keep yourself accountable for your actions. Remember, True success lies in checks and balances! Let TODAY be the first day to building the new YOU.
- Shannon Lavenia
Today’s living gives us so many options that we may or may not need. Too many of us succumb to the yo-yo dieting effect and leave ourselves open to repeating mistakes of the past.
Sometimes people do this either because of a lack of education, poor information, or the fact that they only want to go half-way with their plan to lose weight. In order to get the most out of your weight loss program, you should incorporate both a healthy diet plan, as well as a well balanced exercise program.
You have to really want this change and you definitely need to be thinking of this in terms of a long-term solution. Never stop investing in your education and continually update your knowledge by reading reputable health and fitness sources. Use your high levels of motivation now to set up better nutrition, exercise, and healthy lifestyle journal that not only outlines the steps you will take but also to keep yourself accountable for your actions. Remember, True success lies in checks and balances! Let TODAY be the first day to building the new YOU.
- Shannon Lavenia
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I Converted....Finally!
For years, I've head true to Microsoft, buying PC after PC. Admittedly, I loved some of the functionality of Windows.
Just about every year I purchased a new Laptop or PC, upgrading to whatever was new and exciting form Microsoft.
And then came Vista. It looked so cool in all the pre-launch info. I eagerly anticipated it and shortly after it came out, I ran to BestBuy and purchased a new fully loaded HP Vista machine. Top of the Line of course!
And then my love affair with Microsoft ended. Problem after Problem. Hours of upgrades, lost network connections, confusing changes. I dreaded sitting in front of my computer, dreaded the HP Updates, Microsoft Updates, never ending Norton updates. It seemed my computer wanted to spend more time with itself than it did with me!
To top it all off, I had to go spend another $1000.00 to buy the new versions of many of the programs I was currently using b/c, of course, they weren't Vista compatible. Even some of my peripherals had to go!
Not that I don't like spending money, but a new pair of shoes, or a Prada bag would be much preferred over the latest editions of Adobe and Microsoft Office.
All the while my friends and business partners taunted me with tales of fun and ease, they snuggled with their MAC's, telling me how easy they were to use.
NO! I said, PC's are so much more advanced! There's so much more capability! There's so much...pain and agony!
Sometimes I feel like I need a PhD in computer tech to run the damn thing. Even more often, I feel like taking a baseball bat to my computer and just sending it back to Microsoft with a letter that says "User friendly my ass!"
Maybe I'm some kind of computer sado-masachist. Who knows. But after a week in the Bahamas, and my futile attempts to use GotoMyPC, have my Sony Microsoft Laptop function correctly and connect to the web right and returning to no less than 3 hours of mandatory updates needed to keep my machine functioning right, I hopped in my Bentley and John and I eagerly walked into the Apple Store.
We saw the genius at the door and when he asked if he could help us, we explained how frustrated we were with our Vista machines.
"I hear that often" he said.
"Show me what you've got", I said.
As he showed me the functionality of the MAC I was in awe. Could it really be this easy? I watched some of the kids on the little kid machines they had set up and there were 3 year-olds navigating and using the machine with ease.
Try that with a Vista machine. Crash and burn baby!
Was I willing to spend the time learning a new system? You bet...anything but torture myself any longer with Vista. What was Microsoft thinking? Sure, I'm not a big corporation spending millions on computers, but I spend about $10,000 a year on equipment and new machines. And...it totally wasn't worth it. Networking on Vista is like trying to pull your own teeth...lost connections and slow connections, security flaws...
I bought the New MacBook Pro to get started, and when I got home and opened the box it took me about 5 minutes to set up. Yep! 5 minutes.
"No updates?" I thought. And..where are all the little stickers all over the laptop telling me about every manufacturer of every part of the system. I had my little razor blade and Goo Gone ready to go...but no! Mac doesn't torture you with that.
I was able to use the computer right out of the box...and transferring my files, a piece of cake.
I had a question...get this. I called the Apple store, and they answered it...FOR FREE! No hours on hold, no providing a hundred different serial numbers, no forwarding and then getting disconnected, no trying to hear through the heavy Indian accent to get an answer. What typically would take me over an hour to accomplish with Microsoft, took me 3 minutes with Apple.
And this week, I've been loving my computer. John has been drooling on the machine...he doth covet my MAC.
Looks like we'll be heading back to the MAC store for him as well.
And, what am I doing with all the free time I've acquired in my life since I no longer have to re-boot or wait patiently for updates?
Have fun!
Just about every year I purchased a new Laptop or PC, upgrading to whatever was new and exciting form Microsoft.
And then came Vista. It looked so cool in all the pre-launch info. I eagerly anticipated it and shortly after it came out, I ran to BestBuy and purchased a new fully loaded HP Vista machine. Top of the Line of course!
And then my love affair with Microsoft ended. Problem after Problem. Hours of upgrades, lost network connections, confusing changes. I dreaded sitting in front of my computer, dreaded the HP Updates, Microsoft Updates, never ending Norton updates. It seemed my computer wanted to spend more time with itself than it did with me!
To top it all off, I had to go spend another $1000.00 to buy the new versions of many of the programs I was currently using b/c, of course, they weren't Vista compatible. Even some of my peripherals had to go!
Not that I don't like spending money, but a new pair of shoes, or a Prada bag would be much preferred over the latest editions of Adobe and Microsoft Office.
All the while my friends and business partners taunted me with tales of fun and ease, they snuggled with their MAC's, telling me how easy they were to use.
NO! I said, PC's are so much more advanced! There's so much more capability! There's so much...pain and agony!
Sometimes I feel like I need a PhD in computer tech to run the damn thing. Even more often, I feel like taking a baseball bat to my computer and just sending it back to Microsoft with a letter that says "User friendly my ass!"
Maybe I'm some kind of computer sado-masachist. Who knows. But after a week in the Bahamas, and my futile attempts to use GotoMyPC, have my Sony Microsoft Laptop function correctly and connect to the web right and returning to no less than 3 hours of mandatory updates needed to keep my machine functioning right, I hopped in my Bentley and John and I eagerly walked into the Apple Store.
We saw the genius at the door and when he asked if he could help us, we explained how frustrated we were with our Vista machines.
"I hear that often" he said.
"Show me what you've got", I said.
As he showed me the functionality of the MAC I was in awe. Could it really be this easy? I watched some of the kids on the little kid machines they had set up and there were 3 year-olds navigating and using the machine with ease.
Try that with a Vista machine. Crash and burn baby!
Was I willing to spend the time learning a new system? You bet...anything but torture myself any longer with Vista. What was Microsoft thinking? Sure, I'm not a big corporation spending millions on computers, but I spend about $10,000 a year on equipment and new machines. And...it totally wasn't worth it. Networking on Vista is like trying to pull your own teeth...lost connections and slow connections, security flaws...
I bought the New MacBook Pro to get started, and when I got home and opened the box it took me about 5 minutes to set up. Yep! 5 minutes.
"No updates?" I thought. And..where are all the little stickers all over the laptop telling me about every manufacturer of every part of the system. I had my little razor blade and Goo Gone ready to go...but no! Mac doesn't torture you with that.
I was able to use the computer right out of the box...and transferring my files, a piece of cake.
I had a question...get this. I called the Apple store, and they answered it...FOR FREE! No hours on hold, no providing a hundred different serial numbers, no forwarding and then getting disconnected, no trying to hear through the heavy Indian accent to get an answer. What typically would take me over an hour to accomplish with Microsoft, took me 3 minutes with Apple.
And this week, I've been loving my computer. John has been drooling on the machine...he doth covet my MAC.
Looks like we'll be heading back to the MAC store for him as well.
And, what am I doing with all the free time I've acquired in my life since I no longer have to re-boot or wait patiently for updates?
Have fun!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Your career is made up of choices. You choose what you want to do, where you will do it, and what type of education will get you there. Some of your choices empower you and others hold us back. Either way, we have power over what we choose in our career. The challenges in our career, in most cases, arise not by accident, but from the choices that hold us back. No surprises. So why are we so surprised when things go off course, or when we are faced with a major problem in our career? We do not intentionally make bad choices. We make choices based on the information we have at the time. We weigh our options and believe that our choices will turn out for the best. But what about the choices we are making today that we know are not good for us? Or, when you know in your gut that it’s time to make new choices and we do not?
I realized that you can change your choices if a person really wanted to keeping the following in mind: 1. Make Peace With Your Past Choices: We’ve all made dreadful choices. It’s part of life. Sometimes, in order to make a good choice, you have to know what it feels like to make a bad one. The consequences of a bad choice can be a good motivator reminding you to not make that choice again. It’s important to make peace with the past choices so you can move forward. By closing the door to your past, a new door can open to a brighter future. 2. Look For A Pattern: If your career is not all you think it can be, ask yourself what choices brought to where you are today. Subtract from your thinking everything that other people “did” to you. Subtract your “bad luck.” Focus simply on the choices that you’ve made. Then, look for a pattern in your choices. Identify the recurring theme that holds you back. 3. Decide To Make Better Choices: Until you decide to make better choices, your choices will continue to work against you. Resolving to make better choices is crucial. It is the first step towards having focus and determination. Can you make better choices simply by saying you will make them? Why not? Your thoughts and words are powerful and career changing…Remember that! 4. Start Making Better Choices: Start today with a single act. Stop yourself when you are about to slip into your familiar pattern of bad choices. Replace that choice with a more positive action. One action leads to another, which leads to another. Before you know it, you are making better choices. The one small choice you make right now, that you have no proof will make a difference, and are afraid to take, is the action that done over time will lead to better choices and a more fulfilling career.
And Lastly, Ask For Help: I’ve noticed that the people who are suffering the most in their career are> the ones that are working on their careers by themselves. You are not meant to> work on your career challenges by yourself. Yes, you may want to begin alone (Most people do.) But when you find that days, weeks, months, and years are going by and you still have the same problem, make a promise to yourself that you will reach out to someone who can help you. So, what do you say? You only have one life to live, so it might as well be a life you love!
I realized that you can change your choices if a person really wanted to keeping the following in mind: 1. Make Peace With Your Past Choices: We’ve all made dreadful choices. It’s part of life. Sometimes, in order to make a good choice, you have to know what it feels like to make a bad one. The consequences of a bad choice can be a good motivator reminding you to not make that choice again. It’s important to make peace with the past choices so you can move forward. By closing the door to your past, a new door can open to a brighter future. 2. Look For A Pattern: If your career is not all you think it can be, ask yourself what choices brought to where you are today. Subtract from your thinking everything that other people “did” to you. Subtract your “bad luck.” Focus simply on the choices that you’ve made. Then, look for a pattern in your choices. Identify the recurring theme that holds you back. 3. Decide To Make Better Choices: Until you decide to make better choices, your choices will continue to work against you. Resolving to make better choices is crucial. It is the first step towards having focus and determination. Can you make better choices simply by saying you will make them? Why not? Your thoughts and words are powerful and career changing…Remember that! 4. Start Making Better Choices: Start today with a single act. Stop yourself when you are about to slip into your familiar pattern of bad choices. Replace that choice with a more positive action. One action leads to another, which leads to another. Before you know it, you are making better choices. The one small choice you make right now, that you have no proof will make a difference, and are afraid to take, is the action that done over time will lead to better choices and a more fulfilling career.
And Lastly, Ask For Help: I’ve noticed that the people who are suffering the most in their career are> the ones that are working on their careers by themselves. You are not meant to> work on your career challenges by yourself. Yes, you may want to begin alone (Most people do.) But when you find that days, weeks, months, and years are going by and you still have the same problem, make a promise to yourself that you will reach out to someone who can help you. So, what do you say? You only have one life to live, so it might as well be a life you love!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I just read this great new book, Why Good Things Happen to Good People (Random House) that I had to share with you all. In it, Dr. Stephen Post and journalist Jill Neimark weave the growing new science of love and giving with moving real-life stories to show how giving unlocks the doors to health, happiness, and a longer life. "This book represents a dream come true for me," said Post. "It's dream that began when I was 16 years old. Most of my life has been focused on the science and philosophy of positive emotions and giving behaviors." Post has devoted much of his adult life to scientific research that sets out to prove the life-enhancing benefits of giving behavior and this book lays it all out. He serves as president of the Institute for Research> on Unlimited Love, which conducts and funds research on altruism, compassion and service.> His research shows that when we give of ourselves, especially if we start young, everything from life satisfaction to self-realization and physical health is significantly improved. Mortality is delayed. Depression is reduced.Well-being and good fortune are increased. If you're looking for something inspiring to read, please check out this book.. It will change how you think from the first 10 pages!
- Shannon Lavenia
- Shannon Lavenia
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Before we can have a truly successful relationship, we must first learn to feel love for ourselves. Loving Yourself is Relationship 101. It is a required course.We all know this. But knowing it and actualizing it are two different things.To live with and accept yourself, you need to open your heart and listen to what it is telling you inside. Your heart will never lie to you because it only tells the truth. You must have the courage to ask your heart why you refuse to love yourself the way you are. Usually when we are unhappy with ourselves, it is because we are embarrassed about whatever we are trying to hide. You need to help yourself by accepting yourself and loving yourself for who you are. This is the first step in order to heal yourself and feel good about you. You must realize that in order to change and strengthen yourself, you must accept yourself and learn how to live with ourselves in a productive manner. You need to look at life in a positive way. You need to say to yourself, "OK, I'm not happy with the person, I have become. I need to change and this is what I am going to do about it."This is the first step to healing and strengthening our souls and self-esteem. Be proud in who you are. Be thankful each morning that you can wake up and feel the warmth of the sun and the beauty that surrounds us all.
-Shannon Lavenia
-Shannon Lavenia
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Opportunity Knocks....Few People Answer
Actually, most people run, hide under their bed and complain about the noise!
There are two things that I have been in total awe about in the last 6 years since I became an entrepreneur.
The first is the amazing results people can have when they have a vision and apply a little bit of determination. I've seen single moms pull out of foreclosure to make over $500K within their first 12 months of business. I've watched as the most unassumming people, with hardly any business experience, become overnight millionaires because they had the "guts" to do it!
Opportunity is always knocking...the world is full of it!
The second thing that I have been in total awe at is people's absolute stupidity. Seriously. I'm always amazed at all the reason people have to NOT move forward in their life.
Today I got a response to my website www.trueprosperitynow.com and at the bottom of the response, this is what it said, "tired of working for others,would like to examine your info,but if this requires any upfront money please dont contact me.thanks"
I'm not kidding...I just couldn't make this stuff up. So, here's a guy who responds to the website of 2 self-made millionaires with a website full of incredible testimonials of people who have transformed their lives and he starts by saying, "if this costs money, don't contact me".
Basically he's saying, "I'm tired of working for others, but I don't believe in myself enough to do something that might have me take a risk (I'm a coward), so I'm doomed to work for someone for the rest of my life!".
Why is it that people use being broke as an excuse to stay broke?
I just don't understand the logic in it! When I was broke, I knew I had to do something to not be broke anymore. And...it was going to cost money. And...I had better figure out how to get it because being broke sucked.
Is it that people don't believe in themselves enough to bet on themselves? Or, do they really think that doing the same things that got them broke are going to magically produce more money?
It's the silliest thing I've ever seen...people saying, "right now I just can't afford to do a business".
Duh! You can't AFFORD not do to a business.
You've proved that everything you know to do WILL get you broke. You can be like most everyone else who's barking about gas prices or bitching about their paycheck. You can be like the other people who actually believe the economy is going to affect your income. You can join the ranks of the people who'd rather watch Desperate Housewives than spend time accomplishing greatness.
We need people like that in the world to pour the coffee, answer the phones, file the papers and sit in the cubicles. They provide awesome service and are totally appreciated!
But, unless you are willing to take a risk and bet on yourself, stop pretending you want better results, because when it really boils down to it and you're called to the mat to make a decision...to make decisions like entrepreneurs do, you just can't do it!
When opportunity knocks, some people find a million reasons why the "timing isn't right", or "it's not the right opportunity".
The best are the people who contact me who I find in my database from 2 or 3 years ago...years have passed and they are STILL looking. Procrastination is a killer. It's not the timing that isn't right...it's the person. The timing is ALWAYS right to make money. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS. But for some people, they'll never be right.
It's no wonder less than 1% of the world enjoys my lifestyle...there's few people who are willing to put their money where their mouth is, few people who have the fortitude or determination to really live their life to the fullest.
All I know is I made a decision to take action, plugged into a system and in less than 2 years was a millionaire. Here's all the reasons I had to NOT do it "I don't know anythign about business. Sounds like a scam. Too good to be true. What if I fail? I don't have the money. Maybe the market's saturated. I don't have any experience. I don't know how to use a computer."
But, I looked in the mirror and I just knew that if anyone could do it, I could. Period, end of story.
So to those of you who do what it takes day in and day out...YOU ROCK! Thank you for being an example of SUCCESS, ACHIEVEMENT AND BOLDNESS. You make the world go round.
There are two things that I have been in total awe about in the last 6 years since I became an entrepreneur.
The first is the amazing results people can have when they have a vision and apply a little bit of determination. I've seen single moms pull out of foreclosure to make over $500K within their first 12 months of business. I've watched as the most unassumming people, with hardly any business experience, become overnight millionaires because they had the "guts" to do it!
Opportunity is always knocking...the world is full of it!
The second thing that I have been in total awe at is people's absolute stupidity. Seriously. I'm always amazed at all the reason people have to NOT move forward in their life.
Today I got a response to my website www.trueprosperitynow.com and at the bottom of the response, this is what it said, "tired of working for others,would like to examine your info,but if this requires any upfront money please dont contact me.thanks"
I'm not kidding...I just couldn't make this stuff up. So, here's a guy who responds to the website of 2 self-made millionaires with a website full of incredible testimonials of people who have transformed their lives and he starts by saying, "if this costs money, don't contact me".
Basically he's saying, "I'm tired of working for others, but I don't believe in myself enough to do something that might have me take a risk (I'm a coward), so I'm doomed to work for someone for the rest of my life!".
Why is it that people use being broke as an excuse to stay broke?
I just don't understand the logic in it! When I was broke, I knew I had to do something to not be broke anymore. And...it was going to cost money. And...I had better figure out how to get it because being broke sucked.
Is it that people don't believe in themselves enough to bet on themselves? Or, do they really think that doing the same things that got them broke are going to magically produce more money?
It's the silliest thing I've ever seen...people saying, "right now I just can't afford to do a business".
Duh! You can't AFFORD not do to a business.
You've proved that everything you know to do WILL get you broke. You can be like most everyone else who's barking about gas prices or bitching about their paycheck. You can be like the other people who actually believe the economy is going to affect your income. You can join the ranks of the people who'd rather watch Desperate Housewives than spend time accomplishing greatness.
We need people like that in the world to pour the coffee, answer the phones, file the papers and sit in the cubicles. They provide awesome service and are totally appreciated!
But, unless you are willing to take a risk and bet on yourself, stop pretending you want better results, because when it really boils down to it and you're called to the mat to make a decision...to make decisions like entrepreneurs do, you just can't do it!
When opportunity knocks, some people find a million reasons why the "timing isn't right", or "it's not the right opportunity".
The best are the people who contact me who I find in my database from 2 or 3 years ago...years have passed and they are STILL looking. Procrastination is a killer. It's not the timing that isn't right...it's the person. The timing is ALWAYS right to make money. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS. But for some people, they'll never be right.
It's no wonder less than 1% of the world enjoys my lifestyle...there's few people who are willing to put their money where their mouth is, few people who have the fortitude or determination to really live their life to the fullest.
All I know is I made a decision to take action, plugged into a system and in less than 2 years was a millionaire. Here's all the reasons I had to NOT do it "I don't know anythign about business. Sounds like a scam. Too good to be true. What if I fail? I don't have the money. Maybe the market's saturated. I don't have any experience. I don't know how to use a computer."
But, I looked in the mirror and I just knew that if anyone could do it, I could. Period, end of story.
So to those of you who do what it takes day in and day out...YOU ROCK! Thank you for being an example of SUCCESS, ACHIEVEMENT AND BOLDNESS. You make the world go round.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Are YOU Holding YOU Back….Realize Your True Greatness Today!
Building esteem takes work. It’s not a simple matter of clicking your heels three times, repeating a few phrases, and you’re transported instantly to a place of blissful self-acceptance. Building esteem is a process. It requires something of you – your time, your thoughts, your energy, your emotions, your passion. It requires you to challenge deeply- and long-held beliefs about yourself and others. It requires you to question, to reflect, to answer, and to question again. Building self-esteem requires that at some level, there lies within you a sense of self worth that believes you have the right to be free of debilitating feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness, or defectiveness. At some point, you have to get tired of the low self image, of constantly putting yourself down and beating yourself up. You get to a point where you’re ready for change.
Building esteem is a process. It takes time to get to the point where you stop listening to and believing the negatives. If you are struggling with low self esteem, it sometimes will take every tool in your emotional toolbox, every weapon in your arsenal to not give in to feelings of inadequacy. There are numerous strategies and techniques to use. Different things work for different people. I have to pull out what I know to be great about myself. Here's an exercise you can do to develop your self-image. Commit to learning something new. Think of something you've put off doing, or would like to do, and do it. Take the time to learn how to do it. Whether it's knitting a sweater, learning to play guitar, developing a website or starting a business. Commit to doing it and take action. The feeling of accomplishment you'll feel when you have mastered the skill and/or achieved the success will be awesome!"elf to counter what I think falls short in myself. I read books that inspire me, listen to tapes that encourage me, keep people around who believe in me. It’s a day-at-a-time process and that’s how I approach it – each day acknowledging my accomplishments, no matter how small, until I get where I want to be, enjoying the best in me at all times!
- Shannon Lavenia
Building esteem is a process. It takes time to get to the point where you stop listening to and believing the negatives. If you are struggling with low self esteem, it sometimes will take every tool in your emotional toolbox, every weapon in your arsenal to not give in to feelings of inadequacy. There are numerous strategies and techniques to use. Different things work for different people. I have to pull out what I know to be great about myself. Here's an exercise you can do to develop your self-image. Commit to learning something new. Think of something you've put off doing, or would like to do, and do it. Take the time to learn how to do it. Whether it's knitting a sweater, learning to play guitar, developing a website or starting a business. Commit to doing it and take action. The feeling of accomplishment you'll feel when you have mastered the skill and/or achieved the success will be awesome!"elf to counter what I think falls short in myself. I read books that inspire me, listen to tapes that encourage me, keep people around who believe in me. It’s a day-at-a-time process and that’s how I approach it – each day acknowledging my accomplishments, no matter how small, until I get where I want to be, enjoying the best in me at all times!
- Shannon Lavenia
Friday, September 26, 2008
YOU Really Are What You Think!
Remember to “think positive” at every opportunity. Visualize success, not failure. Avoid negative environments and people. You are what you think. In fact, a study I recently read in Fitness Magazine stated that positive thinking actually increases longevity. I started experiencing the benefits of positive thinking when I became more aware of my thoughts and my feelings. I read as many books about positive thinking as possible and put into practice almost every technique I came across, from positive affirmations to meditation to using programs for positive thinking. I've gathered a good bunch of positive tips. I feel good when I can pass these tips on to others who may benefit. I practice the things I write about. My thoughts have changed my life for the better in very little time and continues to do so as I learn more. I invite you to explore the benefits of positive thinking and check out the following useful tips:
1.Decide On Your Dreams and Goals. Be specific about your goals. For example, say “I am taking a cooking class next month,” rather than “I would like to take a cooking class sometime.” Create
a plan to reach your goals, and stick to it.
2.Take Action. Goals alone have no meaning; you need to take action to make them real. Don’t let fear hold you back. "Just do it."
3. And Lastly, NEVER Stop Learning. Take classes, go back to school, read books, join a discussion group. If you are interested in a subject, make time to learn about it. Keep acquiring new skills. The Bottom line is, if you can Conceive it. . .You can Achieve it!
- Shannon Lavenia
1.Decide On Your Dreams and Goals. Be specific about your goals. For example, say “I am taking a cooking class next month,” rather than “I would like to take a cooking class sometime.” Create
a plan to reach your goals, and stick to it.
2.Take Action. Goals alone have no meaning; you need to take action to make them real. Don’t let fear hold you back. "Just do it."
3. And Lastly, NEVER Stop Learning. Take classes, go back to school, read books, join a discussion group. If you are interested in a subject, make time to learn about it. Keep acquiring new skills. The Bottom line is, if you can Conceive it. . .You can Achieve it!
- Shannon Lavenia
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Why Plan To Be Happy Tomorrow, When You Can Today. . .Live Your Best Life Now!
Happiness is something everyone wants to achieve. While on the surface people may seem to be looking for money, recognition, or other things, what they actually seek is happiness. Unfortunately, many people never reach the level of happiness they desire. While I can’t claim to be the happiest person in the world (I wish I could :) ), I do know that Your happiness is YOUR responsibility. Don’t blame outside conditions or other people if you’re not happy. While things around you could change and go bad, it is you who decide how you will respond to them. You can decide to be HAPPY.
With that in mind, here are a few ways I’ve found to bring happiness in life:
1. Stop Comparing Yourself With Others:
Comparing yourself with others won’t do you any good. You will either feel proud when you are above, or feel jealous and frustrated when you are below. None of them brings true happiness. So stop comparing yourself with others and simply be your best.
2. Count Your Blessings!
There are so many things we should be grateful for, but we often forget them. When you realize how blessed you are, you will certainly be happier.
We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. You can start with some simple things we take for granted.
3. Find Your Inner Voice:
To find true happiness, you must first find your inner voice. Slow down and take some quiet time for soul searching. What will make your life meaningful? What is true happiness for you? By knowing what your heart says, it will be easier for you to align with it.
4. Help Someone!
Giving is an essential key to happiness. While we often think that we will be happier when we receive, the truth is we are happier when we give. This is also one of the most difficult things to apply.
You can apply this by finding someone in need and lending a helping hand. The person could be your family, friend, or even a stranger. You could also donate to a charity.
I feel when these areas in our lives are fully developed, our wisdom completely eradicates all negativity and all confusion from the mind. And to our Success, creates the right inner conditions, specifically receiving inspiring blessings, purifying negative karma, and accumulating meritorious energy- -All which will foster true Happiness!
-Shannon Lavenia
With that in mind, here are a few ways I’ve found to bring happiness in life:
1. Stop Comparing Yourself With Others:
Comparing yourself with others won’t do you any good. You will either feel proud when you are above, or feel jealous and frustrated when you are below. None of them brings true happiness. So stop comparing yourself with others and simply be your best.
2. Count Your Blessings!
There are so many things we should be grateful for, but we often forget them. When you realize how blessed you are, you will certainly be happier.
We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. You can start with some simple things we take for granted.
3. Find Your Inner Voice:
To find true happiness, you must first find your inner voice. Slow down and take some quiet time for soul searching. What will make your life meaningful? What is true happiness for you? By knowing what your heart says, it will be easier for you to align with it.
4. Help Someone!
Giving is an essential key to happiness. While we often think that we will be happier when we receive, the truth is we are happier when we give. This is also one of the most difficult things to apply.
You can apply this by finding someone in need and lending a helping hand. The person could be your family, friend, or even a stranger. You could also donate to a charity.
I feel when these areas in our lives are fully developed, our wisdom completely eradicates all negativity and all confusion from the mind. And to our Success, creates the right inner conditions, specifically receiving inspiring blessings, purifying negative karma, and accumulating meritorious energy- -All which will foster true Happiness!
-Shannon Lavenia
The REAL sources of pollution
Let's face it folks, it isn't just the cars we drive or the plastic water bottles. Factory farms produce an obscene amount of pollution.
Yes, let's find alternative fuels, but let's also take a look at the absurb amount of animals that are breed and slaughtered to feed American's overconsumption of meat.
Does a person really need a 24oz Porterhouse when 6-8oz is the healthy portion? And, what about all the waste! A huge portion of the meat grown and butchered actually is never used...it rots because it's never sold or eaten.
It's about responsibility in all areas...I'm not saying everyone should be vegan. That's a personal choice, but be conscious of what you eat, where it comes from the the true sources of pollution in the world.
Here's some shocking reports:
Yes, let's find alternative fuels, but let's also take a look at the absurb amount of animals that are breed and slaughtered to feed American's overconsumption of meat.
Does a person really need a 24oz Porterhouse when 6-8oz is the healthy portion? And, what about all the waste! A huge portion of the meat grown and butchered actually is never used...it rots because it's never sold or eaten.
It's about responsibility in all areas...I'm not saying everyone should be vegan. That's a personal choice, but be conscious of what you eat, where it comes from the the true sources of pollution in the world.
Here's some shocking reports:
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
It is not selfish to dream, nor unproductive to envision. All Innovation begins with inviting Imagination! Follow your deepest desires to dream of an amazing future that will propel you to your destination. Keep your train on track. The secret to the most successful people, in business and in life, is that they never lose focus, never stop reaching, never stop striving to overcome and accomplish their goals. You can too, right now.
It seems paradoxical but it is nevertheless true: you must dream beyond the imaginable to achieve success beyond the attainable. Are your visions of the future confined in a suffocating box of limitations? What is holding you back? How are you preventing yourself from success? Dream your dreams today.
Success requires initiative. If you act in business as your elementary teacher trained you, you will never advance. Were you taught to sit quietly when you do your work, only speak when spoken to, respond with expected answers, follow exact instructions without adding any creativity, and let others plan the lessons? To succeed in your personal and professional life, get up and move, be creative, take initiative, suggest new ideas, surprise yourself and others, design your own life, and envision the big plan.
In archery, there are four main components to success: have the tools (bow, arrow, strength), know your target, focus your aim, and shoot. Achieving your goals is like that.
1. Tools: Many inhibit their achievement by convincing themselves that they will never have the skills (tools) to accomplish their dreams. I have learned how to learn. You can too, even without a formal education. If you lack a skill to accomplish your goal, if you do not know it yet, or cannot do it yet, you can learn it! You CAN do it!
2. Target: Know your goal: what are you aiming to achieve? Take your dream to the next level by writing it down on paper, and then adding details until it becomes not just a hope but a plan.
3. Aim well: Remember to keep focused. Just as in archery, where your eye gaze affects how well you shoot, if you take your eye off your goal, your aim will follow. In addition, compensate for gravity and aim high. While a short trajectory can aim straight on, a long-term goal (or more distant target) requires you to adjust your aim as you shoot.
4. Shoot: This is so simple, but most goals are never accomplished primarily because of a lack of action. Take action today. Have a determined stance to achieve greatness and give to the world an inspiration that was designed to come from you alone. God gave you a purpose in life, find it and create your own success.
With the tools for the job and the target in sight, you take aim and soar to your future. Dream BIG, clarify your goal, aim high, and act, and you will hit the target you know will fulfill your life’s purpose. Remember as you DREAM, you get hope; as you HOPE, you aspire; as you ASPIRE, take aim; as you AIM, act; as you ACT, you SUCCEED; in success, you INSPIRE and it all starts with 1 Dream!
-Shannon Lavenia
It seems paradoxical but it is nevertheless true: you must dream beyond the imaginable to achieve success beyond the attainable. Are your visions of the future confined in a suffocating box of limitations? What is holding you back? How are you preventing yourself from success? Dream your dreams today.
Success requires initiative. If you act in business as your elementary teacher trained you, you will never advance. Were you taught to sit quietly when you do your work, only speak when spoken to, respond with expected answers, follow exact instructions without adding any creativity, and let others plan the lessons? To succeed in your personal and professional life, get up and move, be creative, take initiative, suggest new ideas, surprise yourself and others, design your own life, and envision the big plan.
In archery, there are four main components to success: have the tools (bow, arrow, strength), know your target, focus your aim, and shoot. Achieving your goals is like that.
1. Tools: Many inhibit their achievement by convincing themselves that they will never have the skills (tools) to accomplish their dreams. I have learned how to learn. You can too, even without a formal education. If you lack a skill to accomplish your goal, if you do not know it yet, or cannot do it yet, you can learn it! You CAN do it!
2. Target: Know your goal: what are you aiming to achieve? Take your dream to the next level by writing it down on paper, and then adding details until it becomes not just a hope but a plan.
3. Aim well: Remember to keep focused. Just as in archery, where your eye gaze affects how well you shoot, if you take your eye off your goal, your aim will follow. In addition, compensate for gravity and aim high. While a short trajectory can aim straight on, a long-term goal (or more distant target) requires you to adjust your aim as you shoot.
4. Shoot: This is so simple, but most goals are never accomplished primarily because of a lack of action. Take action today. Have a determined stance to achieve greatness and give to the world an inspiration that was designed to come from you alone. God gave you a purpose in life, find it and create your own success.
With the tools for the job and the target in sight, you take aim and soar to your future. Dream BIG, clarify your goal, aim high, and act, and you will hit the target you know will fulfill your life’s purpose. Remember as you DREAM, you get hope; as you HOPE, you aspire; as you ASPIRE, take aim; as you AIM, act; as you ACT, you SUCCEED; in success, you INSPIRE and it all starts with 1 Dream!
-Shannon Lavenia
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Young people doing great things!
My friend Jubril, a young entrepreneur who got started with affiliate marketing when he was in his teens (and was making way more than his teachers), just sent me a great article about a teen who's following his vision and making his mark.
Very inspiring: http://www.revenuetoday.com/readarticle.php?name=Harrison+Gevirtz:+The+Yearling&readpage=1
Very inspiring: http://www.revenuetoday.com/readarticle.php?name=Harrison+Gevirtz:+The+Yearling&readpage=1
Saturday, September 20, 2008
What a blast!
Ok, so I've been known to rock out with RockBand and Guitar Hero.
And...I LOVE MotorStorm on PS3. But I have to tell you, the absolute funnest of all I picked up today after a recommendation from my buddy Gene Braxton.
What else do home-biz millionaires have to talk about (other than making more money and cool cars of course) then video games?
Gene was going on and on and on about WII from Nintendo. So much so that I just had to go get one today and set it up. I got the WII Fit too.
It is the COOLEST thing...I've had so much fun.
And...it had blonde proof set-up! I was able to set this think up in like 10 minutes and start my WII Fit Yoga poses.
WII Fit is too cool. It has this board you put on the floor and the game walks you through measurements and calculating your BMI and WII Age (UGH!). Admittedly for a minute I wanted to throw the thing out the window but then I got into the Yoga and had a blast with balance and breathing and everything.
So...that's my recommendation for the day. Nintendo WII...fun for the whole family!
And...I LOVE MotorStorm on PS3. But I have to tell you, the absolute funnest of all I picked up today after a recommendation from my buddy Gene Braxton.
What else do home-biz millionaires have to talk about (other than making more money and cool cars of course) then video games?
Gene was going on and on and on about WII from Nintendo. So much so that I just had to go get one today and set it up. I got the WII Fit too.
It is the COOLEST thing...I've had so much fun.
And...it had blonde proof set-up! I was able to set this think up in like 10 minutes and start my WII Fit Yoga poses.
WII Fit is too cool. It has this board you put on the floor and the game walks you through measurements and calculating your BMI and WII Age (UGH!). Admittedly for a minute I wanted to throw the thing out the window but then I got into the Yoga and had a blast with balance and breathing and everything.
So...that's my recommendation for the day. Nintendo WII...fun for the whole family!
Friday, September 05, 2008
It's Time To Wake Up
I received a copy of Cosco's magazine for business owners today. As I was breezing through the articles to see if there was actually anything of value, I came across a featured member response section with a well known female financial advisor. Being that this particular woman is not one of my favorites, due to her super conservative financial advice (save every penny and dare not enjoy a latte every once in a while), I just had to read what she had to say.
One woman wrote in and explained that at 57 years old, she had $45,000 in an IRA. She was wondering if she should use some of that money to pay down her credit card debt (obviously paying a penalty and tax on it) or if she should keep it for retirement. Her credit card debt was sustantial and bore a rather hefty percentage rate.
What struck me most about the response she was given was the last line of it. The "savvy" financial advisor told her to keep her money in the retirement account because after all, if you spend it, what will you live on when you retire.
Let's think about this for a second. This woman is 57 years old. She has $45,000 in retirement. Even if it grows a little over the next 8 years, the woman would be able to withdraw about $300.00 a month if she plans on stretching that $45,000 for 20 years or more. $300.00 a month! What does this woman plan to live on after retirement? NOT THAT!
How deceptive to infer that the woman could live off that...$300.00 isn't even grocery money. Heck...it's not even gas money these days. How about giving her some real advice...like it's time to make some serious money if you ever plan on retiring!
The #1 place I avoid on this planet is Wal-Mart. Now, there are tons of reasons to avoid Wal-Mart...the people, the lines, the quality of everything cheap. But all those reasons are not what keeps me away. It's that every time I've gone in there someone who could be my grandpa is handing me a cart. And it breaks my heart. Truly, it does.
These are good people who worked hard and had the idea that the government or the companies they worked for would take care of them. It was a false concept. We have to learn from this. We have to ensure the next generation understands money: how to make it, how to use it, how to experience it, how to manage it and most importantly...how to grow it. Live for today, plan for tomorrow. My female friend in the Costco magazine would rather us sacrifice today, save for tomorrow. For some I guess that's OK, but I'd rather enjoy my life and have plenty for tomorrow as well.
How is this possible? Through education. The more I learn about money, the more responsible I am and the more control I have. The more control I have, the more responsible I am...it all goes hand in hand. Can you believe I graduated high school without even knowing how to balance a check-book? It's not in any high school textbook. When I graduated college, I had already amounted $5000.00 in credit card debt. A credit card was easy to get and even easier to use.
I had to learn how to make money and more importantly how to manage it. My first year as an entrepreneur I made a little over $480,000. At the end of that year I had a lot of shiny new things and great experiences but nothing saved. I didn't even have the money for taxes, so I had to work even harder next year to pay for last year. I didn't like that and said never again!
Let's educate ourselves and provide real advice to people. Inferring that someone is going to be able to live off of $45,000 for retirement when they are already 57 years old, in my opinion, is deceptive. It perpetuates ignorance. Instead, offer education. Say what the reality is and offer solutions. Empower people to make better decisions and understand the reality of their situation. The ostrich-effect (putting your head in the ground) has left thousands of grandmas and grandpa's serving up burgers and handing out carts. We can be at cause for empowering the current and next generation so they avoid the hang-ups of credit card debt, miss-use of credit and appropriate planning for the future (wealth building).
Here are some great resources I highly recommend:
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Why We Want You To Be Rich by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki
Cash Flow game by Robert Kiyosaki
One woman wrote in and explained that at 57 years old, she had $45,000 in an IRA. She was wondering if she should use some of that money to pay down her credit card debt (obviously paying a penalty and tax on it) or if she should keep it for retirement. Her credit card debt was sustantial and bore a rather hefty percentage rate.
What struck me most about the response she was given was the last line of it. The "savvy" financial advisor told her to keep her money in the retirement account because after all, if you spend it, what will you live on when you retire.
Let's think about this for a second. This woman is 57 years old. She has $45,000 in retirement. Even if it grows a little over the next 8 years, the woman would be able to withdraw about $300.00 a month if she plans on stretching that $45,000 for 20 years or more. $300.00 a month! What does this woman plan to live on after retirement? NOT THAT!
How deceptive to infer that the woman could live off that...$300.00 isn't even grocery money. Heck...it's not even gas money these days. How about giving her some real advice...like it's time to make some serious money if you ever plan on retiring!
The #1 place I avoid on this planet is Wal-Mart. Now, there are tons of reasons to avoid Wal-Mart...the people, the lines, the quality of everything cheap. But all those reasons are not what keeps me away. It's that every time I've gone in there someone who could be my grandpa is handing me a cart. And it breaks my heart. Truly, it does.
These are good people who worked hard and had the idea that the government or the companies they worked for would take care of them. It was a false concept. We have to learn from this. We have to ensure the next generation understands money: how to make it, how to use it, how to experience it, how to manage it and most importantly...how to grow it. Live for today, plan for tomorrow. My female friend in the Costco magazine would rather us sacrifice today, save for tomorrow. For some I guess that's OK, but I'd rather enjoy my life and have plenty for tomorrow as well.
How is this possible? Through education. The more I learn about money, the more responsible I am and the more control I have. The more control I have, the more responsible I am...it all goes hand in hand. Can you believe I graduated high school without even knowing how to balance a check-book? It's not in any high school textbook. When I graduated college, I had already amounted $5000.00 in credit card debt. A credit card was easy to get and even easier to use.
I had to learn how to make money and more importantly how to manage it. My first year as an entrepreneur I made a little over $480,000. At the end of that year I had a lot of shiny new things and great experiences but nothing saved. I didn't even have the money for taxes, so I had to work even harder next year to pay for last year. I didn't like that and said never again!
Let's educate ourselves and provide real advice to people. Inferring that someone is going to be able to live off of $45,000 for retirement when they are already 57 years old, in my opinion, is deceptive. It perpetuates ignorance. Instead, offer education. Say what the reality is and offer solutions. Empower people to make better decisions and understand the reality of their situation. The ostrich-effect (putting your head in the ground) has left thousands of grandmas and grandpa's serving up burgers and handing out carts. We can be at cause for empowering the current and next generation so they avoid the hang-ups of credit card debt, miss-use of credit and appropriate planning for the future (wealth building).
Here are some great resources I highly recommend:
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Why We Want You To Be Rich by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki
Cash Flow game by Robert Kiyosaki
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The New Billionaires
Billionaires: The Next Generation
by Andrew Farrell
Friday, August 15, 2008
provided by
When Michael Birch met an American brunette named Xochi at a college bar in London, he wasn't just meeting his future wife. It was also the beginning of a beautiful business.
Earlier this year the couple sold their social-networking site, Bebo, to AOL for $850 million. Their cut: about $600 million. An impressive haul for anybody, but especially for Michael and Xochi, who are just 38 and 36.
More from Forbes.com:
• In Pictures: Next-Gen Billionaires
• In Pictures: The Youngest Billionaires
• In Pictures: The World’s Youngest Women Billionaires
The world's current crop of billionaires has plenty of money but not much youth. The average age of the 1,125 people on Forbes' list of the world's wealthiest is 61. It's impossible to predict exactly who will replace them, but don't bet against people like the Birches.
Read the rest of the article: http://finance.yahoo.com/career-work/article/105575/Billionaires-The-Next-Generation
by Andrew Farrell
Friday, August 15, 2008
provided by
When Michael Birch met an American brunette named Xochi at a college bar in London, he wasn't just meeting his future wife. It was also the beginning of a beautiful business.
Earlier this year the couple sold their social-networking site, Bebo, to AOL for $850 million. Their cut: about $600 million. An impressive haul for anybody, but especially for Michael and Xochi, who are just 38 and 36.
More from Forbes.com:
• In Pictures: Next-Gen Billionaires
• In Pictures: The Youngest Billionaires
• In Pictures: The World’s Youngest Women Billionaires
The world's current crop of billionaires has plenty of money but not much youth. The average age of the 1,125 people on Forbes' list of the world's wealthiest is 61. It's impossible to predict exactly who will replace them, but don't bet against people like the Birches.
Read the rest of the article: http://finance.yahoo.com/career-work/article/105575/Billionaires-The-Next-Generation
Saturday, August 02, 2008
It's Time to Take a Stand
Many people know that I used to be an education...a high school Biology teacher for 8 years. I became a teacher because I wanted to help children, to give them vision for their future. I quickly found out that the United States education system is in no way, shape or form about giving children vision for their future. The school I taught at in Arizona was supposed to be one of the best. However, I had 30 kids to a class, no money for supplies, a rigid curriculum I had to complete (even if the kids didn't understand it) and the policies were about order and passing the mandated "No Kid Left Behind" act passed by Bush.
There were days I cried. About 10 - 20% of my students were drugged with some form of drug, mostly Ridilin which turned them into unemotional zombies. Their spirits were lost and so was mine.
There were times I complained, explaining that the kids were bored and disinterested in the curriculum. I remembered when I was in high school...full of life and energy at that age and being asked to spend 8 hours stuffing my brain with confusing information that had no real meaning or value was exhausting and sometimes made me angry. I probably would have been drugged too...
The state of our society disturbs me. In case you aren't aware, 20% of children between the ages of 0 and 18 are currently prescribed anti-anxiety, anti-depression or anti-psychotic. 20%!
Millions of children are diagnosed with ADD, ADHD and Bi-Polar Disorder using criteria such as "interrupts teacher", "cuts in line", "looks out window and daydreams during class". With this diagnose comes the drugs. It's astounding to me that our society, with all of our resources, technology and supposed wisdom is allowing this to happen. Children are dying everyday as a result of "trust in doctors" and the pharmaceutical industry. (Click here for a report). You also may not know that every child who has committed the act of violence in their school resulting in the deaths of other students has been on either anti-anxiety or anti-depression drugs. They are known to cause the side-effects of homocidal thoughts and suicide (recent legislation was passed requiring a black box label on all prescription bottles stating this).
The children are our future and it's time that we as adults take a stand for their safety, education and protect their rights by saying NO! to the pharaceutical industry, the government cronies who are paid by the pharmaceutical industry and the psychiatrists who have never helped anyone.
Educate yourself, take action, spread the word.
Most recently, I've been stunned to discover the Teen Screen Act and the Mother's Act. New Jersey recently passed an act requiring all health care providers to educate mother's and their families about Post-Partum depression and recommending therapies post birth. Yes, indeed, they are recommending drugs to mothers before they even give birth. This act even made it to the Senate with a proposal to mandate this in all 50 states, but thanks to the Citizen's Commission on Human Rights, it was not passed (but it could be re-proposed in the future).
And now there's Teen Screen, a mental-health screening being conducted in schools to screen children for mental health defects. It's being offered in 43 states and, according to their website, you can actually see how your state's "Mental Health" is. So, just how crazy is your state? Can you beleive that! Talk about perpetuating false information and propoganda! The questions used to determine if your child is sane or not,"Have you ever had a moment of intense fear.", "Have you ever been scared that someone is going to hurt you?"...the tests are so arbitrary and non-scientific. And, if your child is labelled they are labelled for life. Some states have already passed this mandatory screening into law (Indiana) and it's being proposed to become an Act mandating screening of children in all 50 states.
You'll be interested to know that the largest funders of these Acts are the pharmaceutical companies, who's future lies in pumping your kids full of drugs. Since when did daydreaming, not wanting to follow orders or not wanting to do homework make a kid bad or mentally disturbed. Haven't we all had that experience as children. Children are full of life and energy, full of creativity. Our society is turning them into drones...into drug popping, enslaved zombies. It's time to take action, to take a stand.
If you've been on my blog alot, you're probably thinking, "Holy Cow...this is so unlike Shannon...where's the positive, fun stuff?" It's right here. It's by educating ourselves that we get to be at cause. Not buying into the media BS, but really educating ourselves with truth and taking action. Being at cause brings joy, fulfillment and a bright future for all.
To educate yourself fully, go to www.cchr.org
Here's a couple of videos I suggest watching:
The Mother's Act Petition Site: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/stop-the-dangerous-and-invasive-mothers-act
More on Teen Screen: http://www.psychsearch.net/teenscreen.html, http://www.teenscreentruth.com/,
There were days I cried. About 10 - 20% of my students were drugged with some form of drug, mostly Ridilin which turned them into unemotional zombies. Their spirits were lost and so was mine.
There were times I complained, explaining that the kids were bored and disinterested in the curriculum. I remembered when I was in high school...full of life and energy at that age and being asked to spend 8 hours stuffing my brain with confusing information that had no real meaning or value was exhausting and sometimes made me angry. I probably would have been drugged too...
The state of our society disturbs me. In case you aren't aware, 20% of children between the ages of 0 and 18 are currently prescribed anti-anxiety, anti-depression or anti-psychotic. 20%!
Millions of children are diagnosed with ADD, ADHD and Bi-Polar Disorder using criteria such as "interrupts teacher", "cuts in line", "looks out window and daydreams during class". With this diagnose comes the drugs. It's astounding to me that our society, with all of our resources, technology and supposed wisdom is allowing this to happen. Children are dying everyday as a result of "trust in doctors" and the pharmaceutical industry. (Click here for a report). You also may not know that every child who has committed the act of violence in their school resulting in the deaths of other students has been on either anti-anxiety or anti-depression drugs. They are known to cause the side-effects of homocidal thoughts and suicide (recent legislation was passed requiring a black box label on all prescription bottles stating this).
The children are our future and it's time that we as adults take a stand for their safety, education and protect their rights by saying NO! to the pharaceutical industry, the government cronies who are paid by the pharmaceutical industry and the psychiatrists who have never helped anyone.
Educate yourself, take action, spread the word.
Most recently, I've been stunned to discover the Teen Screen Act and the Mother's Act. New Jersey recently passed an act requiring all health care providers to educate mother's and their families about Post-Partum depression and recommending therapies post birth. Yes, indeed, they are recommending drugs to mothers before they even give birth. This act even made it to the Senate with a proposal to mandate this in all 50 states, but thanks to the Citizen's Commission on Human Rights, it was not passed (but it could be re-proposed in the future).
And now there's Teen Screen, a mental-health screening being conducted in schools to screen children for mental health defects. It's being offered in 43 states and, according to their website, you can actually see how your state's "Mental Health" is. So, just how crazy is your state? Can you beleive that! Talk about perpetuating false information and propoganda! The questions used to determine if your child is sane or not,"Have you ever had a moment of intense fear.", "Have you ever been scared that someone is going to hurt you?"...the tests are so arbitrary and non-scientific. And, if your child is labelled they are labelled for life. Some states have already passed this mandatory screening into law (Indiana) and it's being proposed to become an Act mandating screening of children in all 50 states.
You'll be interested to know that the largest funders of these Acts are the pharmaceutical companies, who's future lies in pumping your kids full of drugs. Since when did daydreaming, not wanting to follow orders or not wanting to do homework make a kid bad or mentally disturbed. Haven't we all had that experience as children. Children are full of life and energy, full of creativity. Our society is turning them into drones...into drug popping, enslaved zombies. It's time to take action, to take a stand.
If you've been on my blog alot, you're probably thinking, "Holy Cow...this is so unlike Shannon...where's the positive, fun stuff?" It's right here. It's by educating ourselves that we get to be at cause. Not buying into the media BS, but really educating ourselves with truth and taking action. Being at cause brings joy, fulfillment and a bright future for all.
To educate yourself fully, go to www.cchr.org
Here's a couple of videos I suggest watching:
The Mother's Act Petition Site: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/stop-the-dangerous-and-invasive-mothers-act
More on Teen Screen: http://www.psychsearch.net/teenscreen.html, http://www.teenscreentruth.com/,
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Full Expectation
It's a beautiful day in LA today...the sun is shining, a perfect 82 degrees and a nice breeze. It's this weather that makes me even more grateful that we moved to LA!
I decided I'd make dinner at home today. It's been quite a few weeks since I've cooked and for some unknown reason I got the urge (I'm not particularly domestic, hence the 3 meals a day at our local restaurants).
So, I cooked (and it was quite good). John and I dined together on the patio along with our two dogs Lucy and Munckie. Lucy & Munckie sat and stared at us during our entire dinner...they didn't tire, they gave 100% to their begging efforts, intent on a scrap of delectable dinner. The intensity of their begging had me thinking...
Wouldn't it be awesome if every single person put forth such intensity and effort into their chose profession? Think about it...Lucy and Munckie show up without fail everytime John and I sit down at home to eat. They glare and lick their chops, the wiggle their tails, they give 100%. They continue at it until the plates are in the dishwasher...their level of intention is unmarkable. They follow me into the kitchen, never giving up until at last they can no longer see the plate and I've sat down to another activity.
Sometimes they win, sometimes they don't, but they always show up and expect to get it.
I know in my business, the key to winning is focus. As in any game of sales, sometimes you make the sale, sometimes you don't. If you allow the times you don't to affect you, you'll miss the potential sales. If Lucy and Munckie gave up on their begging efforts because they didn't get a tidbit last time, it would be guaranteed they wouldn't get a tidbit this time.
Sometimes their begging is so intense, I'll actually go make a little extra something for them as a reward. If they didn't give 100% they wouldn't have gotten it. Show up, give 100% and there is guaranteed success.
What a simple lesson but a powerful reminder from my two babies!
I decided I'd make dinner at home today. It's been quite a few weeks since I've cooked and for some unknown reason I got the urge (I'm not particularly domestic, hence the 3 meals a day at our local restaurants).
So, I cooked (and it was quite good). John and I dined together on the patio along with our two dogs Lucy and Munckie. Lucy & Munckie sat and stared at us during our entire dinner...they didn't tire, they gave 100% to their begging efforts, intent on a scrap of delectable dinner. The intensity of their begging had me thinking...
Wouldn't it be awesome if every single person put forth such intensity and effort into their chose profession? Think about it...Lucy and Munckie show up without fail everytime John and I sit down at home to eat. They glare and lick their chops, the wiggle their tails, they give 100%. They continue at it until the plates are in the dishwasher...their level of intention is unmarkable. They follow me into the kitchen, never giving up until at last they can no longer see the plate and I've sat down to another activity.
Sometimes they win, sometimes they don't, but they always show up and expect to get it.
I know in my business, the key to winning is focus. As in any game of sales, sometimes you make the sale, sometimes you don't. If you allow the times you don't to affect you, you'll miss the potential sales. If Lucy and Munckie gave up on their begging efforts because they didn't get a tidbit last time, it would be guaranteed they wouldn't get a tidbit this time.
Sometimes their begging is so intense, I'll actually go make a little extra something for them as a reward. If they didn't give 100% they wouldn't have gotten it. Show up, give 100% and there is guaranteed success.
What a simple lesson but a powerful reminder from my two babies!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
$15.00 an hour???
Would you work for $15.00 an hour?
A 40 hour work week at $15.00 an hour is $600.00 a week (not taking out taxes). Times that by 52 weeks assumming the person doesn't take a vacation and it's a yearly income of $31,200.
Shocking to think I used to work for less than that.
So why bring that up? I put an ad on Craigslist the other day for a personal assistant. Someone to take my clothes to the dry cleaner, answer emails, take down phone messages, etc. And, I offered $15.00 an hour...about the going rate for these tasks. I though maybe I'd get 10 or 15 resumes.
I got over 100!
Literally I was shocked! I place an add for a business opportunity telling people they can make $250K in the next six-12 months, be totally independent and have an amazing lifestyl and I get 12 responses. I place an add offering $15.00 an hour, a cell phone, and the opportunity to work like a dog for me and I get over 100 responses. There are hundreds of people looking to work for $15.00 an hour...it seems so ludicrous to me now, understanding the power of human ability and the laws of attraction. Why would anyone settle for $15.00 an hour?
Not just that...but some of the resumes were graduates of Berkeley, had Master's Degrees in Marketing, had owned their own business and now they were applying to take my dirty laundry to the drycleaners. Unbelievable!
It reminded me of the distinct differences between people who win in life and people who struggle. Admittedly, I used to be one of the strugglers...I probably would have jumped at the chance to work for $15.00 an hour. Until I decided I was worth more; that I DESERVED more and made a COMMITTMENT to BE, DO AND HAVE more in my life.
I began to study, to learn from great masters like Napolean Hill, Dr. Joseph Murphy, Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump...I studied them and followed their direction. They all said the same thing...
1. Decide What You Want
2. Commit To Getting It Regardless of Any Circumstances or Adversities You May Face
3. Do Whatever It Takes
4. Sacrifice Immediate Pleasures for Long-term Results
5. Change Your Environment and Surround Yourself with Successful People
6. Be Coachable and Find a Mentor
Well, thank God for Network Marketing because I was able to do all of these things in 1 place. I found a successful mentor, did what I was told, surrounded myself with people winning in life and immediately cut all communication with negative friends and family, studied powerful education (not the crap I learned in college) and within 90 days my life was transformed. I went from making $26K a year to $26K a month. It was simple...apply effort, commit to succeed, take action!
So, why would anyone settle for $15.00 an hour...they've given up on possibilities and they believe that's all that is possible for them. People are constantly watching the news, listening to forcasts of financial despair, watching people struggle and they buy into the crap. So, while everyone else is griping about gas prices and the economy, I made over $100K in the last 6 weeks. How? By staying focused on my goals. I am determined to buy a new house here in Los Feliz in LA. I am determined to get a new Lexus GX470, I am determined to have 3 new investment properties in LA by December 31st. I am determined to go snowboarding in NZ in September. That's all I focus on all day long. I don't watch the news, I don't listen to people's negativity, I simply focus on my goals, smile, talk to energetic people who inspire me and live a life on purpose.
So, now, sorting through all the applications will be a treat. I've already deleted half of them for not following instructions.
A 40 hour work week at $15.00 an hour is $600.00 a week (not taking out taxes). Times that by 52 weeks assumming the person doesn't take a vacation and it's a yearly income of $31,200.
Shocking to think I used to work for less than that.
So why bring that up? I put an ad on Craigslist the other day for a personal assistant. Someone to take my clothes to the dry cleaner, answer emails, take down phone messages, etc. And, I offered $15.00 an hour...about the going rate for these tasks. I though maybe I'd get 10 or 15 resumes.
I got over 100!
Literally I was shocked! I place an add for a business opportunity telling people they can make $250K in the next six-12 months, be totally independent and have an amazing lifestyl and I get 12 responses. I place an add offering $15.00 an hour, a cell phone, and the opportunity to work like a dog for me and I get over 100 responses. There are hundreds of people looking to work for $15.00 an hour...it seems so ludicrous to me now, understanding the power of human ability and the laws of attraction. Why would anyone settle for $15.00 an hour?
Not just that...but some of the resumes were graduates of Berkeley, had Master's Degrees in Marketing, had owned their own business and now they were applying to take my dirty laundry to the drycleaners. Unbelievable!
It reminded me of the distinct differences between people who win in life and people who struggle. Admittedly, I used to be one of the strugglers...I probably would have jumped at the chance to work for $15.00 an hour. Until I decided I was worth more; that I DESERVED more and made a COMMITTMENT to BE, DO AND HAVE more in my life.
I began to study, to learn from great masters like Napolean Hill, Dr. Joseph Murphy, Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump...I studied them and followed their direction. They all said the same thing...
1. Decide What You Want
2. Commit To Getting It Regardless of Any Circumstances or Adversities You May Face
3. Do Whatever It Takes
4. Sacrifice Immediate Pleasures for Long-term Results
5. Change Your Environment and Surround Yourself with Successful People
6. Be Coachable and Find a Mentor
Well, thank God for Network Marketing because I was able to do all of these things in 1 place. I found a successful mentor, did what I was told, surrounded myself with people winning in life and immediately cut all communication with negative friends and family, studied powerful education (not the crap I learned in college) and within 90 days my life was transformed. I went from making $26K a year to $26K a month. It was simple...apply effort, commit to succeed, take action!
So, why would anyone settle for $15.00 an hour...they've given up on possibilities and they believe that's all that is possible for them. People are constantly watching the news, listening to forcasts of financial despair, watching people struggle and they buy into the crap. So, while everyone else is griping about gas prices and the economy, I made over $100K in the last 6 weeks. How? By staying focused on my goals. I am determined to buy a new house here in Los Feliz in LA. I am determined to get a new Lexus GX470, I am determined to have 3 new investment properties in LA by December 31st. I am determined to go snowboarding in NZ in September. That's all I focus on all day long. I don't watch the news, I don't listen to people's negativity, I simply focus on my goals, smile, talk to energetic people who inspire me and live a life on purpose.
So, now, sorting through all the applications will be a treat. I've already deleted half of them for not following instructions.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Hawaii was AWESOME!
I just got back from a fabulous week in Oahu for the Liberty League Liberty Conference. What a spectacular event! The speakers were fantastic, the venue oh, so luxurious and a the weather couldn't have been more perfect.
What I love the most about LLI's Liberty Conferences is watching the transformation people experience. I watch them arrive before the event and the person who leaves is completely different...filled with a new vision for their life, in touch with their personal power and potential and equipped with the tools to realize their dreams.
Check out the pictures of our event: http://extremeteam.smugmug.com/gallery/5404009_pvBXU#330592576_wXJfZ
It's so cool to arrive and meet all of my associates. This event was particularly awesome because I had associates from all over the globe: The US, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand. Just to think that if it weren't for Liberty League, I would never have had the opportunity to connect with such amazing people...people I know hold as some of my dearest friends.
We truly are transforming the world! Giving people the tools to realize their true potential, supporting them in achieving the lifestyle they desire and at the same time connecting people globally with a united purpose: prosperity!
I can't wait for the next conference in the Bahamas! See you there.
What I love the most about LLI's Liberty Conferences is watching the transformation people experience. I watch them arrive before the event and the person who leaves is completely different...filled with a new vision for their life, in touch with their personal power and potential and equipped with the tools to realize their dreams.
Check out the pictures of our event: http://extremeteam.smugmug.com/gallery/5404009_pvBXU#330592576_wXJfZ
It's so cool to arrive and meet all of my associates. This event was particularly awesome because I had associates from all over the globe: The US, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand. Just to think that if it weren't for Liberty League, I would never have had the opportunity to connect with such amazing people...people I know hold as some of my dearest friends.
We truly are transforming the world! Giving people the tools to realize their true potential, supporting them in achieving the lifestyle they desire and at the same time connecting people globally with a united purpose: prosperity!
I can't wait for the next conference in the Bahamas! See you there.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Happy Independence Day!
Today is a day to be grateful for all the freedoms we enjoy in the United States.
I am very fortunate to have travelled to many countries, including Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is a beautiful country, filled with gracious, loving and generous people who are subjected to the rule of an incompetent and selfish dictator - Mugabe. It was during my visit to Zimbabwe that I truly realized how fortunate I am to be an American. The people there live in fear to vote, go without food, are limited in their industry and many fathers work more than 50 miles from their families and during their one week off a year, will walk home to visit.
So, yes, I hate the IRS just like everyone else. Yes, I think Bush is a bafoon. Yes, I think there's so much we could improve, but I still wake up every morning to opportunity. There's no police carrying machine guns on my corner. I do not live in fear of my government. I live in freedom, enjoying a life of ease and fun.
Today on July 4th, take time to realize the freedoms you have. Take a moment to read the Declaration of Independence that 56 Brave Men risked their liberties and lives to sign the Declaration of Indepence. Be responsible with these rights...responsible to know them, to honor them and to protect them. They are your rights and noone can deny you these rights.
The powerful preamble of our Declaration of Independence...born to create a government for the people by the people:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
How often have you thought about the freedoms you enjoy...really thought about it? In our country we have the right to vote, the right to express ourselves, the right to protect ourselves, the right to industry and prosperity, the right to happiness and liberty. It is my opinion, based on my experience, that many people simply take these liberties for granted without even realizing what an honor they are to have. Take the right to vote for instance...did you know that less than 50% of Americans turned out to vote in the last presidential election (but almost 100% of them are willing to complain about the government, president, etc.). Why don't people vote? Because they don't!!!! There's no good reason...yes, some people say they are too busy (but they won't miss American Idol), or they don't think their vote matters (but they'll sure give you their opinion on the state of things!).
Gratitude for our freedoms means making the most of them. We live in an industrious country without limitation on prosperity...make the most of it. We live in a country where every vote counts...make the most of it (register to vote today). We live in a country where we have the right to protect ourselves...make the most of it. We live in a country where we have the right to communicate and express ourselves...make the most of it! Enjoy these freedoms as others are fighting throughout the world, right now for the same priveledges. People are giving their lives right now for the same rights.
Here in Los Angeles, there is an incredible organization that is working diligently to procure the rights of every human being on earth...the Youth for Human Rights Organization. If you haven't seen their videos that are throughout the web and playing on many TV stations, check them out here: http://www.youthforhumanrights.org/watchads/index.html They are incredibly moving.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Hawaii's only a few days away!

When people ask me my "secret of success" (people always think it's a secret), I let them know it was simply by finding successful people, modelling them and leveraging their experience.
For those who have met me, you know I'm not what you'd expect in a millionaire...I just like to hang out, drive my car (and drive it fast), shop and be with friends. I love to have fun! Sometimes it's rather shocking to people...I jump out of my Bentley in some old shorts, a "Life Is Good" T-shirt, hair in a poneytail...not a trace of make-up. It's like their expecting some serious person, the corporate type.
That's not me at all. I'm not a business whiz, nor a brain-i-ac. What I am is coachable!
When I first got started in business, I had to give up on the idea that I knew how to be successful or make money. Let's face it, I wasn't getting the results I wanted. The first step was stomping on my own ego so I could learn and learn quickly. I simply followed the guidance of those before me and before I knew it I was making more money than I could spend.
A bit of guidance I was given early on in business was to put myself in the environment of successful people. We've all heard the statistic from the Harvard study...your income is the average of your 10 closest friends. Basically what your peer group settles for you'll settle for. When I learned this, I stepped it up. I took every opportunity to emulate successful people and to inject myself into their environment.
A few months after starting in business, I was advised to go to a Liberty Conference. This is where the "Millionaire Makers" will be...the people making 100K a month and more. I hadn't made any money in my business and almost used this as a reason not to go...then I wised up and listened to the advice of the leader I was working with. He said do whatever it takes to be there. So we did.
And life was never the same again!
It was at this event that I got to experience wealth in it's truest form...generosity. As I sat by the pool talking to the top earners, they shared with me all of their insights on marketing, posture, goals, and more. They truly had mastered wealth and had no inhibition about competition, they laid out everything they knew. They were Generous in spirit, money (bought me a few drinks), energy and knowledge. I was inspired beyond belief.
And upon my return I made $20K+ in one week!
That's the power of environment. So, to say I'm excited about being at this upcoming Liberty Conference in Hawaii would be an understatement! I'm beyond myself with joy and excitement! Every event I attend has a profound effect on my and my business...a profound effect on the lives of so many people moving powerfully towards their goals.
I can't wait to personally meet you there!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Duh??? The Power of Decision Making
I had a fantastic weekend. I hosted a conference here in Los Angeles and it was a blast. Attendees came in from all over the US, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the crowd was energetic, enthusiastic and committed to getting results...the perfect mix for a presenter. Two days of incredible information...John was amazing from stage, as were Gene and Shane - our other speakers. I'll pat myself on the back too as it was the best I had ever done and I felt so at homne on the stage. The feedback we've gotten has been amazing; people implementing the strategies we gave them and getting immediate results! Thank you to everyone who was there...you made the event great for me too!
Which brings me to the topic. I spent the day with my friends from New Zealand; Delwyn & Cliff McKenzie. We went to Rodeo Drive where Delwyn got herself a nice new Prada bag and wallet and a bracelet from Tiffany's. To think that a few months ago she was a struggling dairy farmer and now she's dropping a few grand for "accessories"...God Bless Network Marketing! (If you're reading this and want to know how she did it, contact me immediately...I taught her and I'll teach you too: (800)615-2278)
So, after our shopping spree we went over the Santa Monica Pier. If you haven't been it's a blast! What a great way to spend a Monday. While everyone is watching the clock at their jobs, we were playing games, enjoying the beach and the company. Again...God Bless Network Marketing. In what other business would I have associates and friends all the way in New Zealand? So, we love games and decided we were going to play some of the games...hoops, ring toss, etc. which brought us to the Dart/Balloon Game. Throw the darts, pop the balloons, win a prize. So, we threw down $40.00 for a bunch of darts and began throwing. Cliff hit 3, Delwyn hit 2 and I hit 2. Delwyn spotted a pink teddy bear she wanted it was 5 hits. We figured, "OK...we have 7 total, what can we get for that?" That's where the "Duh????" comes in.
The game operator, a rather slow and dense twenty-something was completely dumbfounded. Like a deer in headlights. "Combine them...I don't know if you can do that" he said. So we pointed out a little by-line on the rules sign that stated "Operator has final judgement" and let him know he has the power to make the decision.
"Uh...I don't know, I don't want to get in trouble" he says.
"Trouble?" I reply, "What's the worst that can happen...you give us a $3.00 bear instead of a $2.00 bear? Hey if they fired you they'd be doing you a favor!"
That made him go completely blank. "I don't know...I better go ask". At which point he leaves the game and wanders off looking for someone who CAN make a decision.
It was a classic example of why some people fail and others win. This kid, even when told it was OK to make a decision, was so engrossed in fear that the thought of making the decision actually stupified him. Or maybe he was stupified and that's why he couldn't make such a basic decision as to what prize to give.
I can only imagine the hell the actual game owner goes through if his employees are so limited even in this capacity.
So...we ended our day with a 5 point prize (the pink teddy bear) and I got a little bear too, just to remind me that the ability to make decisions is what separates the successful from the masses. Napolean Hill was right! (Read Think & Grow Rich)
Which brings me to the topic. I spent the day with my friends from New Zealand; Delwyn & Cliff McKenzie. We went to Rodeo Drive where Delwyn got herself a nice new Prada bag and wallet and a bracelet from Tiffany's. To think that a few months ago she was a struggling dairy farmer and now she's dropping a few grand for "accessories"...God Bless Network Marketing! (If you're reading this and want to know how she did it, contact me immediately...I taught her and I'll teach you too: (800)615-2278)
So, after our shopping spree we went over the Santa Monica Pier. If you haven't been it's a blast! What a great way to spend a Monday. While everyone is watching the clock at their jobs, we were playing games, enjoying the beach and the company. Again...God Bless Network Marketing. In what other business would I have associates and friends all the way in New Zealand? So, we love games and decided we were going to play some of the games...hoops, ring toss, etc. which brought us to the Dart/Balloon Game. Throw the darts, pop the balloons, win a prize. So, we threw down $40.00 for a bunch of darts and began throwing. Cliff hit 3, Delwyn hit 2 and I hit 2. Delwyn spotted a pink teddy bear she wanted it was 5 hits. We figured, "OK...we have 7 total, what can we get for that?" That's where the "Duh????" comes in.
The game operator, a rather slow and dense twenty-something was completely dumbfounded. Like a deer in headlights. "Combine them...I don't know if you can do that" he said. So we pointed out a little by-line on the rules sign that stated "Operator has final judgement" and let him know he has the power to make the decision.
"Uh...I don't know, I don't want to get in trouble" he says.
"Trouble?" I reply, "What's the worst that can happen...you give us a $3.00 bear instead of a $2.00 bear? Hey if they fired you they'd be doing you a favor!"
That made him go completely blank. "I don't know...I better go ask". At which point he leaves the game and wanders off looking for someone who CAN make a decision.
It was a classic example of why some people fail and others win. This kid, even when told it was OK to make a decision, was so engrossed in fear that the thought of making the decision actually stupified him. Or maybe he was stupified and that's why he couldn't make such a basic decision as to what prize to give.
I can only imagine the hell the actual game owner goes through if his employees are so limited even in this capacity.
So...we ended our day with a 5 point prize (the pink teddy bear) and I got a little bear too, just to remind me that the ability to make decisions is what separates the successful from the masses. Napolean Hill was right! (Read Think & Grow Rich)
Monday, June 09, 2008
Warren Buffet: Why I go to work in the morning
Buffett goes to Wharton
Why Warren Buffett views his job as similar to painting the Sistine Chapel.
By Nicholas Varchaver, senior editor
Warren Buffett
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(Fortune) -- In a presentation he made to students at the Wharton School earlier this month and a subsequent interview with Fortune, Warren Buffett shared his thoughts on everything from the economy to the credit crisis and the Bear Stearns bailout.
In this Web exclusive, we present further excerpts from his talk with the students, in which the megabillionaire offers his insights on judging managers, buying businesses, what metrics - if any - he relies upon, and why he views his job as similar to painting the Sistine Chapel.
Q: You said before that one of the things you look for in businesses you're buying is good managers who are honest, capable, and hard-working. To me, that's a hard judgment to make if you haven't known him for long on a personal level. How do you go about figuring that out about somebody, and how long does it take you to make that evaluation?
WB: Well, almost always, we're buying businesses where the managers come with it, so I do have a record [I can judge]. If I had to pick out the five people in this group here who would be the best managers, I wouldn't know how to do it. I mean, you all have great IQs, you have great academic records. You've all shown the energy to get into school and push hard and all that. So you'd have all these attractive qualities.
See the rest of the article: http://money.cnn.com/2008/05/01/news/companies/Buffet_Q_A_at_Wharton.fortune/index.htm?postversion=2008050209
Why Warren Buffett views his job as similar to painting the Sistine Chapel.
By Nicholas Varchaver, senior editor
Warren Buffett
More from Fortune
Lehman posts $2.87 billion loss
What's Steve Jobs got up his sleeve?
The politics of oil shale
Current Issue
Subscribe to Fortune
(Fortune) -- In a presentation he made to students at the Wharton School earlier this month and a subsequent interview with Fortune, Warren Buffett shared his thoughts on everything from the economy to the credit crisis and the Bear Stearns bailout.
In this Web exclusive, we present further excerpts from his talk with the students, in which the megabillionaire offers his insights on judging managers, buying businesses, what metrics - if any - he relies upon, and why he views his job as similar to painting the Sistine Chapel.
Q: You said before that one of the things you look for in businesses you're buying is good managers who are honest, capable, and hard-working. To me, that's a hard judgment to make if you haven't known him for long on a personal level. How do you go about figuring that out about somebody, and how long does it take you to make that evaluation?
WB: Well, almost always, we're buying businesses where the managers come with it, so I do have a record [I can judge]. If I had to pick out the five people in this group here who would be the best managers, I wouldn't know how to do it. I mean, you all have great IQs, you have great academic records. You've all shown the energy to get into school and push hard and all that. So you'd have all these attractive qualities.
See the rest of the article: http://money.cnn.com/2008/05/01/news/companies/Buffet_Q_A_at_Wharton.fortune/index.htm?postversion=2008050209
Monday, April 14, 2008
A New Adventure
Anyone who knows me, knows I look at life as an adventure. There so much to see, experience, do, achieve, and enjoy. I love travelling and experiencing other cultures...it's my adrenaline.
John and I moved to Tucson, Arizona 8 years ago amidst the disbelief and shock of our friends and family. What was out in Arizona for us? A new adventure. We sold most of our belongings (there wasn't much in our 2 bedroom apartment), packed up our dog Jay and a small Uhaul and began the adventure with my friend Tina.
With no jobs and no plan, we created a life in Arizona together. First living in a tiny apartment, we found jobs for ourselves and inspired to create a life of financial abundance. Within a year, we bought our first home and began planning our wedding. The following year we were married and entrepreneurs. Almost 8 years later, we live in a huge house with a magnificent view, drive incredible cars and had accomplished everything we set out to accomplish.
In fact, when we lived in the apartment, we looked up at the ridge tops where we now live and said, "One day, we'll live there". Now we do and we can actually look down at the apartment we used to live in...dreams DO come true.
We revelled in our accomplishments for a while and then began to stagnate. Seriously...we got bored. We looked around one day and realized we were living in the land of retired people. We are 1 of 2 Bentley owners in town and a "HOT" Friday night out is dinner.
So, when we came to Los Angeles in January, for a few weeks of fun and adventure with our dogs, we saw a huge contrast. We had so much to do...so much fun. Catch a show, see a band, walk to the cafes...we had a blast. We stayed a few more weeks and then, in the midst of walking our dogs at a local park overlooking the Hollywood Sign, John turned to me and said, "I could live here." My response: "I could TOTALLY live here." As we walked back to our LA habitat, John looked at me and said, "Are we really talking about moving to Los Angeles?".
Yes, we were. In a moment of pure spontanaity, we decided to join the land of the excited and living again and move to Los Angeles. We arrived yesterday with our dogs into our new home in Los Feliz (Hollywood). It is the greatest benefit of being self-employed and financially free - there's no limits to what is possible.
Again, we faced a bit of the "...you're moving where? why?". We shocked quite a few people with our sudden decision and rapid, progressive action moving forward to make it all happen in less than 8 weeks!
And, we're loving it. I feel like a little kid on a great adventure. This morning, we walked to the Mustard Seed cafe for a great breakfast and lattes. Yes! We walked! From our home in Tucson, begind a multitude of gates, there is no walking anywhere, yet here we got to take a casual stroll of our home...walking hand in hand and enjoying each others company as well as a beautiful, sunny LA morning. We walked the dogs this morning and met Ashley, a local with a great dog Cassidy. Within 24 hours of arriving, I've already made friends - that took me quite a while in Tucson!
So, we're having a blast. Our home in Tucson will serve as a great spot for "country living" and we can visit our rental properties (we have furnished vacation rentals: www.luxurytucsonrentals.com) if we want to enjoy the vistas or go for a hike.
In the meantime, we'll enjoy the excitement of Los Angeles. And, it's no wonder business is booming. Creating momentum in life...taking that bold step forward, creates amazing results. It's what life is all about. It's a pure shot of adrenaline, creating the experience and enjoying a new adventure.
I'll be sure to keep you up to date on all we're experiencing.
I'd better go now...got lots of boxes waiting:)
John and I moved to Tucson, Arizona 8 years ago amidst the disbelief and shock of our friends and family. What was out in Arizona for us? A new adventure. We sold most of our belongings (there wasn't much in our 2 bedroom apartment), packed up our dog Jay and a small Uhaul and began the adventure with my friend Tina.
With no jobs and no plan, we created a life in Arizona together. First living in a tiny apartment, we found jobs for ourselves and inspired to create a life of financial abundance. Within a year, we bought our first home and began planning our wedding. The following year we were married and entrepreneurs. Almost 8 years later, we live in a huge house with a magnificent view, drive incredible cars and had accomplished everything we set out to accomplish.
In fact, when we lived in the apartment, we looked up at the ridge tops where we now live and said, "One day, we'll live there". Now we do and we can actually look down at the apartment we used to live in...dreams DO come true.
We revelled in our accomplishments for a while and then began to stagnate. Seriously...we got bored. We looked around one day and realized we were living in the land of retired people. We are 1 of 2 Bentley owners in town and a "HOT" Friday night out is dinner.
So, when we came to Los Angeles in January, for a few weeks of fun and adventure with our dogs, we saw a huge contrast. We had so much to do...so much fun. Catch a show, see a band, walk to the cafes...we had a blast. We stayed a few more weeks and then, in the midst of walking our dogs at a local park overlooking the Hollywood Sign, John turned to me and said, "I could live here." My response: "I could TOTALLY live here." As we walked back to our LA habitat, John looked at me and said, "Are we really talking about moving to Los Angeles?".
Yes, we were. In a moment of pure spontanaity, we decided to join the land of the excited and living again and move to Los Angeles. We arrived yesterday with our dogs into our new home in Los Feliz (Hollywood). It is the greatest benefit of being self-employed and financially free - there's no limits to what is possible.
Again, we faced a bit of the "...you're moving where? why?". We shocked quite a few people with our sudden decision and rapid, progressive action moving forward to make it all happen in less than 8 weeks!
And, we're loving it. I feel like a little kid on a great adventure. This morning, we walked to the Mustard Seed cafe for a great breakfast and lattes. Yes! We walked! From our home in Tucson, begind a multitude of gates, there is no walking anywhere, yet here we got to take a casual stroll of our home...walking hand in hand and enjoying each others company as well as a beautiful, sunny LA morning. We walked the dogs this morning and met Ashley, a local with a great dog Cassidy. Within 24 hours of arriving, I've already made friends - that took me quite a while in Tucson!
So, we're having a blast. Our home in Tucson will serve as a great spot for "country living" and we can visit our rental properties (we have furnished vacation rentals: www.luxurytucsonrentals.com) if we want to enjoy the vistas or go for a hike.
In the meantime, we'll enjoy the excitement of Los Angeles. And, it's no wonder business is booming. Creating momentum in life...taking that bold step forward, creates amazing results. It's what life is all about. It's a pure shot of adrenaline, creating the experience and enjoying a new adventure.
I'll be sure to keep you up to date on all we're experiencing.
I'd better go now...got lots of boxes waiting:)
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Italy was Awesome!
I just returned from a week in Italy. It was a blast! John and I went to attend the Summit Conference with Liberty League International (it was spectacular as always).
There were so many things that I loved about Rome: the Colloseum, the Pantheon, the
endless, ageless architecture, the Palantine, Trevi Fountain, the food, the people, and so much more!
Coming from Arizona, where everything is pretty much less than 100 years old, being in Rome with architecture that is still standing from before Christ, was awesome. I used to think that the old churches and such that were 200 years old in New Jersey (where I grew up) were incredible...now they pale in comparison. To see the quality of structure, the passion of design, the intensity of the artwork and the commitment of the artists was inspiring, to say the least. There is so much history in Rome...more than even 1 week could allow us to digest.
John and I joined our friends Shane and Michelle for a tour of the Colloseum. Not only was it far grander than I ever anticipated, it was filled with so much history. I could actually feel the energy of the stones radiating through the facility. Walking in, I never imagined the height of the arch ways (about 3 - 4 stories high). I never imagined, that without cranes and all the modern machinery, that archways could be built so huge and solid...solid enough to ensure earthquakes, fires and centuries of weathering. As I walked through the immense halways and up the ancient staircases into the main Colloseum areas, I could envision the gladiators fighting battles within the walls, hear the cheers of the Romans...What a time to live! I was almost waiting for Russel Crowe to come running through the entry gates!
There were so many memorable dining experiences. The food was incredible (too incredible!...needless to say I hit the gym first thing this morning), the wine delightful and the atmosphere so relaxing. We enjoyed several the of the quaint little cafes for cappuchinos and expressos, as well as some delicious gelato (found on just about every corner). No surprise that Starbuck's was nowhere to be found!
We took a Taxi one evening to enjoy a dinner with friends at a unique restaurant (who's name escapes me at the moment). The restaurant was incredibly authentic (go figure..it's Rome!) with beautiful stone walls and artwork, brick floors and well hidden down a narrow ally way within the maze of rome. John's family is Italian and I've had several dinners with them...the huge amounts of food prepared for days, hours of dining and multiple courses, loud conversation, even the occassional argument! This restaurant was quite the same...an abundance of everything, freshly prepared. The food was delicious
and the atmosphere even better. The restaurant is built on the former restaurant (below street level...the street level was raised due to flooding), so after dinner we went downstairs for a tour. Beneath the old restaurant (yes, old...more than 400 years old!) is an ancient Christian prison that is 2000 years old. We enjoyed a drink of champagne and loudly sang folk songs admiring the acoustics of the old architecture. There was even a natural dipping well that used to be outside of the old restaurant!

The taxi ride in itself was an adventure, narrowly inching along the one way snake-like streets between the shops, cafes and buildings. The taxi drivers are truly gifted...how they know to find anything is beyond me!
Everything in Rome tells a story...you walk down the street past some relatively modern buildings (100 or 200 years old) and then stumble upon the Forum...acient! The old and the new are weaved together, telling the complex story of Rome through the centuries. To see such a structure standing after thousands of years, with it's incredible legacy of history, each brick telling a unique and powerful story, was a treasured moment. All of the Roman ruins we visited were designed with such passion, built to make a statement and to last. They were testaments of a person's life, a country's legacy to the world. And for this, they are visited by millions each year, in awe of their immense contribution to the development of the modern world.
One of my favorite sites was the Trevi Fountain. It is absolutely immense and quite an accomplishment. The details of the fountain are so spectacular and breathtaking...even more so than any photograph can ever portray. It was fun visiting it as well because we ran into a few friends while there.

We spent a day touring the Vatican. Vatican City is a state itself, hidden behind tall stark walls. We had a wonderful tour prepared by my friend Robin. She even got us into the Treasure Room of the Sistine Chapel, where we got to witness first hand some of the immense wealth of the Catholic Church: jewel ensrusted crowns delivered as gifts by Queens and Kings, the gold threaded, hand embroidered vestiments worn by popes for centuries, the tiny embroidered shoes of 19th century popes and the legacy created by Pope John Paul II, who chose to forego the lavish precendents of previous
popes, choosing instead basic garments. There were chalices laden with diamonds and sapphires, rings of the brightest, purest emeralds I've ever seen. It was incredible!
The Sistine chapel was breathtaking...with the incredible fresco paintings of Michaelangelo. I always though he painted them on his back, yet that is not true...he was standing the entire time. Definetely showed me how I can take on someone else's bullshit when they say it matter of fact...I've been believing that for years! The paintings were so real, three-dimensional and brightly colored. They told stories from the Bible in such vivid detail.
Most of all, what I found incredible was St. Peter's Basilica. It took Centuries to
complete and was immense...far larger than I ever expected. The carvings and sculptures were so impressive. I was overwhelmed with the dedication people must have had to commit their lives to building and completing it. Ever inch of the Basilica is decorated to tell a story of a pope or from the Bible. Every sculpture is exceptional...and there were thousands!
The day before we left, John and I spent a relaxing day walking together throughout
Rome. I enjoyed the time together, visiting Palantine, walking past the Basilicas, and touring the shopping district. We enjoyed a great dinner off the street in one of the many open air restaurants.
All in all, Rome was incredible. I must admit I was a bit shocked by all the grafitti and the prostitutes (I mean the Catholic church is right there!), but even with that, there's something magical about Rome. Maybe it's the food or the coffee or the majestic sites...but Rome is a place I definitely want to go back to.
International travel is quite an eye opener. The US dollar is pretty much worthless in Europe...in Italy, the Euro is about 1.5 times the dollar and in England the pound was 2.2 the dollar (a train ride from the airport to the city was 59 pounds round trip for John and I...equivalent to about $130.00 US). A taxi cost about 45 pounds or $90.00US....it's kind of crazy how little value our dollar has. That absolutely had me thinking about the state of our economy and how urgent it is for people to become self-reliant and prosperous.
I love being an entrepreneur...the freedom that comes from knowing I am in control of my life, my time and my income is very freeing. Especially since I market in the UK and make twice the profit in US dollars!
There were so many things that I loved about Rome: the Colloseum, the Pantheon, the
Coming from Arizona, where everything is pretty much less than 100 years old, being in Rome with architecture that is still standing from before Christ, was awesome. I used to think that the old churches and such that were 200 years old in New Jersey (where I grew up) were incredible...now they pale in comparison. To see the quality of structure, the passion of design, the intensity of the artwork and the commitment of the artists was inspiring, to say the least. There is so much history in Rome...more than even 1 week could allow us to digest.
John and I joined our friends Shane and Michelle for a tour of the Colloseum. Not only was it far grander than I ever anticipated, it was filled with so much history. I could actually feel the energy of the stones radiating through the facility. Walking in, I never imagined the height of the arch ways (about 3 - 4 stories high). I never imagined, that without cranes and all the modern machinery, that archways could be built so huge and solid...solid enough to ensure earthquakes, fires and centuries of weathering. As I walked through the immense halways and up the ancient staircases into the main Colloseum areas, I could envision the gladiators fighting battles within the walls, hear the cheers of the Romans...What a time to live! I was almost waiting for Russel Crowe to come running through the entry gates!
There were so many memorable dining experiences. The food was incredible (too incredible!...needless to say I hit the gym first thing this morning), the wine delightful and the atmosphere so relaxing. We enjoyed several the of the quaint little cafes for cappuchinos and expressos, as well as some delicious gelato (found on just about every corner). No surprise that Starbuck's was nowhere to be found!
We took a Taxi one evening to enjoy a dinner with friends at a unique restaurant (who's name escapes me at the moment). The restaurant was incredibly authentic (go figure..it's Rome!) with beautiful stone walls and artwork, brick floors and well hidden down a narrow ally way within the maze of rome. John's family is Italian and I've had several dinners with them...the huge amounts of food prepared for days, hours of dining and multiple courses, loud conversation, even the occassional argument! This restaurant was quite the same...an abundance of everything, freshly prepared. The food was delicious
The taxi ride in itself was an adventure, narrowly inching along the one way snake-like streets between the shops, cafes and buildings. The taxi drivers are truly gifted...how they know to find anything is beyond me!
Everything in Rome tells a story...you walk down the street past some relatively modern buildings (100 or 200 years old) and then stumble upon the Forum...acient! The old and the new are weaved together, telling the complex story of Rome through the centuries. To see such a structure standing after thousands of years, with it's incredible legacy of history, each brick telling a unique and powerful story, was a treasured moment. All of the Roman ruins we visited were designed with such passion, built to make a statement and to last. They were testaments of a person's life, a country's legacy to the world. And for this, they are visited by millions each year, in awe of their immense contribution to the development of the modern world.
We spent a day touring the Vatican. Vatican City is a state itself, hidden behind tall stark walls. We had a wonderful tour prepared by my friend Robin. She even got us into the Treasure Room of the Sistine Chapel, where we got to witness first hand some of the immense wealth of the Catholic Church: jewel ensrusted crowns delivered as gifts by Queens and Kings, the gold threaded, hand embroidered vestiments worn by popes for centuries, the tiny embroidered shoes of 19th century popes and the legacy created by Pope John Paul II, who chose to forego the lavish precendents of previous
The Sistine chapel was breathtaking...with the incredible fresco paintings of Michaelangelo. I always though he painted them on his back, yet that is not true...he was standing the entire time. Definetely showed me how I can take on someone else's bullshit when they say it matter of fact...I've been believing that for years! The paintings were so real, three-dimensional and brightly colored. They told stories from the Bible in such vivid detail.
Most of all, what I found incredible was St. Peter's Basilica. It took Centuries to
The day before we left, John and I spent a relaxing day walking together throughout
All in all, Rome was incredible. I must admit I was a bit shocked by all the grafitti and the prostitutes (I mean the Catholic church is right there!), but even with that, there's something magical about Rome. Maybe it's the food or the coffee or the majestic sites...but Rome is a place I definitely want to go back to.
International travel is quite an eye opener. The US dollar is pretty much worthless in Europe...in Italy, the Euro is about 1.5 times the dollar and in England the pound was 2.2 the dollar (a train ride from the airport to the city was 59 pounds round trip for John and I...equivalent to about $130.00 US). A taxi cost about 45 pounds or $90.00US....it's kind of crazy how little value our dollar has. That absolutely had me thinking about the state of our economy and how urgent it is for people to become self-reliant and prosperous.
I love being an entrepreneur...the freedom that comes from knowing I am in control of my life, my time and my income is very freeing. Especially since I market in the UK and make twice the profit in US dollars!
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